Questions from women that put a shudder down mens spines


Old registered user
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Today, 06:03
Feb 22, 2002
Questions that women ask that have a "no win" answer from men.

1) In a shoe shop - "Do these look nice on me?"

2) When woman appears (eventually) from fitting room in dress shop - "well? what do you think" as she holds arms out and spins round

3) When she gets home after shopping alone - "Did you fix that leaky tap? or have you been playing Playstation all morning"

4) "I need some money"

5) Whilst shopping for shoes - "Shall we go back to the first shop we went in and get the red ones?" (that was 3 hrs ago)

6) "Do you like this colour?"

7) "Does this colour suit me?"

8) At home after breakfast on Saturday - "Do you want to come shopping with me?"

9) "Shall we have an early night?"

10) "Did you post that letter I gave you yesterday?"

11) In the car, she's driving, just missed a pedestrian - "Do you think I'm a good driver?"

12) In dress shop - woman just appeared from fitting room - other men hanging around waiting nearby - "Tell me honestly what you think" man glances at other smirking men..

13) After man returns from walking baby in pram - " Where's the baby then?"

There must be more......

Do you like my hair? (yeah, like I noticed!)
Here's another

"Have you noticed anything different about me today?"


"You haven't noticed, have you?"

You don't mind if my mother comes to stay for the week, do you?
Man: "You don't seem too happy today dear - anything wrong?"

Woman: "If you don't know......... then I'm not going to tell you"

Man: "Where's my dinner - in the oven?"

Woman: "In the dog!!"

Man: :(
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You couldn't nip out and buy me a pack of Always, could you?

(struggling now!)
What do you mean 'let's get take-away?' I've just made dinner!
Man: "Anything wrong dear?"

Woman: "NOTHING" (slams your dinnerplate on the table causing the salt pot to jump 6" in the air)


Man: "Everything Ok dear?"

Woman: "YES FINE!"

man checks date to see if its birthday / valentines / wedding anniversary / date they first met / date you gave her a pendant 30yrs ago
Rather disappointed...

I have to admit... quite disappointed indeed... you've left out my all-time favorite!

"Is she prettier than me?"

I don't care who it is, guys... you don't even have to look at her... the answer is always NO!

A better answer is something like, "No, sweety, nobody is prettier than you."

Bad answers include:

"Not in that dress..."
"Well, honey, it depends on (who you ask, what you're wearing, etc...)"
"I like your face more..."
"Aww, honey, I love you!"
I always love hearing "You don't pay any attention to me!" just because I'm checking my email for five minutes.


"You don't do anything around here" when I clean the whole house but forget to do one thing that she immediately notices before noticing I cleaned everything else.

my all time favorite.....


"Is that lipstick on your collar?"
Spending time together

"You don't enough spend time with me" - when you're with her every waking moment you're not at work.

I know it means quality time, but how about giving us guys an idea for something to do together that counts in your eyes?
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Other women...

How about these...

Do you ever think of other women/old girlfriends?

Do you ever dream/have fantasies of other women/old girlfriends?

Do women really want an honest answer to that? Does a 5-second memory blip of an old girlfriend count?
"Do you want to go to the mall?" ::shivers::

Do you want me to answer that truthfully or just tell you "Yes! Let's go! I love being in a crowded place with preteen boys and girls with too much perfume on that make my sinuses start a fight!"

How about in a movie where a supermodel loses her top - "Does she have better breasts than me?"
I'll contribute a few, but I must say I'm a little distressed by the anti-woman turn the Watercooler has taken just lately. :(

"Well, would you rather watch football or spend time with me?"

"You like (big boobs/blonde hair/long legs), don't you?"

"How come we never talk any more?"

Now how about some questions/statements from men that make women shiver?
Shivers? Not me

Reading this thread makes me appreciate my wife that much more. Beauty, intelligence, and none of those hang-ups that I'm reading about. She's a good mom too.

Maybe its because I answered those questions truthfully before we were married. Now I don't have to fib and she never asks again - or maybe she just has the self confidence not to ask vein questions to begin with.

Sorry to interrupt the threat...I get all mushy around Valentine's day.
Come on time to get our own back with these Anti- Men jokes I come accross.

Man says to God: "God, why did you make woman so
God says: "So you would love her."
"But God," the man says, "why did you make her so
God says: "So she would love you."

What did God say after creating man?
I must be able to do better than that.
What's the difference between men and government
Bonds mature.

Why are dumb blonde jokes so short?
So men can remember them.

How do you get a man to do sit-ups?
Put the remote control between his toes.

What do you do if your boyfriend walks out?
Close the door.

When do you care for a man's company?
When he owns it.

How many men does it take to wallpaper a bathroom?
Three, if you slice them very thinly.

See what you've started now Col - Battle of the sexes Round 2, we love you all really (honest);)

I don't think that this is anti-women. It's just that there are REAL differences between men and women beside to obvious physical differences. How we think and view things.

There have been numerous psychological studies. Although, I think the ones I've heard of mostly relate to language and how men and women speak. I'll try to find more info on this and post back.

But here's one that I remember.

Women when they talk tend to face each other (more intimate?). Men on the other hand tend to stand side by side (less intimate).
"A better answer is something like, "No, sweety, nobody is prettier than you." "
' trouble is my parents taught me not to lie

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