Referential Integrity Question(s)


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Yesterday, 22:25
Jan 30, 2016
I am running Access 2010. I have a couple of Relationship Questions.

A. Setting up two tables Tbl_1 PK is the foreign key in Tbl_2 which of course has its own PK. Relationship is One PK in Tbl_1 can have Many Tbl_2 records. A One to Many.

B. Question(s) arise when.
1. I cannot check the Referential Integrity box or the Cascading Delete boxes? The boxes are 'grayed out' and cannot be checked.
2. The Realtionship view does not show the infinity symbol for the one to many relationship?

What is up? What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
Sorry, I am an idiot, working with linked tables and the the tables in the reference database were not related correctly so it cannot be done in the linked relationship.

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