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Pat Hartman said:
We have a minimum wage law but illegal aliens hardly have any recourse. We also has a president wo saw fit to dispense with minimum wage laws in the aftermath of Katrina. So, instead of New Orleans residents and local companies being employeed to rebuild their distroyed city, out of state companies are importing illegal aliens to do the work for slave wages. They are even advertising in Mexico and Central America. No papers are required and wages are low but the wages are still enough to attract more people. Especially with the potential of an amnesty.

It's interesting that you mention Katrina. In the Katrina thread there were advocates for the view that many of the victims were people unwilling to help themselves. We were told that they had become dependant on a culture of welfare and expected the government(s) to bail them out of the crisis. If this point of view is correct then surely these are the very Americans who are refusing the jobs that are being given to the Mexican immigrants?

jsanders said:
Not really because the savings from using illegal aliens goes to the bottom line, and less to lower pricing.

The cheep imports actually do help the working class, in that it provides lower prices. But it is at the expense of adding more people to the lower wage class. Wal-Mart displaces small businesses that employ people at middle class pay and hires foreigners at lower than living wages.

Are not the middle classes primarily the supporters of a government who's policies and stance towards big business create this situation. Is it not also the case that the Middle class are the primary investors with both personal and pension investments in these companies stock?


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