Site Upgrade


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Today, 06:23
Sep 28, 1999
The latest version of Xenforo forum software is now out, version 2.3. We are on version 1.x here. So, when I do the upgrade at some unspecified time in the hopefully nearish future, all hell might break loose. Things could break, plugins stop working. No idea what issues I might face. Just a heads up in case the site is down for a while, or a little crazy.
Oh, do I ever understand, Jon. As a U.S. Navy system admin I had several major and minor upgrades in 28 1/2 years. I totally understand the implications of "things could break...." You have my sympathy and my condolences.
I will take backups, but then you always wonder if the backups actually work. I think the host is supposed to have backups too. And the process with any luck might go smoothly, but you never know. I have to update the WHM and CPanel hosting software, together with PHP versions. This will mean my other forum might stop working as it is not compatible with the latest php versions. So it will be a bit of a mess. Then all those v1.x plugins will need to be bought again so I get v2.3 compatibility. It can all be a bit overwhelming.

In addition to that, my father had a fall last Friday and hurt his back. So I am getting breakfast, lunch, dinner for him, all drinks, clearing up, feed the birds, foxes, shopping, feed myself, decorating, forum upgrade. You name it, I'm doing it!
This will mean my other forum might stop working as it is not compatible with the latest php versions.

Other forum? Do you still host "The Mind Tavern" or is this yet ANOTHER forum of yours that I hadn't heard about?
In addition to that, my father had a fall last Friday and hurt his back. So I am getting breakfast, lunch, dinner for him, all drinks, clearing up, feed the birds, foxes, shopping, feed myself, decorating, forum upgrade. You name it, I'm doing it!
It doesnt sound like the right time to do the upgrade. Is it Imperative?
If the upgrade goes pear shaped you will feel under enormous pressure to "sort it out".
At least wait until your Dad is better.
There are quite a few changes, including performance improvements. The idea is that if it scores well with Google's web performance tools, we might get a bump in traffic since it rewards speed.

Also, by staying on an older version of php, there are security implications. If I upgrade the php version, then Xenforo 1.x is no longer compatible with it.

It is less of an upgrade from vBulletin to Xenforo though, by a long way.
Wait, I think I made a mistake. Looks like we are already on version 2.2.2. I have zero recall of doing that update! If so, then upgrading to version 2.3 should be far less painful.
Ok, so I have done much of the research now to upgrade the forums. The server needs a core OS upgrade, which my host says takes about 30 minutes. Currently, it is on CentOS v7.9 and that is EOL. So, it will be upgraded to AlmaLinux 8. They cannot give any specific time for when they can do the upgrade. But I assume I won't have to wait too long. Then, I will need to do the Xenforo upgrade, after checking that the correct php and mySQL versions have been installed. I do not know how long this upgrade will take, but I will be using the linux command line to do the upgrade, since on large forums it is the preferred route. If you rely on using the web browser upgrade path, the upgrade process can time out due to browser limitations.

In a nutshell, there will be unpredictable site time outs. But with fingers crossed and a heavy dose of luck, we might get through it!
I've initiated Step 1, which is asking my host to upgrade the OS and php versions. I'm waiting to hear back from them regarding this.
Host has now confirmed they will upgrade php and mysql, before doing the OS upgrade. They have not given any schedule for when this will be done, but it takes 15 to 30 minutes. It could happen in 10 minutes or 10 days.
PHP and mySQL now upgraded. Checking other sites and then OS upgrade next.
Other sites checked and request for OS upgrade sent.
OS upgrade complete. I might try the Xenforo 2.2 to 2.3 upgrade tomorrow morning.
Had quite a few issues, but we are now on Xenforo 2.3! All the addons are currently disabled and I have to go through each one (of about 20), to check if there is an up-to-date version and either repurchase or upgrade if it is free. This will take some time, but at least the site is up and running again.
Thank you Jon, and I meant what I said. :)
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If you have any issues with the site, let me know on this thread.
Nothing so far, but I'll ask...

Once the furor that is the aftermath of a version upgrade has subsided, if you can either post a link or make list and post that, let us know if there is anything new in this version that might apply to us. (Don't care about bug fixes unless they also would directly apply to things we did.)

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