Shootings in US schools

Some poor kid got on the wrong end of a gun at school in Toronto Ontario Canada yesterday...
You people amaze me.
Everyday more people are killed by people driving automobiles in this country(USA) than are shot by people with guns.

Find something else to [b/]itch about.
When people are killed in automobile accidents isn't it .. well an accident , whereas when they are shot isn't that kinda deliberate?

When people are killed in automobile accidents isn't it .. well an accident , whereas when they are shot isn't that kinda deliberate?


Not to be frivolous, but if you had to die, would you rather be killed on purpose or by accident? I know I'd be p****d if my cause of death was listed as "oops." I'm certainly not trying to trivialize the fact that a lot of people in the US own guns who shouldn't, I mean, you're approximately 5x more likely to commit suicide with a firearm here than you are to kill yourself with a motorcycle... I doubt the bikers are doing it on purpose...
You people amaze me.
Everyday more people are killed by people driving automobiles in this country(USA) than are shot by people with guns.

Find something else to [b/]itch about.

Well that's odd, when both myself and a learned colleague made much the same comment here the post was deleted :confused:
Not to be frivolous, but if you had to die, would you rather be killed on purpose or by accident? I know I'd be p****d if my cause of death was listed as "oops." I'm certainly not trying to trivialize the fact that a lot of people in the US own guns who shouldn't, I mean, you're approximately 5x more likely to commit suicide with a firearm here than you are to kill yourself with a motorcycle... I doubt the bikers are doing it on purpose...

A gun is designed to kill, an automobile is not:rolleyes:
Originally Posted by Rich
A gun is designed to kill, an automobile is not

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Your sarcasm is all very well but the difference in the two is at the centre of the argument.

Stop the populace owning guns and the effect is?....

Ban all automobiles and ..

or are Americans too damn stupid to see the difference?

Ban guns and you get less kills.
Ban automobiles and people get crazy and start shooting at everyone.
...the difference in the two is at the centre of the argument.

That was my point. There are far more people killed by accident on the roads than by intent with a firearm.

Stop the populace owning guns and the effect is?....

More people killed with sharpened toothbrushes?

Seriously, how would you propose to do this (stopping the populace from owning guns)? It's all fine to wish for a world without guns but I don't see anyone offering a plan that would actually accomplish that.
Any figures on how many deaths were caused by riders on horseback?:confused: ;)

Here's the one who started it all.


British troublemaker as usual :rolleyes:
That was my point. There are far more people killed by accident on the roads than by intent with a firearm.

That word intent is so important

More people killed with sharpened toothbrushes?

Seriously, how would you propose to do this (stopping the populace from owning guns)? It's all fine to wish for a world without guns but I don't see anyone offering a plan that would actually accomplish that

Well now this is a point I have made in previous discussions on this subject, its well nigh impossible, but that does not justify people arguing that owning guns is a good thing, or the post of voidcranium, does that mean "empty headed"?

My issue isn't that guns are good or bad. It is their owners who do what they do with them that make the headlines.

I think we need to invent a time machine and go back in time to find the first guy to ever carry a weapon. I think it was Urgh the caveman, carrying a heavy stick. We should go back and confiscate that stick. That'll teach his sorry butt to carry a weapon. We'll nip THAT trend in the bud.

More directly, if we took guns away from people, they'd find ways to get other weapons, or make them, or steal guns from places that still had them. Guns aren't the point. It is the violence within people. Screw the guns, knives, and blunt-force-trauma weapons. Our problem is people.

We and the Russkis were getting ready to do away with people (through a nuclear winter) and youse guys around the world objected. So we stood down from the cold war and the threats. So now you don't have USA and USSR nuclear proliferation to point to, and you apparently don't want to condemn N. Korea or Iran or the other new members of the "We've Got The Bomb" society. So you start picking on the USA for its guns. Sheesh. If THAT doesn't expose the bias, nothing will.
Seriously, how would you propose to do this (stopping the populace from owning guns)?

We've posted many constructive methods here in the past and the response is the usual "piss off you don't know what you're talking about". Why should we bother to give you the benefit of our wisdom now?:mad:
Here's the one who started it all.


British troublemaker as usual :rolleyes:

Not exactly likely to cause a massacre with that weapon. :D

Did America have to follow our bad habits? They may as well have stayed with us.;)

We and the Russkis were getting ready to do away with people (through a nuclear winter) and youse guys around the world objected. So we stood down from the cold war and the threats. So now you don't have USA and USSR nuclear proliferation to point to, and you apparently don't want to condemn N. Korea or Iran or the other new members of the "We've Got The Bomb" society. So you start picking on the USA for its guns. Sheesh. If THAT doesn't expose the bias, nothing will.

Why are you worried about NKorea and Iran, after all it's people that kill, not weapons

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