The Thrill is Gone

See j...all you have to do is "thwack" colin and he is quiet. :D :p
Rich said:
Where would that twhack be given? :confused:

Generally it is given on the offending part. He rolled his eyes, so he was 'thwacked' up side the back of his head.

Before you go there Rich, don't even think about it. I am being good in here. :p
Bodisathva said:
You are a Californian if you have lived there long enough for the locals to accept you as one of them...the idea of you are where you were born went with the superfluous 'u's and 'e's so prolific in the 'Queen's English':rolleyes:
Well if people think that Arnie Swartznegger geezer is Californian then its no wonder its so easy for people to be brainwashed in the USA:rolleyes:

The fact someone may be accepted somewhere and have lived there for years does not change your original roots. GWB is not Texan, Arnie is not Californian, Bob Hope is British, Chaplin is British, Hitler is Austrian. Fact.:rolleyes:

If someone from Connecticut says they are Texan then they are lying - plain and simple. They should say they live in Texas but are originally from Connecticut.

I live in Essex, have done for 14 years, am accepted by locals, I am Bristolian (180 miles from here) - thats where I was born.

Maybe in time you'll be saying John Lennon was American.

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Seems a bit of a twist over a technicality. If during the course of a casual conversation I mention that I'm from Georgia and the other person has lived in Texas for a number of years and intends to stay there, I'd rather them tell me they were Texan rather than ten-buck-two, unless they simply wanted to add that as a footnote...

As far as Lennon, it appears as though he was a Brit who liked America more than Britain...
KenHigg said:
As far as Lennon, it appears as though he was a Brit who liked America more than Britain...
Nah, he was just being led like a lamb to slaughter by that bitch!:mad:
What did he see in her? Seems he could have had any female he wanted...?!?
KenHigg said:
What did he see in her? Seems he could have had any female he wanted...?!?
that my dear friend is one of the mysteries of life:rolleyes: who knows

I realize Colin’s just raving as usual (its funny how being a ghost makes everything clearer) But this demonstrate one of the small variations in our otherwise similar cultures.

In America we really have a culture of reinventing ourselves. I believe this culture is not so prevalent in Europe. It’s because when tens of millions of people got here they simply wanted to be American, They kept part of their heritage and the rest they discarded and became new people. We are much less infatuated with birth rights then you guys.

As you travel west, the connection to people’s European roots diminish even more. In the North East (From Pennsylvanian up) People tended to settle in groups so you had many “Little Whatevers” Little Italy” , German Town, etc. As people ventured west into the frontier many would leave the groups of their past and create new ones based on survival instead of ethnic background.

My daughter’s mother is half German, half Norwegian. She is from Pennsylvania.

I’m from Texas and I am some combination of the following
And Unknown.

In other words American Mutt. The western part of the US is made up of more Mutts than not. There are exceptions though. People in certain areas do retain a high degree of their European ancestors because some of them went west as groups.

I went off on a tangent; In the US unless you’re originally from Texas, people tend to adopt their latest residence as where they say they’re from.
Maybe this thread should have been called "I thought the thrill was gone..." :):):)
KenHigg said:
Maybe this thread should have been called "I thought the thrill was gone..." :):):)

Even from beyond the grave you people need me to straighten you out.

And to answer your earlier question I am a woodworker, among other things.
I went off on a tangent; In the US unless you’re originally from Texas, people tend to adopt their latest residence as where they say they’re from.

Born, breed and raised in South Carolina. However when I moved to Columbia it was a HUGE culter shock. Columbia is not a great representation of the South. To many transplants. Even people born in Columbia barely have a southern accent.

Mine has softened up some due to the haressment from ex-in-laws. They use to make fun of me.

But when angry, mine is very strong.

Wow, I need my Ritilian. I started on one thing and ended on accents. :rolleyes: Ohh yeah, I have taken it. Ohh lordy mercy. I'm in trouble then. :eek: :D

Where was I going with this. HA!! Who cares it is Frakin' FRIDAY!!!! :D :D :D

The last Friday before the next Year. Lets all make peace and end this Forum Friday on a Good note. Remember peoples we all luv each other on here~~~~

<insert NewYears song here> Lets all hug, hold hands and make peace, (almost spelled it piece, then Rich would have laughed at me).


Wooo Whoooo

*THWACK* for good measure to Col :D :p :rolleyes: :cool:
jsanders said:
I’m from Texas and I am some combination of the following
And Unknown.
Its ok to say you are from Texas because thats where you live - but if you were born outside of Texas then you are not "Texan"

jsanders said:
In the US unless you’re originally from Texas, people tend to adopt their latest residence as where they say they’re from.
Yes thats where they're from now - I don't understand how people can say they are "Texan" when they're not:confused: If I lived in Spain I wouldn't be Spanish - I would be from Spain but English

Anyway, I'm off home soon:D we're knocking off early:D

ColinEssex said:
Its ok to say you are from Texas because thats where you live - but if you were born outside of Texas then you are not "Texan"

Yes thats where they're from now - I don't understand how people can say they are "Texan" when they're not:confused: If I lived in Spain I wouldn't be Spanish - I would be from Spain but English


I just say I am Southern. HA

Anyway, I'm off home soon:D we're knocking off early:D
Good, because my hand hurts from thwacking you so much. You know if you keep rollin' your eyes like that, they will eventually do that all the time. You will look like the wiggly eyed stickers.

Shall we call you 'Mr Wiggles'?

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