The Covid cure has arrived! (1 Viewer)

The Democrats started the problem with Johnson in the 60's. His "Great Society" program was probably the worst thing for inner city blacks that ever happened. It started the decline to fatherless families by making single mothers wards of the state and started generations of dependency on welfare and drugs. Up to that time, I think blacks had fewer out of wedlock births than whites. Statistics show that black people were already gradually moving up the income scale and overt racism was disappearing rapidly. You will always be able to find an actual bigot but "systemic" racism was well on the way out. But while Martin Luther King was preaching peaceful protest, the Black Panthers and other factions were preaching war and hatred. They coined the term "African-American" and started Ebonics which is what inner city blacks speak. It is a combination of a southern accent with tough street gangsta' slang. Today, the inner cities are like plantations. Poor, fatherless families dependent on the state and schools that don't educate children, crime and drugs everywhere. Hoplessness and lack of opportunity. It takes a huge effort to get educated and rise up from the bottom and to their credit, lots of people do. We have the same Democrats running the worst cities in the country like Baltimore, Maryland. High School "Graduates" (I think half the kids drop out before graduation) can't pass basic reading and math tests so they have no chance of success. Don't get me started on Planned Parenthood which is in some cities is aborting more black babies than are being born.

The Democrats think of themselves morally superior. They think they are good and caring and have turned social welfare into hand outs designed to keep the recipients down rather than hand ups designed to help people out of a problem so they can get back on their feet and take care of themselves and their families. They think people who are dependent on hand outs will keep voting for the free stuff and they're right. People living on the dole eventually loose their dignity and their will to get themselves up and out and they begin to look at themselves as victims and that's where we are today. Inner city blacks consider themselves victims and have been convinced that they are being oppressed. In a sense they are. They are being oppressed by the fake kindness of the Democrats and the Democrat machines that have run their cities into the ground. Not sure how much you follow American news but all we heard about last year was "defund the police". You would have thought that police in the cities used black men for target practice by the rhetoric of the Democrats. There were over 600 riots. Lots of police were injured. Lots of stores were looted or burned hurting mostly black people. The riots were organized by agitators outside of the communities where they "spontaneously" happened and many participants were actually shipped in. People arrested were not prosecuted because they were "victims" only voicing their pain and released without bail. In response, cities reduced their police budgets and crime is higher than its been in decades. Stores refused to build in the burned out neighborhoods ensuring they will be blighted wastelands for years to come.

There are flash mobs in some California cities where 80 people rush in and strip a jewelry store or a Coach store that sells very expensive handbags and other accessories. No one is being prosecuted. The police and FBI are too busy scouring the country looking for people who were in DC last January 6th so the can be persecuted for supporting Trump. Death by gun violence is through the roof in Chicago and other large cities. The idiot mayor of Chicago said a week or so ago, the problem from looting is caused by the shop owners because they won't pay to hire private guards for their stores. Talk about being out of touch with reality. This is the woman who in the early days of the COVID shut down in 2020 was outed for having her hairdresser come to her house to do her hair. She's very much in the rules are for thee but not for me camp and she is completely on board with the defund the police movement despite the fact that it actually hurts her black constituants in poor neighborhoods more than the wealthy who can afford private security..
This is the ABSOLUTE best description of the root cause of the problems we currently face.

Pat, I would like your permission to repost your words to social media. Proper credit of authorship will be given. Your connection to Access Worl Forum will not be mentioned unless you want me to.
One fact that has been easily overlooked about this, is that this report states that the "leak" was in August of 2019 not December of 2019. It was out 4 months longer than people were told.

I have said from the start that there was a virus going through Las Vegas in the Fall of 2019 that was kicking peoples ass for a week. But it was essentially ignored because it was just like an extra bad cold and you were better in a week or 10 days. I would be willing to bet that what we know has Covid-19 is actually the first variant of what was released.

Who in the US remembers the 'Vaping Virus" from a couple years ago? People were getting a mysterious respiratory illness and the only common factor was that they would use a Vape. That virus disappeared when Covid showed up. Also, how many Vape components are made in China?

Food for thought.
I don't mind if you repost it but keep AWF out of it so NO LINK. They are in no way responsible for what I said which is of course going to make heads spin. Also, don't mention me by name either. I don't need to be harassed by people who disagree with me so they think that I should be cancelled.

What I summarized earlier is the "conversation" we should be having. WHAT help has any of the billions thrown at the "problem" done? Sometimes, the best thing to do is nothing. But in all cases, when the government institutes a new program, controls should be included to track the effect. Plus, EVERY program that spends money needs to have an expiration date. If it is working, it can be refunded. We have government program on top of program on top of program. The morass is so complicated, you need a specialist to even identify what programs you might benefit from or even be eligible for. Even the Republicans fall into voting for bills that "feel" good regardless of existing legislation that also "feels" good but has in fact done harm rather than good.

There is absolutely no reason that inner city schools cannot educate our children. One thing that might perk them up is if elected politicians and all city department heads were required to send their children to the worst performing school in their town. Also, if you "represent" Bridgeport, you AND your family actually need to live in Bridgeport. No more of this - rules for thee but not for me business. I'm tired of being a second class citizen in my own country.

One more thing about education. I spent 13 years teaching my grandchildren to speak in grammatically correct sentences since their teachers did not. They went into kindergarten speaking perfect (for their age) English and it was a running battle for the next 13 years to stop them from saying "like" as every third word. We won't talk about the double negatives and constant misuse of case for pronouns and confusion between adjectives and adverbs. It wasn't as much of a battle for my daughter because teachers still corrected grammar (usually) when she was in school. When you go out into the world, if you sound uneducated, you will not even be considered for most positions so you start behind the eight ball. School is not about trophies. It is about learning. Correcting a child in public does not diminish a child's self esteem unless the teacher chooses to be cruel and taunting or targets specific class members or allows others in the class to be cruel. If a teacher simply corrects without judgment each mistake, they become fewer and fewer and the whole class benefits. But, these days, teachers sound as illiterates as the students they promote to the next grade.
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I don't mind if you repost it but keep AWF out of it so NO LINK. They are in no way responsible for what I said which is of course going to make heads spin. Also, don't mention me by name either. I don't need to be harassed by people who disagree with me so they think that I should be cancelled.

What I summarized earlier is the "conversation" we should be having. WHAT help has any of the billions thrown at the "problem" done? Sometimes, the best thing to do is nothing. But in all cases, when the government institutes a new program, controls should be included to track the effect. Plus, EVERY program that spends money needs to have an expiration date. If it is working, it can be refunded. We have government program on top of program on top of program. The morass is so complicated, you need a specialist to even identify what programs you might benefit from or even be eligible for. Even the Republicans fall into voting for bills that "feel" good regardless of existing legislation that also "feels" good but has in fact done harm rather than good.

There is absolutely no reason that inner city schools cannot educate our children. One thing that might perk them up is if elected politicians and all city department heads were required to send their children to the worst performing school in their town. Also, if you "represent" Bridgeport, you AND your family actually need to live in Bridgeport. No more of this - rules for thee but not for me business. I'm tired of being a second class citizen in my own country.

One more thing about education. I spent 13 years teaching my grandchildren to speak in grammatically correct sentences since their teachers did not. They went into kindergarten speaking perfect (for their age) English and it was a running battle for the next 13 years to stop them from saying "like" as every third word. We won't talk about the double negatives and constant misuse of case for pronouns and confusion between adjectives and adverbs. It wasn't as much of a battle for my daughter because teachers still corrected grammar (usually) when she was in school. When you go out into the world, if you sound uneducated, you will not even be considered for most positions so you start behind the eight ball. School is not about trophies. It is about learning. Correcting a child in public does not diminish a child's self esteem unless the teacher chooses to be cruel and taunting or targets specific class members or allows others in the class to be cruel. If a teacher simply corrects without judgment each mistake, they become fewer and fewer and the whole class benefits. But, these days, teachers sound as illiterates as the students they promote to the next grade.
No problem. I will just repeat your words. You say it very well.

My wife is a teacher in an "at-risk" school. (Las Vegas does not have an "inner-city") They are shutting down the district for 5 days due to the Covid surge. 1 Day is MLK day. 2 others are Saturday and Sunday. So really only shutting down for 2 days. And those days will be made up at later dates they have already announced. The big problem is staff illness. No one to teach the kids. But I digress.

Today, the last day before the pause, she only had 10 kids show up out of 26 in her second grade class. She normally has 22 or 23 show up. This shows how much the parents in her schools area value education. She has a couple kids that show up once every 2 or 3 weeks. The area for her school is low income. They provide free breakfast and lunch for the students. But the parents still can't be bothered to make little johnny or Janie show up. She has had 2nd graders cuss her out and throw things at her because she told them to put a toy away and get out their math workbooks. 2nd graders!

I remember back in the 1970's when I was in high school, there was a kid that told a teacher "F@#k you". It was the talk of the school for a week. Now second graders think it is ok.

I fear for our future.
Mouthing off to a teacher or other generally disruptive behavior was dealt with strongly when I went to school. Somehow we went soft and our children suffer from it. Every child in a class is hurt by the one disruptive element. Private schools have fewer problems because they simply expel disruptive children. Public schools don't have a solution. Once you loose control, it's gone.
Mouthing off to a teacher or other generally disruptive behavior was dealt with strongly when I went to school. Somehow we went soft and our children suffer from it. Every child in a class is hurt by the one disruptive element. Private schools have fewer problems because they simply expel disruptive children. Public schools don't have a solution. Once you loose control, it's gone.
Exactly. It is an outgrowth of the 60's Peace, Love do no harm , movement in my opinion. Kids were raised with those thoughts grew up and were able to set policy etc. It became "harmful to children" if you spanked them. Then it grew to the point where teachers are not even allowed to make a kid stay after school. And many schools are banning homework.

So we have gone from the 50's "beat their asses as needed." to "The teacher hurt my feelings by using a Red marker to grade my quiz."
I spent 13 years teaching my grandchildren to speak in grammatically correct sentences since their teachers did not. They went into kindergarten speaking perfect (for their age) English and it was a running battle for the next 13 years to stop them from saying "like" as every third word.
Pat, according to Professor S.A. Paipetis language is a living organism, behaving in the same genetic way as every other living creature.
It means that it changes over time.
I'm 58 and I can't understand a word when I hear teenagers talking in the train next to me. Or even sometimes my own kids. But it doesn't mean the way they talk is wrong just because I can talk perfect Japanese and it's different with what I believe is correct grammar.

Shakespeare used to talk and write perfect English, But I bet you have trouble reading Macbeth. I'm proud of myself and I believe I talk perfect Japanese, But to be honest, when I read an ancient novel, I can't understand half of what's written. Not that it's grammatically wrong, but because that type of correct Japanese has died and it has changed to my type of correct one. What I think is correct, has been correct for my generation. New words come and some words get old and get unused and die. The way people talk changes over time and what is assumed to be wrong, gets correct for the next generation.

What you think is "Perfect English", is perfect for your generation. Not for the generation before you, not either for the generation after you. So I think using "like" as every third word, is new correct way of talking English.

Just my 2 cents.
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Words come and go and even change meaning over time. Certain adjectives and adverbs become fashionable and that's just "awesome" But when they intersperse "like" several times in every sentence and they can't use "I" and "me" correctly or "she" and "her", and they only know one adjective, they sound illiterate. Reading posts here just highlight the state of language. Baring typos which we all make and spell check sometimes makes worse, I can see the decline here. Usually, the non-native English speakers make very few mistakes. Or they make obvious non-native mistakes which we just ignore. There was a time when i could read and write French and Spanish but not any more so I admire people who can master another language and successfully communicate in it. Strangely enough studying other languages made me more conscious of English grammar. We don't use 5-dollar words here although sometimes technical terms can mystify newbies so the text, aside from the technology is probably 8th grade level. It is the native English speakers who make the mistakes that grate on me. Written English is more formal than spoken English and we just don't use words like "wanna" when writing. FYI, that translates to "want to".
Written English is more formal than spoken English and we just don't use words like "wanna" when writing.
Tbh, I wanna disagree with y'all. "Wanna" appears in the dictionary. What defines a proper word?
I think it depends on your audience. You wouldn't use wanna in a formal letter, but you would in a text or a note.

Baring typos which we all make and spell check sometimes makes worse, I can see the decline here.
Barring. :rolleyes:
Whatcha doing later? Wanna play scrabble? I'm gonna be busy for a few hours as I hafta do some fact checking. I kinda love that game. Betcha I can win. Lemme see if there's an online version. 🤣
WhatsApp Image 2022-01-14 at 18.37.14.jpeg
One fact that has been easily overlooked about this, is that this report states that the "leak" was in August of 2019 not December of 2019. It was out 4 months longer than people were told.

I have said from the start that there was a virus going through Las Vegas in the Fall of 2019 that was kicking peoples ass for a week. But it was essentially ignored because it was just like an extra bad cold and you were better in a week or 10 days. I would be willing to bet that what we know has Covid-19 is actually the first variant of what was released.

Who in the US remembers the 'Vaping Virus" from a couple years ago? People were getting a mysterious respiratory illness and the only common factor was that they would use a Vape. That virus disappeared when Covid showed up. Also, how many Vape components are made in China?

Food for thought.
I was very interested in that at the time because I was vaping. And how thankful I am that I got out of that which was the strongest habit and the hardest thing I have ever had to break in my life. I now have little nicotine pouches which don't affect my breathing.
(The fact that the Democrats tried to pass a bill that was going to put such an enormous tax on nicotine by the gram which makes no sense for nicotine pouches and would have increased a $5 product to a $20 cost, sending a lot of people back to cigarettes, was really sick and wrong and I'm sure glad Manchin and Sinema save the day).

But I looked into a lot of those cases and it seemed to me like it was almost 100% limited to black market, friend to friend and usually marijuana laced vapes. I think that was the crux of the matter. But I'm still very glad I gave up that habit!
And I am certainly open to the possibility of the theory that you posited, just mentioning some thoughts that I had about it
we're probably talking about two different things. sounds like what Umpire referred was a specific 'outbreak', which has actual data/facts available; what I am referring to are the fairly rare cases of vape lung which sends people to the emergency room for inability to breathe here and there throughout the last few years. I did a ton of reading on it in order to appease those in my family who wished me to quit, and the gist of what I found was that almost all those cases involved 1) informal markets/venues, 2) THC.

John Hopkins says
However, there has also been an outbreak of lung injuries and deaths associated with vaping. As of Jan. 21, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed 60 deaths in patients with e-cigarette, or vaping, product use associated lung injury (EVALI).

“These cases appear to predominantly affect people who modify their vaping devices or use black market modified e-liquids. This is especially true for vaping products containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),” explains Blaha.

Stay away from peer-to-peer and THC/vape mixes.
Marijuana is legal in enough places to just drive to the store with a $20 if one must get high.
So IMO, no need to engage the black market..

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