The Covid cure has arrived! (2 Viewers)

The legacy media refuse to cover the Covid-19 MANDATE protests around the world, they falsely tie anti-MANDATES with anti-vaxxers it's intentional. Most people will take the vaccine but are sick and tired of the power grabs by elected officials around the world milking a tragedy in order to further their lust for power.

It's a strange world we live in when former hippies like Neil Young and Joni Mitchell fought their entire life for the freedom of speech but now condemn anyone who disagrees with them. Neil Young and Joni Mitchell have become the establishment. :oops:

They both should be pushing for alternatives like therapeutics and Monoclonal antibodies but because their portfolios are top-heavy with Pfizer stock they will continue to be good capitalist sellouts. Put that in your pipe and smoke it! :D
Trucker letting Trudeau know who's really in charge, nice!
The news has been "hot and heavy" on Fox News concerning the Truckers. The "Woke" crowd has now aggressively unleashed its deceptive suppression campaign against both the truckers and Joe Rogan.

Particularly disturbing, have been the remarks of Justin Trudeau (see the 4 minute mark). Trudeau speaks dishonestly of "supporting" democracy, citing how he supports BLM and has been to BLM rallies which are an appropriate expression of democracy (6 minute mark). However, when it comes to the truckers rallying as an expression of democracy, Trudeau suddenly does a 180 claiming that he does not support the truckers. Therefore they are somehow "threatening" democracy. So, if those rallying are politically in tune with the political leaders, its OK for them to rally. But if those rallying have a contrary viewpoint to the political leaders, they are a threat to democracy and are racist with no right to protest and must be arrested for "disturbing" law and order.

As an humorous alternative viewpoint concerning censorship and Neil Young. Young's demand that Spotify remove his music if Joe Rogan is allowed to remain on Spotify; a Fox News pundit explained (paraphrased): "Neil Young is essentially demanding that if you do not agree with his politics, you have no right to listen to his music!" :ROFLMAO:
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Since the words "Trudeau" and "BLM", surfaced together, I finally recalled that some people are seemingly making progress in "following the money" concerning BLM criminal extortion racket. The fact that BLM would "hide" the money was blatenly obvious, but it has taken a long time for this story to surface. In terms of Trudeau, this is another case of a high profile leader endorsing a racist organization but simply not caring about the optics and/or that the organization is corrupt. Trudeau, should have been supporting the truckers.

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Trudeau Claims Truckers Only Hate Him Because He's Black
Johns Hopkins Study: Lockdowns Had ‘Little To No Effect On COVID-19 Mortality’ But Had ‘Devastating’ Effects On Society
Written English is more formal than spoken English and we just don't use words like "wanna" when writing.

With due respect, modern writers use such examples of modern patois when trying to reflect some aspect of a protagonist's background.
cigarettes taste like poo

Can't say I ever experimented with that comparison. As to the smell of marijuana smoke, I've been around it during my college years but never smoked it because of lung issues. However, at the time, it smelled (to me) like burning sycamore leaves.
For whatever reason, the Ministry of "Truth" wanted the public to be anti-vaping and so they frightened the general public. Why non-smokers would be anti-vaping is simply beyond me. The anti-smoking contingent claimed that second hand smoke was deadly to THEM and so it was their right to not be exposed to cigarette smoke (fireplace smoke and pot smoke were OK though:() but the water-vapor from vaping is benign and no danger to anyone so why the full court press to cancel vaping is a mystery to me..
Is the enormous clouds of "smoke" emitted by vapers, just water vapour?
In Britain the story about the Canadian truckers is subject to a total newspaper and TV blackout.
As are so many news items that aren't Covid enthusiastic that will never see the light of day. We started out with loose propaganda from Chris Whitless and Liberty Valance showing us the nonsense graphs that they'd coloured in that morning. Then along came Hancock's Half Hour, until he had to leave to get on with sewing up face masks in order to make a few £million. All that rapidly morphed into enthusiastic fiction. The British Government's secretive Behavioural Insights Team is just one of the main producers of the totalitarian objectives and propaganda.
Wow.... that's astonishing to learn. Blackout!?

No matter what people say, I think fox news certainly plays a valuable role
For whatever reason, the Ministry of "Truth" wanted the public to be anti-vaping and so they frightened the general public. Why non-smokers would be anti-vaping is simply beyond me. The anti-smoking contingent claimed that second hand smoke was deadly to THEM and so it was their right to not be exposed to cigarette smoke (fireplace smoke and pot smoke were OK though:() but the water-vapor from vaping is benign and no danger to anyone so why the full court press to cancel vaping is a mystery to me..
Vaping definitely CAN turn into an obsessive action that leads to ill effects, trust me.
I think it should be restricted to over 21, to exclude any 16 yr old idiot that wants to BEGIN vaping for no particular reason.
Everyone else have at it.
Same for kratom.
With due respect, modern writers use such examples of modern patois when trying to reflect some aspect of a protagonist's background.
I'm not talking about fiction. I'm talking about "educated" people posting questions here to get help with Access.

I think it should be restricted to over 21,
Since nicotine is addictive, I have no problem with that. My problem is that it should be looked at as a safer (NOT SAFE) alternative to cigarettes and certainly more desirable in public because there are no secondhand effects. But instead it is smeared as if it were even more evil than smoking. As a former smoker, I am pretty sensitive to what anti-smokers will resort to to keep other people from doing something they desperately want to do but can't because - whatever. Most people don't quit smoking by choice. They are coerced into it and they can never, ever forgive anyone who still smokes because they can't.
I'm not talking about fiction. I'm talking about "educated" people posting questions here to get help with Access.

Since nicotine is addictive, I have no problem with that. My problem is that it should be looked at as a safer (NOT SAFE) alternative to cigarettes and certainly more desirable in public because there are no secondhand effects. But instead it is smeared as if it were even more evil than smoking. As a former smoker, I am pretty sensitive to what anti-smokers will resort to to keep other people from doing something they desperately want to do but can't because - whatever. Most people don't quit smoking by choice. They are coerced into it and they can never, ever forgive anyone who still smokes because they can't.
Yes, I think we're on the same page.

The place where it deserves to be smeared is if/when it markets to kids. Vaping among school kids has become extremely popular (possibly more popular than cigarettes ever was, as far as being 'cool') - and so millions of people who never had any nicotine addiction in the first place are willingly starting. Now THAT's just insane.

But absolutely - the 1) ex smokers who are becoming healthier, and 2) adults who choose for whatever reason, ought to have at it.

Personally I've made what I think might be the 'last' switch for a while: Pouches that you just park in your cheek. No smoke, no choking sugary sweeteners going in your lungs, just nicotine.
About 25 years ago, I got one of my bad "colds" so I stopped smoking for a couple of days. When you can't smell, the taste is terrible and of course the smoke is a terrible irritant so it was sending me into hacking fits. After about three days, I was feeling better but decided that since the physical need was gone, I would just not have one now which is the AA method. I carried around a pack of cigarettes' for a year before I decided they were stale and not smokable anyway so I threw them away. The hardest part is what to do when you are bored and what to do with your hands. I do feel better, the "colds" are gone so intellectually, I know smoking was especially bad for me so I wouldn't take it up again but I tell you , I would smoke again in a heartbeat if i thought it wouldn't bring me right back to the constant smokers' cough and other ill effects. At some point, you will decide to quit.

MY husband quit a few years before me. We took a vacation to Nevis and there was no smoking on the plane and so he was panicking about that and smoking several cigarettes in a row each time he could. He got so sick he just quit cold turkey and never went back. To my husband's credit, he didn't insist that I quit because he quit. I still miss him:(
Going over this thread after some time has past is amusing...
In the near future: Have you or a loved one experienced heart issues or even death from taking Covid-19 vaccines? You maybe entitled to compensation. But you must hurry time is running out.

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