Rich said:
Only by Americans who resent the facts when pointed out to them
All your doing, over and over, is saying you speak only facts, and for the third time, I ask you to show proof of what you say, or at least some source, and I will concede that point.
Rich said:
I've been making the point about American society not caring for it's children for years here. When you start doing something about protecting them and not some scrap of centuries out of date piece of paper then I'll withdraw the accusations.
How many American families do you personally have a relationship with? You keep saying the same things over and over. I care deeply for my child, and I am happy to say I have another one on the way.

(hopefully a boy this time) To make such a direct, obscene comment as that, you should at least have some personal experience to feel so strongly about it...or are you still going on the info you get from your media. You are hopeless, lol.
Rich said:
I'm sorry to here about your leg, though I'm somewhat confused as to why you brought it into this thread, I've never sought political gain or poked fun at the disabled
I know you haven't poked fun at disabled, I was just trying to show I fulfill all stereotypical requirements of an American gun owner, yet I own no gun. Not everything is as black and white as you perceive them to be.
Rich said:
I'm not the one with a history of invading every country that upsets the US, or snapping at my family because I don't like a poster
Another diversion, huh? Those got old last post. I was talking about you being an aggressive argumentative poster, who's reason for living seems to be labeling Americans as aggressive and argumentative. Also, to ease your mind, no daughters were harmed in the making of this post ... or the last one, or the one before, nor was she mistreated or harmed in any way, and will not be, as a result of you or your ramblings.
Rich said:
You shouldn't be disappointed, I'm not a hypocrite
Read above. Silly man.
Rich said:
Wrong site, try again, look at the chart and see where the US is in comparison to Europe
Did you seriously not know that there is more than one type of air pollution? You are defending yourself with a single factor of air pollution... My link was world wide, overall, all factor encompassing statistics. Did you look at the top ten most polluted countries in the world list like I asked you to? Did you notice the overwhelming European presence there, or perhaps the lack of North American cities? If you did (and I suspect so), you conveniently forgot to comment on it. Oops! Your bad! ::rolleyes like Rich::
Rich said:
I've not said that I don't believe someone called Jesus Christ didn't exist, I don't believe he's the son of god
You are entitled to that opinion. Do you use any other names as expletives? Like "Jack Black!" or "General Sanders!", maybe after stubbing a toe, or when the power goes out and you cant find a flashlight?
Rich said:
Ah, the true religion in America.
Once again, how many Americans or American families do you know personally? The comment you wrote that about was blatant sarcasm. Then again I have noticed you only hear what serves your purpose. Most healthy/somewhat normal people stop doing that around fifth grade.
Rich said:
Really, who's the country where the leader locks up funny looking people for years without trial?
That was just funny, and so Ill give you a point for that.
Rich said:
Shouldn't that be "My daughter and I"?

oh and make sure she points the gun in the right directioin
Actually no, it shouldn't. Also, next time you start "trying" to point out grammatical errors, please try to finish your reply without typos in the next sentence. It is spelled "direction". Another diversion attempt stopped cold. Do we really want to play the grammar game? You are reaching out for any small victory. Its obvious, please stop, its sad.
Rich said:
That's ok, I accept the apology
Good, I don't want you angry, you get desperate and type nonsense when your angry, lol.
Rich said:
Well you got in early enough and since it's a long day today, I will, but then I always do
Have a nice time.