Shootings in US schools (1 Viewer)

I think that's the main danger - not just with the US, but with ANY country. Look at how many people think of themselves as good drivers. One only has to look at the causes of many traffic accidents to realise that their 'expertise' is questionable at best.

You often hear of soldiers who go to pieces when the firing starts. These are men and women who have undergone (one imagines) significantly more training than the avarage civilian who just fancies owning a gun. Being trained is no guarantee that you will not fall apart in a live situation where you're shooting at something more threatening than a paper target or a deer.

The argument that things would have been resolved quicker and without as much bloodshed had there been another armed person present is plausible, but in no way definite.
What if they weren't quite as good a shot with a live target as a practise one?
What if they froze?
What if they missed and hit a civilian?
What if the headcase had shot them first and taken their gun(s) as well as his own?

I'm not saying that there aren't people who could have helped, just that having another armed person on scene may have made things worse, if anything.
If a society is safer when all its members carry guns, then wouldn't the world be safer if all nations had nuclear weapons? :rolleyes:
If a society is safer when all its members carry guns, then wouldn't the world be safer if all nations had nuclear weapons? :rolleyes:

Clearly not, because nuclear weapons are weapons, while guns are....well.....weapons. :confused:

I suppose it would be okay as long as the countries all promised to keep the nuclear weapons in locked metal cabinets and only used it to shoot targets or kill deer, rabbits, etc.
Clearly not, because nuclear weapons are weapons, while guns are....well.....weapons. :confused:

I suppose it would be okay as long as the countries all promised to keep the nuclear weapons in locked metal cabinets and only used it to shoot targets or kill deer, rabbits, etc.

they also need to have a license for the nukes as well as classes on the proper use and care of the nukes if they are going to use them to hunt with
they also need to have a license for the nukes as well as classes on the proper use and care of the nukes if they are going to use them to hunt with

Exactly. And they should be thoroughly policed, so that no world-leader's kids ever get hold of a hunting nuke and take it into school.
they also need to have a license for the nukes as well as classes on the proper use and care of the nukes if they are going to use them to hunt with

But none of those are required for gun owners in the States, are they?:confused:
Young homicidal Korean male kills 32 with handgun at school.
- Tragic. We mourn. Temporarily discuss gun control.
Young homicidal Saudi male kills 32 at nightclub with bomb.
- Terrorism. We rage. Increase military spending.
Why, if the event is so the same, is our response so different?

If the VTech shootings aren't terrorism, what is terrorism?
Young homicidal Korean male kills 32 with handgun at school.
- Tragic. We mourn. Temporarily discuss gun control.
Young homicidal Saudi male kills 32 at nightclub with bomb.
- Terrorism. We rage. Increase military spending.
Why, if the event is so the same, is our response so different?

If the VTech shootings aren't terrorism, what is terrorism?

Was this a serious post?
Do you really see similarities between the actions, not the results?

He was an american born in Korea.
He most certainly was not. He was a resident alien:
In U.S. law, an alien is a person who owes political allegiance to another country or government and not a native or naturalized citizen of the land where they are found.

An alien who has temporary or permanent residence in a country (which is foreign to him/her) may be called a resident alien of that country.
Ok yes he was resident alien in the US, who spent the majority of he formative years in the US, got a gun in the US and blew peoples heads off in the US.

He was born and raised till the age of 8 in Korea.

Thats factual isn't it?
Ok yes he was resident alien in the US, who spent the majority of he formative years in the US, got a gun in the US and blew peoples heads off in the US.

He was born and raised till the age of 8 in Korea.

Thats factual isn't it?
In the words of your distinguished collegue:
The fact someone may be accepted somewhere and have lived there for years does not change your original roots. GWB is not Texan, Arnie is not Californian, Bob Hope is British, Chaplin is British, Hitler is Austrian. Fact.

If someone from Connecticut says they are Texan then they are lying - plain and simple. They should say they live in Texas but are originally from Connecticut.

I live in Essex, have done for 14 years, am accepted by locals, I am Bristolian (180 miles from here) - thats where I was born.

Maybe in time you'll be saying John Lennon was American.

Since everything Col speaks is truth and he is never wrong, the gunman was undeniably a Korean.:cool:
I stand corrected!

He was resident alien in the US, who spent the majority of he formative years in the US, got a gun in the US and blew peoples heads off in the US.

He was born and raised till the age of 8 in Korea.
I stand corrected!

He was resident alien in the US, who spent the majority of he formative years in the US, got a gun in the US and blew peoples heads off in the US.

He was born and raised till the age of 8 in Korea.
and he's still a Korean...

If you're gonna make us claim him, we also get Chaplain, Hope, and Lennon :D
I stand corrected!

He was a Korean resident alien in the US, who spent the majority of he formative years in the US, got a gun in the US and blew peoples heads off in the US.

He was born and raised till the age of 8 in Korea.

even this point is debatable to say the least.
Your taking the piss!

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