The Covid cure has arrived! (1 Viewer)

To reiterate the themes of many of the posts on this thread, Covid has gone beyond "science". Scientific theories should always be challenged to verify if they hold-up or not. The problem is that Covid has been politicized thereby making "science" irrelevant. The Biden administration claims that Covid is a serious health concern and that they are following the "science" to eradicated it. This assertion by the Biden administration is patently false since they are letting a massive number of unvacinated illegal immigrants into the US and sending them to numerous places in the US. Essentially creating a super-spreader event. That belays any assertions that Covid is actually as serious as the government claims.

Touching on the "science" theme again. Can one really trust the governments data/statistics concerning the transmissible of the Covid, herd immunity, etc. since they are propagandizing that Covid is serious?

In a sense, we may be arguing (corrupt) "science" that is based on false assumptions and data that has been manipulated to support a propaganda narrative.

@AccessBlaster: Our posts crossed. By being "first", you win!(y)

Japan crushes Big Pharma with a small yet effective move​


Japan has said a loud and clear no to big pharma companies’ vaccination campaigns, with a small yet remarkable move. Japan is going to dump repeated vaccination doses for a better and more durable cure- Ivermectin. It is an orally administered, anti-parasitic drug, which has emerged as a viable treatment option for COVID-19 infections.

Full article here.
OMG ... all of these leftwing media crazies have convinced everyone ivermectin is a nonsense idea, and Japan is using it successfully widespread?

This is amazing, if true, how is this not frontpage news
OMG ... all of these leftwing media crazies have convinced everyone ivermectin is a nonsense idea, and Japan is using it successfully widespread?

This is amazing, if true, how is this not frontpage news
“If you were wondering why Ivermectin was suppressed, it is because the agreement that countries had with Pfizer does not allow them to escape their contract, which states that even if a drug will be found to treat COVID-19, the contract cannot be voided”.
how is this not frontpage news
Up until October when the vaccines were still approved for emergency use only, the appearance of an actual treatment that had good evidence of actually curing the disease was flatly squashed by the media because if such a treatment were available, then the vaccines would have to be withdrawn from general use since their approval was contingent upon three conditions. One of those conditions was that there be NO EXISTING therapeutic treatments.

But in October, Biden instructed the FDA to ignore their normal approval process for vaccines and approve these because they wanted to use OSHA to force them down our throats and they couldn't if they were still categorized as experimental. It's really too bad that Trump wasn't able to direct the DOJ and the FBI the way that Biden directs all of his department heads. Hunter's laptop might have been taken seriously. Biden has the FDA approving vaccines with no long term studies, he has the DOJ persecuting trespassers and keeping them imprisoned for 11 months so far, he also has the DOJ persecuting parents and treating them as terrorists for disagreeing with what the school boards are pushing on innocent children. Then we have the complete lack of enforcement of laws the left doesn't like. Feel free to get together with a bunch of your friends and break the windows of Tiffany's and take whatever you want. Isn't Congress supposed to enact the laws and the Executive branch supposed to enforce them. How can the Executive branch simply ignore laws it doesn't like? Isn't that an impeachable offense if it is done at the direction of the President?

What I want to know is exactly what "science" miraculously changed that allowed the vaccines to become approved for general use with NO LONG TERM STUDIES? Why does no one in the media question this scientific miracle?

And WHY if COVID is such a clear and present danger do we allow untested, unvaccinated people to just cross our southern border at will? And we then put them on planes, no photo ID required, and send them wherever in the US they want to go? How can we ever believe a government that lies to us like this? Jen Psaki's idiotic comment - "they aren't staying" long just hung in the air. No one questioned it. No one asked her if they were staying longer than it would take to have dinner in a restaurant in NY.

Way back in early 2020, Trump mentioned Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and sent the media into a complete tizzy. His advisors were telling him then that these drugs showed great promise when given early enough. This became such a clear and present danger to the left that Governors banned the prescription of those drugs except to hospital patients which of course meant that they were useless because they only worked very early in the illness before the lungs were involved. Then Google and FB prevented access to any studies that contradicted the party line. The question that remains is -- HOW MANY PEOPLE DIED because they went untreated in the early stages of the disease? If a loved one of yours was diagnosed with COVID and then sent home to tough it out, "Call me when you can't breath and I'll put you in the hospital." I think you should seriously look around for some one to sue. Politics probably killed hundreds of thousands of people. We can't even count the detrimental effects to the non-COVID victims of COVID like my aunt. She fell and broke her ankle getting the mail. They fixed her ankle and put her in a rehab center for recovery where they did nothing but let her rot. No therapy, No turning in the bed. She had diabetes, which of course they knew, and when she developed bedsores due to lack of attention, they became infected and ultimately killed her. She never had COVID but she sure died from it.
OMG ... all of these leftwing media crazies have convinced everyone ivermectin is a nonsense idea, and Japan is using it successfully widespread?

This is amazing, if true, how is this not frontpage news
If that's the case why did they dangle "herd immunity" and "natural immunity" like a carrot? Science should say herd immunity is a concept in medicine, not a reality. They used it to get jabs in arms knowing it was impossible to obtain, that's called lying.

Herd immunity IS science. The down side of it is the need for filling in the blanks for infection rates for all the possible different contact situations. Actuaries do this kind of analysis all the time. They have the math and know the methods.

The question is whether someone associated with Dr. Fauci and CDC and other health units has actually tried to do the math regarding herd immunity. But it should be noted that complexity doesn't stop actuaries. Just slows them down a bit. There is where someone should be looking to get some real numbers.
I also saw an article claiming "no" to the japan ivermectin stuff, but it was extremely unconvincing. I'll edit this post from a different pc where I can see a chrome history and post a link to it - it was written in the vernacular and personality of a 3 yr old, which left me quite unpersuaded.

Yes, I know that one japanese doctor (chairman of tokyo association) could have been misinterpreted - and that he does not represent the government (though I have no idea why I would care what the gov thinks, however I do care what japanese doctors are actually doing) - the 2 main claims that these articles (yours and the one I spoke of) are using to say it is 'false'.

Honestly, after reading both AB's article, the one Moke posted, and the one I referenced, I think the fairest assessment of this topic, based on the information I've seen so far, is kind of back to the 'middle' for me, and could be stated as: We have no idea whether Japanese doctors are actually, in fact, using ivermectin to treat covid patients. Those who say "they are" have offered little evidence to support it, and those who say "they are not" have offered no evidence to support that - other than the fact that the government's little "list of covid treatments" does not explicitly call for it to be used, as well as offering a bunch of other interesting but irrelevant facts, such as their vaccination rates.

Now wouldn't it be fun to go to tokyo myself and interview 25 doctors selected at random. I could come back and put this issue to bed.
Anybody want to finance me?
Ivermectin and other therapeutics have moved out of the realm of kooky conspiracy theory into the mainstream consciousness not because of the mainstream media, but in spite of them. People like Joe Rogan cannot be canceled by the left and his truth is able to withstand the constant barrage from the talking heads, who are not without their own agenda.
Now wouldn't it be fun to go to tokyo
Tokyo has never been in my top 10 but the Japanese countryside has always struck me as incredibly beautiful. How about if we go interview country doctors:)
Tokyo has never been in my top 10 but the Japanese countryside has always struck me as incredibly beautiful. How about if we go interview country doctors:)
Definitely! As long as there is not too much raw fish ... This may make me an uncultured, non-trendy country bumpkin, but I just can't.
I don't like seaweed and I can't stand caviar so I guess we're both uncultured:)
Sashimi is the raw stuff. Sushi can be at least lightly grilled and still qualify.
Well this is an interesting little confession from NBC news. The six states making up the majority of the increase in hospital beds and hospitalization regarding covid.

But wait I'm confused. Where is Texas? Where's Florida? Aren't those the states that have been rejecting some of the "it's just the science" fear mongers that are trying to force everyone to get a vaccine even if they have a miniscule tiny chance of dying or becoming seriously ill from it such as a child or a perfectly healthy adult? Aren't those the states that have been reopening their economies so people's lives could avoid being destroyed and their mental health trashed and the kids could go to school?
Aren't those the two states that have been emphasizing treatment with monoclonal bodies instead of keeping everyone home and businesses shut down?

How positively odd :unsure:

Wonder if we learn anything from this..

As much as I might be tempted to "root" for anything that takes down the destructive and awful Biden administration, I have to honestly say I'm a little incredulous about this new "outrage" over the fact that the US doesn't have free unlimited immediate home-covid-tests, like (supposedly), the UK does.

"Hey, Johnny got a cookie, why can't we have one too!!"

I don't know about anyone else, but where I live, you can schedule a totally free COVID test in any Walgreens or CVS, any time you want. You might have to wait 24-48 hours, is all. Insurance doesn't matter - they ask for it, only so they can bill the insurance if there is one - you'll get it regardless.
Is that not good enough? Why must everything be perfect for the Outrage Generation?

Is this getting like Voting outrage? There are those who got so used to COVID-Voting that they want it all to be permanent. Drive through, curbside, remote, online, microwave voting. If they so much as think a thought in their head, they feel that's all it should take to vote. No effort whatsoever, so we can have our voices heard. (What kind of a voice is that...honestly?)
I have to honestly say I'm a little incredulous about this new "outrage" over the fact that the US doesn't have free unlimited immediate home-covid-tests, like (supposedly), the UK does.
A very perceptive point. What has Biden actually done, on his administration's initiative, to "combat" Covid?
Seems that Biden is only melodramatically proposing draconian rules to control the populous. Essentially leaching off the Trump administration's prior Covid successes and not showing us "new" stuff.
If you test negative you will need constant testing because you are constantly exposed. If you test positive you can use this knowledge to quarantine and protect others, and of course, constantly test because you are constantly exposed. So the question becomes how many tests do we need for the rest of our lives.
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If you test negative you will need constant testing because you are constantly exposed. If you test positive you can use this knowledge to quartine and protect others, and of course, constantly test because you a constantly exposed. So the question becomes how many tests do we need for the rest of our lives.
Yes, absolutely, that's the high level question, I agree.

When the overall risk of a child becoming seriously ill with COVID is approaching that of being hit with a meteor and we are forcing vaccinations, someone has to stand up and stop the insanity - real, true, insanity.

I just found it amusing, then so stupid that it annoyed me, that the libs are now eating their own over the "lack" of free unlimited home tests.
It's like sheesh, for those who are schiz-ing out about this issue, is it really that hard to drive to the closest CVS? They're every .5 block now.
If rural, ok, send a batch out there and move on.

I think maybe libs are still stuck at home, that's their dilemma. Maybe we can come up with a Tik Tok test where you just take the test digitally by watching a video. That should satisfy everyone left! :ROFLMAO:

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