Shootings in US schools (3 Viewers)

...will now be branded anti-American:rolleyes:

Er, that wouldn't require branding, it's kinda obvious. If I personally had to label you it would be as a troll, smacktard and fool, though I don't really go for labelling. :) But I digress.
Er, that wouldn't require branding, it's kinda obvious. If I personally had to label you it would be as a troll, smacktard and fool, though I don't really go for labelling. :) But I digress.

Fool usually means stupid doesn't it?:confused: :rolleyes:
Fool usually means stupid doesn't it?:confused: :rolleyes:
But then you have proven, time and again, to be "a supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, variously portrayed as a friendly or mischievous dwarf or as a giant, that lives in caves, in the hills, or under bridges". So at least he got that bit right. :confused:
But then you have proven, time and again, to be "a supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, variously portrayed as a friendly or mischievous dwarf or as a giant, that lives in caves, in the hills, or under bridges". So at least he got that bit right. :confused:

Does that make me stupid though?:confused:
Once again, we have the 'would have been'. Is it just me or does no-one else see how foolish it is to confidently state what would have taken place if...?

You have just said "Not every civilian ", meaning that some do. How the hell do you know for a fact that none of those who would have gone to water (as you put it) would have made the situation worse?

I'm not saying that they couldn't have helped, just trying to get the gun crowd to admit that they might not have.

By the same argument, if I'd been there I would have stopped it, since I'd have know to be standing behind the gunman and would have had the foresight to bring a baseball bat. Some may argue that this wouldn't have happened, but I can just as confidently state it to be 'true'.

I can't claim to speak for the "gun crowd." I entered this thread as someone who's licenced to carry and has also been present at a shooting while myself unarmed due to respect for my employer's policies. I also voted for Gore and for Kerry in the last 2 presidential elections, not that that's really relevant. I'd made the not going to water comment from my own personal experience, and as for the possibility that another armed person in that situation might have made it worse, of course I can't prove it, I guess it boils down to my personal belief when I say that. I don't see how the situation could possibly have been any worse than it really was had there been an armed person to oppose the killer. If you can't respect that then I think we'll just have to agree to disagree.
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Does that make me stupid though?:confused:

I can honestly say I've never met a mythical Scandinavian creature who was anything but very astute.

With that, I bid you a good weekend and it's knocking-off time for me. :D
as for the possibility that another armed person in that situation might have made it worse, of course I can't prove it, I guess it boils down to my personal belief when I say that....... If you can't repsect that then I think we'll just have to agree to disagree.

You'll get no disagreement from me - that was exactly the point I was making.
Have a good one.
You'll get no disagreement from me - that was exactly the point I was making.
Have a good one.

Thank you for respecting me as an individual, and I'm sorry if I've mis-represented my personal opinions as universal truths.
I agree, we don't know what would have happened.

As long as there is a movement to turn kids into sheep, we'll continue to watch them get sheared. Eventually some of them will realize that maybe it is better to at least sometimes be a wolf than to always go under the clippers until it is time for roast rack of lamb.

America being "gun ho" (not my choice of words) is irrelevant to the REAL situation. A guy went nuts, ignoring court orders, because bleeding heart liberal types just can't stand to see poor sick people incarcerated. Hey, I'm the first one to say that a lot of those people are down on their luck and don't need to be treated unfairly. But the VT shooter was a certified, court-recognized nut case. When we gut our own laws so that the police cannot detain a tried-and-true whacko, we've gone too far.

With our without a gun, there would have been hell to pay. I've seen footage of guys who got hold of machetes, samurai swords, European bastard swords, and Scottish long swords. Not all USA, either. Some were from South America. A whack job will use anything at hand to get the job done.

You want to do some serious good in the world? Start confiscating guns from Iraq & Iran. (By the way - don't ask me to accompany you while you try this...) Whacko is whacko regardless of nationality, creed, color, or religion.
So those who advocate gun control are sheep

Naw! More likely, wolves getting ready to apply for the job of shepherd. Drooling and licking their chops all the way.

What problem does Iran have with guns

Where do you think the Iraqi insurgents are getting their guns? The news I saw from the multinational forces say they have captured Iranian gun smugglers in the act and have traced back other captured weapons to Iran.
US army surplus stores, US gun fairs

Nope, no US army surplus stores in Iraq. Got to visit Tel Aviv for the nearest one.

No gun fairs, either. The guys who go to gun fairs tend to want to shoot first and ask questions later. Oh, wait... maybe THAT'S where GWB goes for relaxation?

Rich, while I about halfway mean what I say about being against extreme gun control, I'm not totally nuts. Though like many Access programmers, I talk to the computer when it irks me, in the typical programmer's delusion that I can verbally communicate with an inanimate object.
In the words of your distinguished collegue:

Since everything Col speaks is truth and he is never wrong, the gunman was undeniably a Korean.:cool:

Nice of you to say so - If the chap was born in Korea, he's Korean. It's simple really. Bob Hope is English, as is Chaplin whats the problem?

Also, to clarify, a flick knife is a knife where the blade springs out from the side, like a powered pen-knife. I believe a switchblade is where the blade is concealed in the handle and shoots out the end of the knife when a button is pressed.

It was popular in the USA in the 50's - (I believe) - like in West Side Story or some Brando films at that time. It meant you could conceal the knife in your hand then push the end against someone and press the button and the blade shoots out and stabs them.

Both are illegal in the UK, as it is to carry any sort of knife or weapon.

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Here we go again - yet more crazy shootings in the USA - not in a school for a change:rolleyes:

Three killed in Idaho shootings

Three people have been killed and two wounded in a sniper attack in the town of Moscow, Idaho.
The sniper sprayed a county courthouse with bullets, killing a police officer and wounding two people.

The gunman then hid in a church for several hours before police stormed the building and found his body and that of another man.

Police do not know the shooter's motive and do not believe he had a specific target in mind.

ref BBC


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