Question on American politics

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the difference being that Bush wanted the USA companies to control the oil and he was paid mega bucks to do it.

Well, there's your reason! At one that, at base, EVERYONE can understand. Money! So... what's the problem again?

Guys, I voted for GWB not because I agree with him, but because I disagreed with his opponents more. Sort of a "lesser of two evils" choice. If I had it to do over again knowing today what what I didn't know at the time, it would be a much harder choice. For what it is worth, it is terrible choices such as that one that cause voter apathy and low turnout.
The_Doc_Man said:
Guys, I voted for GWB not because I agree with him, but because I disagreed with his opponents more. Sort of a "lesser of two evils" choice. If I had it to do over again knowing today what what I didn't know at the time, it would be a much harder choice. For what it is worth, it is terrible choices such as that one that cause voter apathy and low turnout.

That is exactly what I did. Kerry according to his senate record voted against everything he said he was for, and Bush I think killed him in the debates. I am actually more a democrat than republican...just lately have been leaning a little to the right. Bush has made mistakes, but to me believes in what he thinks and doesnt run the country on opinion polls...hes not here for a popularity contest

So I disliked Kerry more and voted for Bush...even though NY State always goes to the Democrats anyhow.
Jakboi, I think that sums it up exactly. I disliked Kerry more because he was so inconsistent within himself. GWB, for all his wrong-headedness, has the courage of his convictions.
Brianwarnock said:
Oh dear Doc you are going to have to come up with better examples than those,

Here's three:)

I could go on and explain the consequences of the East India Company's taxation system in the sub-continent, if you like.
dan-cat said:
Here's three:)

I could go on and explain the consequences of the East India Company's taxation system in the sub-continent, if you like.
Typical Yank, donkey's years out of date:rolleyes:
The_Doc_Man said:
GWB, for all his wrong-headedness, has the courage of his convictions.
Shame somebody else is paying every day for his convictions with their lives:rolleyes:
How about he should be convicted!
Rich said:
try again:cool:

I can't, my ammo is limited and you know it :D

I have to go back centuries to get my ammo and all you have to do is play the 'out-of-date' card. :mad: :p
dan-cat said:
Here's three:)

I could go on and explain the consequences of the East India Company's taxation system in the sub-continent, if you like.

I suggested Africa because the Europeans only seem to have given that Continent trouble and heartache, however even Indians say that we left them certain benefits , a legal system railway system and civil service for example, but of course we were not all saints especially measured against modern thinking.

dan-cat said:
I can't, my ammo is limited and you know it :D

I have to go back centuries to get my ammo and all you have to do is play the 'out-of-date' card. :mad: :p

I see nothing wrong with the 'out-of-date' card.:D

So in a few hundred years then the US wrong doings will be forgiven too under that theory as well...:rolleyes:
Rich said:
Sayeth the man from the country that brought us Rendition and Gitmo:p
try again:cool:

When did 2 wrongs make a right, you cannot defend Britain just by saying the Americans are worse.

Brianwarnock said:
I suggested Africa because the Europeans only seem to have given that Continent trouble and heartache, however even Indians say that we left them certain benefits , a legal system railway system and civil service for example, but of course we were not all saints especially measured against modern thinking.


I was kind of edging towards the Bengali famines etc etc

I'm not Brit bashing here :) But that piece of foreign policy has been argued to have cost millions of lives. The dominant global power's mistakes have always manifested themselves in this way. To remain dominant you need cash. Taxation back in the 1800's. Domination of energy supplies today.

I just hope that Iraq gets something back in the deal like India did. At the moment it just looks plain bleak.
Brianwarnock said:
When did 2 wrongs make a right, you cannot defend Britain just by saying the Americans are worse.


No you defend Britain by saying that anything post-empirical is irrelevant :D
Hey Dan I didn't take it as Brit bashing, I told The Doc to came up with something better and you did, how can I complain, that 's what debate is about, not glib one liners about how mine's better/worse than yours .

Brianwarnock said:
Hey Dan I didn't take it as Brit bashing, I told The Doc to came up with something better and you did, how can I complain, that 's what debate is about, not glib one liners about how mine's better/worse than yours .


It's a shame that I felt I had to put that in there. The context is so long-in-the-tooth, it's got as if you need to clarify that's not what you're up to. :(
America gets bashed, quite rightly sometimes, by Col and Rich mainly, but you might like to think of the words spoken to me by a Chinese lady I had a conversation with in the Forbidden City,sorry just had to name drop:D . We were discussing Mao and some of his actions, and she said " big men make big mistakes".

Brianwarnock said:
When did 2 wrongs make a right, you cannot defend Britain just by saying the Americans are worse.

Aside from the actions of the idiot Bliar, Britain has spent the last 60yrs building a reputation for justice and fair play. The US resorts to bombs and bullets on anyone who gets in its way
Rich said:
Aside from the actions of the idiot Bliar, Britain has spent the last 60yrs building a reputation for justice and fair play. The US resorts to bombs and bullets on anyone who gets in its way

Once again you don't address the question asked.


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