Shootings in US schools (1 Viewer)

the first time it was "virtual mutual strokefest." I stand by that assessment. ;)

Funny how that activity is frowned on as evil in the US but owning an ak47 isn't eh:rolleyes:
No, it's the crocodile tears you shed and the feigned concern you express for the victims of gun violence that I consider tripe. Anyone who's spent time trying to seriously discuss the issues of gun violence on these boards knows all too well that whenever it comes up it just turns into another Col/Rich US bashing strokefest.

Crocodile tears? is that better or worse than total apathy of the US populace who show no concern whatsoever for the ongoing mass killings that re-occur time and time again. And yes I did say the US populace, because if they really wanted change then they could do it, you do live in a democracy don't you?? oh no, sorry, I forgot you are dicatated to by the religious freak in the casa blanca.

What's your take on it Gaylioh? I have a gun but don't kill people so it's ok to have one?

I have no idea what a 'strokefest' is:confused: I've never heard of it. But judging by your posts, it's obviously something unsavoury.

I'm just wondering why you two did not jump all over the kid who shot those people in Finland last month?

It's not the kid we are referring to. In this case in the US he is just a by product of a corrupt dictatorship. It's the system that allows him to do it that's the problem.

I'll bet most US people have no idea where Finland is. A poll earlier this year showed most 15 year olds in the USA have no idea where New York is.

Crocodile tears? ...the US populace who show no concern whatsoever for the ongoing mass killings...


I think you've already made it quite clear how much concern you have for the victims of gun violence:

Look, the kid got shot and died. Get over it. It happens.

Why the fuss over one kid?


Your claim to a moral high ground falls flat given your demonstrated feelings on the issue of gun violence.
Colin and Rich:

I use to complain that your anti US tirades were repetative.
I have up-dated my assessment...

Just because you feel strongly about somthing doesn't make you right.

NOTE: people in the U.K. are killed with guns too but that never seems to make the news.

Anyway, I think I'll take a break from the Politics and Watercooler for a while until you guys grow up. See you in the New Year.
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NOTE: people in the U.K. are killed with guns too but that never seems to make the news.

Gailoh quotes form a guns in the UK thread in the post before yours. It is in the news and has been posted upon here.
UK Population: 60 million
US Population: 300 million

UK Recorded Gun crime 2005-2006: 4700
US Recorded Gun crime 2005-2006: 3million +

Now in a population 5 times as big as the uk's it has 630 times more gun crime than the UK.. thats some scary stuff
& Statsman we do have a majority of gun crime on our news, in fact their was a special new bulletin on rising gun crime (32 people under the age of 18 have been mortally shot this year) in the uk which is almost completely due to the rising gang culture we're getting in the UK which has been linked to many things but US poulist culture is one.
I think you've already made it quite clear how much concern you have for the victims of gun violence:

Your claim to a moral high ground falls flat given your demonstrated feelings on the issue of gun violence.

So you should realise we are talking two different things here. A kid gets shot in a pub car park by accident. It didn't deserve the press coverage it got. It was sad but thats it.
Versus - some freaky Yankee who "wants to be famous" so blows away 8 lives in a shopping mall with an AK47.

Statsman said:
I use to complain that your anti US tirades were repetative.
I have up-dated my assessment...

Just because you feel strongly about somthing doesn't make you right.

So you think it's right that killing on a random scale with an AK47 or Magnum or whatever is acceptable in the USA??

I find that very confusing, but I'm not American or Canadian - death on this scale by a birdbrain nutter is terrible, I'm glad I can see that it is wrong even if you can't. Just as it was terrible with those freaky religious Amish kids - so I'm guessing you think it's right if you think Rich and I are wrong.

I still have no idea what a "strokefest" is. It's not a phrase in use in this part of the UK.

Can you enlighten me please?

Colin and Rich:

I use to complain that your anti US tirades were repetative.
I have up-dated my assessment...

Just because you feel strongly about somthing doesn't make you right.

NOTE: people in the U.K. are killed with guns too but that never seems to make the news.

Anyway, I think I'll take a break from the Politics and Watercooler for a while until you guys grow up. See you in the New Year.

Y'know what...Statsman is right. These guys are boring. I just did a quick check through all the pages on this topic and Rich and Col have posted about a dozen messages each that could be called anti-American. They could probably be prosecuted under the Race Relations Act for directing hatred against a specific group.
Why do we keep rising to their baiting. Just ignore the w@#$%^rs and they'll go away.
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I still have no idea what a "strokefest" is. It's not a phrase in use in this part of the UK.

Can you enlighten me please?

I too would appreciate enlightment on this. I have never heard the expression anywhere in Britain.
With just 6 posts and most, if not all, slagging off Rich and I - we will count you out.


After how many posts will my opinion count?
You will excuse me it I answer my own question...NEVER if I disagree with you.

You are a RACIST
So you are an expert on members of the forum after just a few days.
Rich and Col are not racists, they do not swear on the forum, and do not give personal abuse to other posters, however they do like winding up the yanks and annoy the hell out of many of us by hijacking many threads, but even if they hated the Americans, which I don't believe they do, that would not make them racists as they have no idea of the ethnic mix of the other people anymore than you do of them I suspect.
At worst they might be xenophobic but I don't even think that is true.

After how many posts will my opinion count?
You will excuse me it I answer my own question...NEVER if I disagree with you.

You are a RACIST

I thought you were wanting to "count me out". I assumed you were leaving after 6 inflamatory posts.

You like it here, I can tell.


ps - I'm not racist if you don't mind. If I was, I wouldn't be having a chinky for tea tomorrow.
On a Sunday, what's wrong with roast?:confused::D

We don't have roast on sundays usually, we prefer steak and chips. Tomorrow afternoon I have a gig in Clacton so won't get home in time to cook before Corrie - hence the chinky, it's easier, and only 2 mins drive to get it.

So you are an expert on members of the forum after just a few days.
Rich and Col are not racists, they do not swear on the forum, and do not give personal abuse to other posters, however they do like winding up the yanks and annoy the hell out of many of us by hijacking many threads, but even if they hated the Americans, which I don't believe they do, that would not make them racists as they have no idea of the ethnic mix of the other people anymore than you do of them I suspect.
At worst they might be xenophobic but I don't even think that is true.


Have to disagree on one part Brian, "they do not swear on the forum." Not very often, I will admit, but there have been a few times, over several years that a swear word has been used. The rest of what you said I will agree with, especially the "winding up the yanks" part.:)

P.S. I don't what SumGuy said that was a swear word, though. Must be a word we don't use on this side of the pond.

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