
Both copied directly from your posts.

If you'll look back you'll find that he's been calling me that for some time trying to get a rise out of me but I just ignored him. And I also think you would see that he called me that as a result of me calling him a horses ass. And I called him a horses ass for making 8 million insults towards the US. Now I'm not sure about you, but where I come from, instead of letting his remarks go unchecked like most of the other more patient American posters around here, my calling him that would make me pretty good redneck. Not that I'm crazy about being lumped into that great big melting pot of every person that could be considered a redneck, but still I thought I had been being pretty tolerant of his ignorance...

FACT1: Brits are anti-American
FACT2: That won't change until the liberals here have ruined America trying to be like them
FACT3: FACT2 is of more concern to me, and should be of more concern to all Americans, than someone in this forum. Hence why I ignore 1 british person's opinions about the U.S.

If he wants to go around acting mightier than thou, let him. He'll be stoned for it in the end.
I really don't want to take issue with you on this one but I think your fact one is wrong and displays the same dogmatic ignorant attiude as Col's about the US.

True, I should have been more choosy about my words. Col is anti-American; I'm sure he's not the only one. There are several British people in this forum who are far from anti-American and it's not fair to lump them in with those who do think like Col and who are anti-American.
Sorry - Didn't mean to get down on you so fast. Most of the Brit's here are extremely nice. I'm sure most of them aren't keen on the way we Americans prance around like we own the world but they have a more civil means of expressing it than Col does...

(Do you really run short track?)

True, I should have been more choosy about my words. Col is anti-American; I'm sure he's not the only one. There are several British people in this forum who are far from anti-American and it's not fair to lump them in with those who do think like Col and who are anti-American.

There's real American logic for you:rolleyes:

I've been telling that Higg fellow to stop arguing and listen to sense for years, but hey he's American, what can you expect:rolleyes:
FACT1: Brits are anti-American
FACT2: That won't change until the liberals here have ruined America trying to be like them
FACT3: FACT2 is of more concern to me, and should be of more concern to all Americans, than someone in this forum. Hence why I ignore 1 british person's opinions about the U.S.

If he wants to go around acting mightier than thou, let him. He'll be stoned for it in the end.

bloody yank - you having a pop at me (LOL)
your comments in Fact1 are the mirror of Colins - allamericans are xxx..

no some are , but please don't think we all are, there are thinks that the US has done that i dont agree with, (and i am angry with - but i am equally angry with my own goverment for the same reasons).

I don't like your president (hes a dick), i don't like my own either
I don't like the way some (please note some) US people almost worship their president.. , this is alien to most Brits and to most europeans , we see our leaders as public servants - corrupt but nessary evils , the view we are given of the US ( by some of the posters here) is that you suppor the presedent no matter what he's does - this is a red rag to a bull to us Brits espically when he'snot the brightest person in the world..
That's why they'll never vote for the current black contender, he's too intelligent for them
It's interesting that my and Rich's posts attract so much discussion. Especially from those who say they ignore them.

However, I have made a decision.

I shall not log in for one week starting on monday, and, after that time I shall see what so called sensible discussions have taken place.

Ken and I have a mutual understanding of each other, in fact, we PM each other on a frequent basis.

So, Mr Kinger43, when you have been here for several years, you'll know that I am not anti-American, you'll also know that I like many American things, you'll also know that banter between me and Ken is (on some occasions) 'staged' just to provoke responses. Listen and learn son, you've got a long way to go to be as good as Ken.


If history repeats itself, the place will be a bore without you...


They also bicker about Stupid IMPORANT things.

After you've been with us a while King you will realize the importance of tuning them out and just get on with what you came to say.
FACT1: Brits are anti-American
FACT2: That won't change until the liberals here have ruined America trying to be like them
FACT3: FACT2 is of more concern to me, and should be of more concern to all Americans, than someone in this forum. Hence why I ignore 1 british person's opinions about the U.S.

If he wants to go around acting mightier than thou, let him. He'll be stoned for it in the end.


1. I am british and I am not anti-american so FAct 1 is incorrect.

2. Many of my american friends are not liberals. I respect their right to their own opinions. so Fact 2 is wrong.

3. Since Fact 2 is incorrect Fact 3 is also incorrect. Many British people who are not anti-american wish that Britain could be a little more like America. Cheaper prices etc.
FACT1: Brits are anti-American
FACT2: That won't change until the liberals here have ruined America trying to be like them
FACT3: FACT2 is of more concern to me, and should be of more concern to all Americans, than someone in this forum. Hence why I ignore 1 british person's opinions about the U.S.

If he wants to go around acting mightier than thou, let him. He'll be stoned for it in the end.

WOW now you have really done it now.

I for one are certainly not Anti American, I for one feel that USA is a great nation which could be far greater if that idoit Bush was not in charge.

I personally, and I know alot of other brits feel the same, akin ourselves more with our American cousins than we do with our so-called neighbours the europeans.

I feel that you need to, as everyone has said, hang around abit see what goes on and then get involved, rather than just make carte blanch judgements about a nation of people.

At least when Col and Rich are making judgements against the US, 99% of the time they have information to support there claims.

Where is your information to support your sweeping judgement?
Somehow I doubt that Kinger43 will give a rats Ar*e about what we have said, he appears to be narrow minded and blinkered.

And my information to support my claim is your posts on this thread.
your comments in Fact1 are the mirror of Colins - allamericans are xxx..

You are correct. Thats why I corrected myself. I should have chosen my words more wisely.

That's why they'll never vote for the current black contender, he's too intelligent for them

Obama is far from intelligent. This man will ruin America, as will any of the other Democratic contenders if elected to office.

Not that the current Executive Branch is much better.
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2. Many of my american friends are not liberals. I respect their right to their own opinions. so Fact 2 is wrong.

I am an American and I am not liberal and most Americans are not liberal. But the Democrats that keep getting elected to office are the most left people in America. Most democrats that I know don't think like the people that they vote for, I don't know why they keep voting for them and then complain about them.
Somehow I doubt that Kinger43 will give a rats Ar*e about what we have said, he appears to be narrow minded and blinkered.

And my information to support my claim is your posts on this thread.

You are correct. I don't give a rat's a*s about what SOME of you have said, because you appear to be more narrow-minded than me. You judge me by a few posts, aimed mostly at one person, and one quote, which I regret posting and which I corrected. "Judge not lest ye be judged."
True, I should have been more choosy about my words. Col is anti-American; I'm sure he's not the only one. There are several British people in this forum who are far from anti-American and it's not fair to lump them in with those who do think like Col and who are anti-American.

I'm sorry I made the original statement. I was in a rush and posted something that I shouldn't have which was quickly called to my attention and I quickly corrected.
I think some of this is being misread and taken out of content - Kinger43 was relying to a set view by a individual person (guess who)
and these comments where responding to this - not in general - as has been pointed out by myself and retracted by K43 and modified - I have not take offense over this , and I don't think anyone esle should ..g

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