Shootings in US schools (4 Viewers)

dan-cat said:
Claiming loyalty to whom? :confused:
The Americans, who financed all their bombs and guns so innocent British people could be killed and injured by USA weaponry.

jsanders said:
Sorry Nikky,

Trust me, that was not a reasonable question. Richard simple took, yet another, pleasant conversation about…anything, and turned it into America Bashing.
Bullshit, you've shown consistenly that you're paranoid
jsanders said:
Crawdads, crawfish, crayfish, don’t actually wash up on shore, they live in little holes in the mud and crawl out after it rains.
Didn't know that...we always got them from under rocks in the creek.
Rich said:
Bullshit, you've shown consistenly that you're paranoid

Uh hu. I don’t think it’s paranoia to expect a yellow jacket to sting you.
ColinEssex said:
The Americans, who financed all their bombs and guns so innocent British people could be killed and injured by USA weaponry.


I don't understand why some would be violent over a claim of part of the United Kingdom and others wouldn't. It doesn't seem very unified :confused:
jsanders said:
Uh hu. I don’t think it’s paranoia to expect a yellow jacket to sting you.
I've told you before how encyclopaedic your ignorance is:rolleyes:

More than 235,000 river miles in the United States have been channelized.

More than 600,000 river miles are impounded behind dams.

More than 25,000 river miles have been dredged for navigation.

More than 50% of wetlands have been lost or destroyed nationwide in the past century.

Nearly 40% of the rivers and streams in the U.S. are too polluted for fishing and swimming.

Thirty percent of the native freshwater fish species in North America are threatened, endangered, or of special concern.
jsanders said:
Trust me, that was not a reasonable question. Richard simple took, yet another, pleasant conversation about…anything, and turned it into America Bashing.
Jennifer, I fail to see how an enquiry regarding pollutants of fish can be "America bashing" - it may interest you to know we don't have those fish here, so obviously we don't know they live in holes or up trees or wherever. One assumed they were washed up on a beach and you picked them up and ate them - hence the polite enquiry by Rich regarding pollutants.

I suggest if you feel a bout of paranoia coming on then wait a while before you post.

dan-cat said:
I don't understand why some would be violent over a claim of part of the United Kingdom and others wouldn't. It doesn't seem very unified :confused:
Eire isn't part of the UK, what don't you understand?
jsanders said:
Uh hu. I don’t think it’s paranoia to expect a yellow jacket to sting you.
what on earth is a "yellow jacket"? some weird fish that lives in peoples gardens?

Rich said:
Eire isn't part of the UK, what don't you understand?

Who are the kind of people getting violent because of a claim over a part of the United Kingdom?
ColinEssex said:
what on earth is a "yellow jacket"? some weird fish that lives in peoples gardens?

Don't they tie it around a tree, or some such weird tradition they have?
dan-cat said:
Who are the kind of people getting violent because of a claim over a part of the United Kingdom?
Terrorists, I thought I'd already answered:confused:
Rich said:
Terrorists, I thought I'd already answered:confused:

Yes I know that. But who are they? Are they British? They seem to be trying to protect British interests in Ireland aren't they :confused:
Rich said:
I've told you before how encyclopaedic your ignorance is:rolleyes:

I know considerably more about American pollution than you do Rich, and I don't have to look it up on the web.

Did I claim there was not pollution?

My response was to your obsession with making every post about propagating your negative views on American society, Americans in general, and every single American you come in contact with.

And don’t think for a moment that your friendliness to American ladies is mistaken for genuine, because we both know you do it only to keep from being ostracized from the playground all together.
jsanders said:
I know considerably more about American pollution than you do Rich, and I don't have to look it up on the web.

Did I claim there was not pollution?

My response was to your obsession with making every post about propagating your negative views on American society, Americans in general, and every single American you come in contact with.

And don’t think for a moment that your friendliness to American ladies is mistaken for genuine, because we both know you do it only to keep from being ostracized from the playground all together.
You know you remind me of that kid in class who's only ever going to get d's and f's and therefore decides to disrupt the whole class instead of paying attention and listening.
dan-cat said:
Yes I know that. But who are they? Are they British? They seem to be trying to protect British interests in Ireland aren't they :confused:
The problems in NI revolve around religion, always have and probably will for as long as people follow that "good book":rolleyes:
Rich said:
Don't they tie it around a tree, or some such weird tradition they have?
No, you're confusing the issue here with the idea that if you tie a yellow ribbon round a tree in America, then its a sort of communal welcome without the bother of actually speaking to the arriving person - thus you can continue to watch TV and eat burgers without interruption of welcoming someone you probobly hate anyway.

I have a Denim Jacket - but its not yellow


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