Yes, I used to use that button. (That Edit button beside the Ignore wasn't there.)Are you saying that it was like that before the site upgrade?
To be honest, it's a surprise to see so many members visit this site daily., and only two of them have noticed one of the most helpful utilities the software offers. It's not a matter of it was used or not, what surprises me is, that icon was sitting there all the while., and nobody noticed.It was definitely there before, I used it frequently.
Show me the post you copied it from.having an issue when copy/pasting code from another post. e.g.
copying this
View attachment 115696
results in this
Public Function oFSO() As Scripting.FileSystemObject<br> If pFSO Is Nothing Then<br> Set pFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")<br> End If<br> Set oFSO = pFSO<br>End Function
They do, and I don't like it. So, I've just found how to convert internal links back to how they were. Here we go...Also links now display differently - I'm seeing
View attachment 115698
rather than the blue bar and the first couple of lines
I use Opera as my go to browser and Safari on my iphone, neither have the paste and match style option. I do have the option to paste as plain text so my routine is now highlight and copy, then click on the code button and paste directly into the insert code window.The other way is to highlight the text, and then right mouse click and choose Paste and Match Style, assuming you are using Chrome.
(By the way, referring to an AI, should I use he, she or it?)
(By the way, referring to an AI, should I use he, she or it?)
You've spelt that wrong John, it doesn't need the "e" in it...HeSheIt...