Shootings in US schools (1 Viewer)

Granted. Would say there are 100,000 firearms in the hands of private individuals in the UK?
I honestly have no idea.
Growing up, I knew maybe a dozen or so who had shotguns, but with one exception they were all farmers and, in at least three cases, their guns couldn't have been fired if the country had been invaded, since they were rusted away to nothing and just a hangover from past years. the one exception was the father of someone I was in school with and - last I heard - was doing twelve years for robbing a post office.
The point is the yahoo mentality of killing animals for sport is not a specific American disease. I bet there are even peace loving Swiss and Swedes who enjoy separating helpless creatures from the lives just for the fun of it.
I genuinely didn't know anyone who hurt animals for fun. I know they exist - the sad f*cks who go fox hunting being a prime example - but I don't think it's as 'set' in UK culture as it is in North American, possibly because the UK had a chance to develop before guns were widely available?:confused:

althouigh i agree with you on this Bill was a geat leader, international ,
however locally (within the US) i think a different picture would amerge

So Bill had sex with a tart, big deal, compare that with the deaths of countless thousand innocent poor sods around the world thanks to Bush's policies:rolleyes::mad:
So Bill had sex with a tart, big deal, compare that with the deaths of countless thousand innocent poor sods around the world thanks to Bush's policies:rolleyes::mad:

yeah thats what i am trying to say..

Bill C - international very good
bush - crap

however locally within the US , not all of his gaffes are shown and they see this other person -
I think of the more recent US Presidents who have gone down in history as being pretty good at the job:
Franklin Roosevelt
John Kennedy
Bill Clinton
all cheated on their wives.

Maybe adultrey is a requirement for being a good president.

Nixon never cheated on his wife and look what happened to him.
I reckon its got more to do with having a well known physical deformity- banana legs, banana back , and banana dick.

I suggest Acacia Avenue will provide the next successful president of the US.
I don't suppose the lastest US killing spree has made it onto the US news.

So here's the BBC item - it says the gunman wanted fame, I doubt it, it's such a common event in the USA I doubt it hardly makes any news there.

mass killer

I don't suppose the lastest US killing spree has made it onto the US news.

So here's the BBC item - it says the gunman wanted fame, I doubt it, it's such a common event in the USA I doubt it hardly makes any news there.

mass killer


No I haven't heard of the incident, thanks for sharing - :rolleyes:
No I haven't heard of the incident, thanks for sharing - :rolleyes:

I'm not surprised. Whats another 8 killed by the gun on top of the average 82 killed per day by the gun in the USA.

It was an AK47 - apparently owned by his step father.

One woman who was interviewed after the shooting said she prayed to God on the escalator. It's amazing where God ends up.

Look it's simple,an old scrap of paper has more protection than Americans themselves. Course if you happen to be landing from a plane looking Arabic and armed with a suitcase you'll be surrounded by a swat team and arrested because you must be there to harm Americans. Isn't it odd that the biggest threat to Americans comes from AMERICANS:rolleyes:
I see you two idiots are at it again.

I get sick of the posts where it's "they should do this" or that - listen - nothing will happen to make a significant difference to gun culture in the UK or USA or Germany or France or wherever, just feeble gestures. Gun and knife culture will flourish and we'll have to live with it unbtil we get someone who can take it by the balls and squeeze it until it begs for mercy.


Given your stated belief I wonder why you still feel the need to "inform" everyone sometime something like this happens.

Must be you felt the need for an excuse to spout your usual moronic tripe. Have fun.
As I said nothing will be done. It's a regular occurance that some Yankee or Confederate madman who was brought up with guns everywhere will see the need to kill innocent people for a laugh. A bit like killing innocent deer - whats the difference as long as it wipes out a life or a few lives.

Americans seem so blase about it. I'm amazed nobody cares enough.

This thread will go on and on, it re-occurs every 3 or 4 months. Next time it could be a school or college or shopping mall where you live - I suspect it'll still be accepted as the norm.

I see you two idiots are at it again.
Given your stated belief I wonder why you still feel the need to "inform" everyone sometime something like this happens.
Must be you felt the need for an excuse to spout your usual moronic tripe. Have fun.

Interesting you think the killing of people and the ensueing discussion is 'moronic tripe', I expected nothing less, I'm glad you're predictably hardened not to care about senseless deaths.
Is that why nothing appears to happen re gun culture in the USA because people like you think that as it affects your goddamn right to carry a gun - you'll fight tooth and nail for your rights?

Anyone who dares to conplain is simply branded moronic or antiAmerican, highly intelligent aren't they:rolleyes:
Brainwashed more like.....
Interesting you think the killing of people and the ensueing discussion is 'moronic tripe'

No, it's the crocodile tears you shed and the feigned concern you express for the victims of gun violence that I consider tripe. Anyone who's spent time trying to seriously discuss the issues of gun violence on these boards knows all too well that whenever it comes up it just turns into another Col/Rich US bashing strokefest. That said, I know there will be no real discussion of the issue here, and will leave you two to amuse each other. Again, have fun.
it just turns into another Col/Rich US bashing strokefest.

Told you so, the reason is of course that life is cheap in the States and the arms industry creates millions for the barons, still as long as they continue to believe they live in the land of freedom and equality eh?:rolleyes:
I'm just wondering why you two did not jump all over the kid who shot those people in Finland last month?

Oh I know why! Because it happened OUTSIDE the US. Can't have anything like that happen anywhere BUT the US right?
I'm just wondering why you two did not jump all over the kid who shot those people in Finland last month?

Oh I know why! Because it happened OUTSIDE the US. Can't have anything like that happen anywhere BUT the US right?

Because it's rare in Finland unlike an everyday occurance in the States..:rolleyes:
Did you just say what I think you just said :eek:

Not the first time I've likened this behavior to that activity. Though I think the first time it was "virtual mutual strokefest." I stand by that assessment. ;)

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