The Covid cure has arrived! (2 Viewers)

My state is legalized and the THC vape pens sell like crazy at the stores. Back when that panic was happening there were a ton of bootlegs. The real ones sell for about $50 to $70 in the stores. The bootlegs were $20 on the street hence they were everywhere. Those were the ones getting people sick.
I just wonder what the allure is, I guess.

Isn't it functionally easier to just separate the activities, when you can walk into a store and buy a $20 pack of THC gummies?
I never felt the need to escape from reality so neither pot nor drink nor stronger drugs ever had any appeal. The smell of pot always made me want to smoke real cigarettes. I quit smoking cold turkey over 20 years ago. I had a really, really bad cold. Smoking was impossible, I could barely breathe as it was and inhaling just sent me into a hacking frenzy. Plus, cigarettes taste like poo when your head is so stuffed up you can't smell so it ruins the effect. After about three days when I was well enough to smoke again, I just didn't. The physical addiction was gone so the problem became, what to do with my hands. The hardest part was going to a bar but not smoking. Why go drinking if you can't smoke too? I used the AA method. I'm a smoker but I'm not going to have one now. I'll have it later. I ended up carrying around an unopened pack of cigarettes for close to a year before I decided I wasn't actually going to have one. Once I decided that smoking had been contributing to my frequent "colds" and I actually felt better not smoking, there wasn't any temptation. I will always be a smoker at heart and would smoke again in an instant if I didn't know that smoking made me ill. But, I never made my friends stop. I still let them smoke in my house if they want to. I can open the windows. I prefer that they not smoke but it isn't my choice to make. I think vaping is an excellent option and I have no idea why the objection to vaping was so vehement. It's probably along the lines of why the world went crazy when Trump mentioned that his medical advisors were telling him that Hydroxochloriquie showed great promise as a treatment in the very early stages. It wouldn't surprise me to find out some day that all those "problems" with vaping were plants by "big tobacco". The physical addiction to tobacco is very short lived. The psychological addiction is much harder to defeat. I am still a smoker. I'll just have one later:)
we're probably talking about two different things. sounds like what Umpire referred was a specific 'outbreak', which has actual data/facts available; what I am referring to are the fairly rare cases of vape lung which sends people to the emergency room for inability to breathe here and there throughout the last few years. I did a ton of reading on it in order to appease those in my family who wished me to quit, and the gist of what I found was that almost all those cases involved 1) informal markets/venues, 2) THC.

John Hopkins says

Stay away from peer-to-peer and THC/vape mixes.
Marijuana is legal in enough places to just drive to the store with a $20 if one must get high.
So IMO, no need to engage the black market..
I think we may be talking about the same thing. When it first came out it was HUGE news. Vaping causes breathing issues! But in typical ever changing news cycles, we (the general public) never heard any more about it. The information about it being caused by counterfeit and contaminated vapes was not distributed nearly as wide. Not being a user nor having family that vapes, I never look into it further.
For whatever reason, the Ministry of "Truth" wanted the public to be anti-vaping and so they frightened the general public. Why non-smokers would be anti-vaping is simply beyond me. The anti-smoking contingent claimed that second hand smoke was deadly to THEM and so it was their right to not be exposed to cigarette smoke (fireplace smoke and pot smoke were OK though:() but the water-vapor from vaping is benign and no danger to anyone so why the full court press to cancel vaping is a mystery to me..
For whatever reason, the Ministry of "Truth" wanted the public to be anti-vaping and so they frightened the general public. Why non-smokers would be anti-vaping is simply beyond me. The anti-smoking contingent claimed that second hand smoke was deadly to THEM and so it was their right to not be exposed to cigarette smoke (fireplace smoke and pot smoke were OK though:() but the water-vapor from vaping is benign and no danger to anyone so why the full court press to cancel vaping is a mystery to me..
Because big Tabaco could not control Vaping and were losing market share to it.

So what is the secret behind why the monkeys were being transported?
On her Facebook page, Fallon said her symptoms were like those from COVID-19.
The CDC said it was providing "technical assistance" to the Pennsylvania State Police, and Valley Township firefighters used thermal imaging to try to locate the animals.
WNEP said Monday that state police, the Department of Health and the CDC decided together that it was best to euthanize the animals due to the public health risk and that the driver of the truck hauling the monkeys had received a ticket. (emphasis added)
This is similar to many conspiracy movies, a seemingly small incident is really an undisclosed major threat and the authorities are attempting to clean-it up before it actually becomes a full-blown incident.
Yeah I was thinking about posting that story. Most folks are okay with the origins of the original virus so they probably won't get to worked up about a few test monkeys escaping from the CDC in the homeland.
How could they be blaming her COVID symptoms on contact with the macaques? Doesn't it take a few days after contact before symptoms manifest themselves?
In his letter, which Young posted and promptly removed from his website, the Grammy-winner told his management team and record label he believed Spotify was allowing the spread of “fake information about vaccines.” Young proposed an ultimatum: “They can have Rogan or Young. Not both.”
Spotify chose Rogan.
Good news! Now, for more similar push-back.
What is very concerning is the number on people who do not have have a medical degree continuing to assert that disease related opinions they do not agree with somehow constitute vile "disinformation" that needs to be suppressed. That is censorship.
In Britain the story about the Canadian truckers is subject to a total newspaper and TV blackout.
As are so many news items that aren't Covid enthusiastic that will never see the light of day. We started out with loose propaganda from Chris Whitless and Liberty Valance showing us the nonsense graphs that they'd coloured in that morning. Then along came Hancock's Half Hour, until he had to leave to get on with sewing up face masks in order to make a few £million. All that rapidly morphed into enthusiastic fiction. The British Government's secretive Behavioural Insights Team is just one of the main producers of the totalitarian objectives and propaganda.

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