The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

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I'm reading it like beat poetry. To the extent I'm reading it at all.

Tim's posts remind me of a style that's not uncommon on some of the creation/evolution debate boards that exist out there - just rambling streams of semi-consciousness, interspersed with images.

Tim - it comes down to this: - if this device has any scientific merit, you should demonstrate it conclusively to some people who are properly equipped to analyse your results (psychologists, neurologists, etc).

Just burbling on and on about it on message boards is going to get you precisely nowhere. When you have some hard results, let's see them. Your highly optimistic speculation and wishful thinking is charming, but useless.

Thank you Mike, for that advice.

How do I go about doing that?

I never had a desire to go to college, and still don't.

I tried to get media attention, but I'm still waiting on that.

All I can do at this time is burbs, and try to get better at that.


I can dress myself, that has to be good for something!
Ok thanks for your explanation, that brought me up to speed quite quickly.

I don't understand how this machine can be transferred though. I assume you're going to try and hook it up to someone who can either contact the other world, or try to capture one of their out of body experiences.

However, if you try to capture one of the out of body experiences and this device picks up the neurothoughts, I believe you could actually prove that the out of body experience is actually a figment of the brains imagination when going into a dream mode before death. If it doesn't pick up anything, you could prove that the person is lying.

So I believe there may be a logical gap of thinking here, however if your idea is to simply study the brain patterns of when people have out of body experiences, that sounds good. Maybe your end result someday down the line you really can contact the other world etc. But as the initial goal, I believe you should simply be stating you are studying what goes on in a persons mind when these things occur, and draw your conclusions afterwards. I believe currently your conclusions are already predetermined, which may bias any study at all.
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts,

Because I lost an hour of sleep today, I will not have time tonight, to answer all your good questions.


What would you do, if you were in my position?

Should I ignore this option, and maybe find my self, in that situation some day.

It's not like I can complain then.

Thomas A. Edison, loved to take other people's inventions, and make them better.

I am no different.

I want to take his idea, and finish it. He would respect that. this is an honorable thing to do.

I am in a catch-22 situation though, and here is why.

Here is the upside:
More than 80% of Americans believe, that there is some type of afterlife.

Here is the down side:

80% of people don't care about your problems, and the other 20%, are glad you have them.

That down side, covers everybody.

What is my problem?

Getting media attention.

Who cares to help me?


People might believe, what I believe, but they don't want to help me.

They would be interested, in watching me on a show, but they don't want to help me.

They are concerned, if they would end up in this type of afterlife, but they don't want to help me.

They would love for me to be right, but they don't want to help me, at this time.

I have no doubt, that some would, but they don't know a thing about it.

What if you felt, that there was something important, that you needed to get out to the masses. How would you do it?

There is only a couple of guidelines.

It can't hurt you, or anybody else, and it has to be free!

How would you get your message, or bucket list out there?
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts,

What is my problem?

Getting media attention.

Who cares to help me?


It's hard to say why, isn't it?

Just read the first two lines above - maybe that might give you a clue, I could tell you but I feel you need professional help rather than ridicule.

It's hard to say why, isn't it?

Just read the first two lines above - maybe that might give you a clue, I could tell you but I feel you need professional help rather than ridicule.


I need professional help based on what?

I have a free idea, that you don't get, or want to get?
I did some extensive research on this BrainGate device (actually, I just looked it up on Wikipedia) - I'm not even sure where you got the idea it would be at all helpful to your cause, Tim - it's a device designed to allow disabled people to control electronic devices such as prosthetic limbs, mobility devices and control interfaces to computers and household automation.

It's not, as far as I can tell, going to be any use at all in determining whether a person's consciousness has left their body. Where did you get the idea that it would?
Love that bit :D

I loved that too, but that just shows you, how quick you can learn anything!

It's all here!

The Internet, can sure give you a lot of knowledge, but on the same thought, you don't have time, to take it all in. All the while, hoping, you got the good stuff, information, through out life.


Some fields of science, don't believe in back doctors, and some don't believe in medicine, and regardless where they are at on it, don't matter to me, just as long, as I am out of pain.

My free back up plan, is that type of option.

Options I pose, have never been asked, or thought about, by some, but they still need answered. The only thing stopping, anything from being answered, is time. and having the right conditions, to make it happen.

We all could be sitting in the stands, on that first game of the season, and hoping the best, but we don't know.

Science don't run out on the field, and measure this play out, from start to finish. they are nothing more, than paid observers. What are we?

Free couch potatoes, and as long, as we continue to focus all of our time, on just limited options, through out life, the more we start to look more like the grass hopper.

will i knock it out of the park, every time I post?

No, because I don't know what makes you happy, unless you tell me.

I can look stupid, at times, assuming, or imaging, what makes you happy, or a guardian angel, but instead of assuming, it would help, if you inform me.

What makes you click?

Have you always tried to get the approval of others, and you never learned to say no.

Please fill free to leave, and say "no", to this topic, and me, as the informer, if you like.

Just be warned, that i do mentally, at some point, plan on bringing, some Pandora box guardian angels, through here, some time.

Maybe I will do that in a future thread.

The Guardian angel free view visit.

You just never know, who might view this topic.

We could yell at the quarterback, to hell up from the huddle, what play he is trying, and see how good that works for him.

Some do not believe in my free idea, as I believe, it is an Home land security, issue as well.

Believe it or not, but in these reality times of life.

Every bad guy, is looking for an edge.

They want the chance, to get away with everything.

We know as humans, we make mistakes. We also know that we are very good at anything, when we set our thoughts to it.

We don't have to do a lot of things, that is not related to my topic, but we do.

I find, the person behind the wheel, is always more engaged.

How hard is it, to have a passion, for everything?

Not hard at all.

Just take advantage of your weaknesses.

Imagine everything you know, in every filing cabinet, you have, comes with a light switch.

Imagine every thought, like a Forum thread.

Where are you at, in your thoughts right now.

Are you just drifting, in your thoughts, or are you just wondering, what I am thinking next?

In some ways, it seams, as though i am always in a hurry, but in others, it seams, as though, I am wasting time.

why is that?

because i am learning, as I go.

I already, told you, that I don't know everything, and I am learning new stuff everyday.

I always have an open door policy, on learning, because it keeps you up to date, on current events, and the topics, that interest you.

I'm not watching the news right now. I have no reason too.

All I can do, is help them, but they first, have to perceive, that they want , what I can provide.

Just because somebody don't believe in you, or I, don't make them right.

Unless they have the facts, to back it up.


Take my dollar pair of eye glasses.

I know, if I bang my eye glasses, against my cigarette. That it will not lite it.

The longer, I try and find things, that I know, will not lite this cigarette, the longer, I can quit smoking, until, the urge passes for good.

Now on the other hand, I could just go get a lighter, and use it toward my bad habit.

Brain Gate, is our lighter.

Brain Gate, is the matrix, too our end zone.

Brain Gate is tool for measuring.

They can tell you all type of fancy words, or where they are at, with this technology, but that don't mean, that is where we are at.

It is alright, to imagine, more than they have the time right now to do.

You have seen the evolution to everything we have, just about, and you can find shows, on just about everything we make, depending if those people are selfish, or not, on turning over that type of information, but that is a different topic, in it self.

There is a wealth, of information, that we all know, but it is not worth a thing, if we don't get it headed, in the right direction.

That is what this option, of mine, can do.

Get us pointed, in the right direction.

Will it be easy?

No, change never is.

Will I try, and be the best unorganized quarter back you would ever want/

I'll try!

Is there so much i want to inform you about?

I'm busting, in that thought!

Will my wife, want me to do something different on my day off?

With out a doubt!


Looky there, I got a bite!

Quick review:

Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all small stuff!

Focus on what is hot, and is going some where, like this topic.

find a little time, everyday to believe in something, that might not make sense right now, but it will, and you will be glad, you were there, when the conception, was just a baby thought, through a time, when baby thoughts, were needed, because some cause and effects, are there for a reason, and you should never under estimate, all the options.

Image for a moment, I was allowed to try my free idea?

All red tape cut.

Would you be interested, in watching me do it?

Would you like the chance, to vote on it?


We set the whole experiment up on American Idol, explain it to the audience, and then allow everybody, the chance to vote on it.

Example: Monday night, we explain it on the show, and let Simon, put his two words in, and then the next night, we bring in the Brain Gate patient, and somebody, who does believe, in afterlife, and then you tell them, that you care, or don't care, if we should pursue, this option or not.

All I am talking about is free, if you want it bad enough.

I thought the movie, Swing vote, would of been better, if he just read all those letters!

I care what you think, and I like to think, that some of you, care about me.

It's normal, for everybody, to be in there own thing. That is natural, and it is also natural, for people like me, to pick up on these types of situations, because there is friction in history, with what we know about my free idea, and what we are willing to recognize, at this time in our life.

Near death experiences, might seam like loose sand, floating around in water, close to the shore, before settling on the beach, but it is still sand just the same, and we don't know what is in side it.

We can assume, but that don't make it real.

I know no human sand, that I could train, to meat Brain gate, by the shore line someday, because i could not see an afterlife sand guy, figuring out, how to do this option, but I might, some day, ask a human, to try an experience under water, because water might create a better signal.

See why, I don't like to get into the details.

That would be one, of many experiments, that Edison would of done, if the President, at the time, would of asked him, to try such an experiment.

Imagine i was the President, back in Edison time.

What could I of done, as the President, to help make Edison a better inventor?

Maybe motivate him!


"Mr. Edison,[pause]

I'm glad,[pause]

you had time to talk with me today.

I heard in the media, that you believe, we can communicate with the dead.

I don't know if you truly believe that or not, but i sure would like it, if you would give it a try.

Now grant you Mr. Edison, personally, at this time, I have a lot of concerns, and i have no doubt, that the American public, and the world will have as well, but as your commander and chief.

Let's do it!

how will i change, as a president, if you do this for me Mr. Edison?

It Free's me up to read the letters.

It frees me up, to never turn away an application.

i believe it is the Government job, to find you a job, and if i was President, I would find you a job.

a job that would make you happy.

Maybe, you could help me.

If you did that, then it would free me up to read more letters.

This topic, is not about me, it never was.

It's about what you want!

Do you want to be happy, or not?

Get me noticed, and everybody can just send there applications, along with it, until I have them all.

Who would like to be in charge, of organizing them?

Can we find a free place to do that, or is it going to crash?

Please remember, one thing about the NASA dream.

It was not just about the trip to the moon, but all the new stuff, we learned along the way.

I read some place, the other day, that if I like, what I post, then others will as well.
I hope that is not the case, unless you have tissue, because I was crying through the application section, of this thread.

I do care,(pause)

I do care,(pause)

about every one of you.

I believe the Government has the time, to help you, with your application.


Because we pay them to do that.

Am I saying more Government?

Yes, if we can afford it.

I believe, with my free idea, we will!

I believe, the moment of truth, is what you care about.

Do you miss somebody?

Somebody, who played an important role in it?

Would you just like to know, at some point, that they alright/

We seam to do that, in other parts of our life now.

What would it hurt?

You perceive your self, a curtain way, and depending on how interesting that is. Depends on how much, we are worth exploring that.

Just about, it still missing my section, at least the part, where it all comes together.

Life is a string of anything, and everything. That you want to see.


I don't see myself, as a great writer, so I don't try and be a great writer.


Imagine, you are the quarterback, for a football team. It's your first game of the season. What are you thinking, while you stand behind your center?

Are you just thinking about calling out the right thing, that will get this game going, or are you thinking about doing everything correctly, that will help you win this complicated game of variables.

I will not lie.

I am a part, of the reality world we live in, but I do see the end zone.

Just like all the countless threads here on the Internet.

An archive, for any future culture to see, and traditions will grow from that, because everybody needs to build there own matrix. One that they can belong too, because it brings them comfort.

Can I be a part of that?

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For all you, off season Fantasy football players!

Get into this game of mine, and make a difference.


If you are interested, in this type of stuff,

Please fill free, to get the word out.

Show me what you are capable of!

I thought this was a help center?

Show me what you can do, to inform more people about this option.

I believe, some of the greatest minds are here, at this site, and they can do anything, in any field, if given the chance.

I believe everybody has a purpose, and it is up to them, if they want to do it or not.

Please help me, get the chance, to lead this option, into the record books.[img]

Are you ready to play out this option, like a football game?

Sure some, will post some great sacks, and think the game is over, but that is just one play.

The game is long, and we have not, even had, kick off yet.


I'm willing to do mine, are you?
An "out of body" experience can be done with Alpha thinking....but very hard to do.
I think Tim just completely ignored and bypassed my comment about proving the opposite with his method, and about Mike Gurman's post about what the BrainGate actually does seems to also have been completely bypassed.

I think there were people open to your ideas and listen to what you had to say (me) and I think you kinda bypassed the entire point of the posts we made.

If you want to have more support, you have to meet the questions, criticism, and objective analysis with good debates and points, not by dancing around the topic.
I think it's the case that he's happy to treat anything he can imagine as fact, unless someone else goes to the trouble of demonstrating it false (if it is even possible to do so).

Of course that's not how science works - fanciful ideas are cheap, facts come at a price - the effort of testing and verifying them.

Either that, or this is some kind of performance art (I seriously haven't ruled that out).
I think it's the case that he's happy to treat anything he can imagine as fact, unless someone else goes to the trouble of demonstrating it false (if it is even possible to do so).

Of course that's not how science works - fanciful ideas are cheap, facts come at a price - the effort of testing and verifying them.

Either that, or this is some kind of performance art (I seriously haven't ruled that out).

Good thoughts mike,

You found my mind set.
-The reason I am here, is based on the fact, that you do think.
-I am happy, and as far back as I can remember, happy seams to be a good thing!
-I do not imagine everything as fact, but it is a good tool, to get you to that point.


What trouble would it take, for somebody to prove my free idea concept is not possible?

I offer free, to do it, with only cross training effort, leaving the patient to decide, at that time, if it is a good deal, or not. All I ask, is to leave the machine on, after this trained patient is dead. I believe, if you believe, it is possible, then we should have no problem, getting the private sector, to split the bill, for leaving the machine on longer, but if you really believe, then we could take this new sports game, in directions, that Edison did, with the light bulb. trying this and that, until we find something better, but if we really believe, then we would question that, and make a even better light bulb, and that type of follow through imagination can go on for ever.

Tell me air is just air, and my idea will not work, but that is not the case.

God, does not play with dice, but he does have the ability to communicate.

My imagination has taken us to the Matrix telephone, and even though I believe, that our trained patient, will be the first to answer the phone, that might not be the case. Other people imagination might believe it will be an evil spirit, or God. Regardless the outcome, the odds, are still in our favor. Even if it is the worst scenario, and it is an evil spirit. We can still unplug the machine, and build off of that.

Everyone of us, are highly intelligent people, and most of us escape to our imagination, to get lost. Be it drugs, alcohol, fantasy football, or the fact, that you feel, you might need a car port.


My free idea, that can change life as we know it. Is even easier than building a car port.

Sounds crazy, but it is true!

It seams as thought, our great minds of this world. Support me!

What great minds do you know, that don't believe my free idea is possible?

Should they spend more money than I, trying to prove me wrong?

Should they have more time than I, to prove me wrong?

Should they not only have the time, between me saying it is possible, and actually doing it, to prove me wrong?

I have no problem giving them, all the time they need, but it sure would be nice, to get this idea off my bucket list, before I die. My only options after that, just might be this machine as well.

I started thinking about it, in 2005.
I started looking for people, to prove me wrong in 2006
I'm ready now!
What are you waiting for?

Science is observation, from your imagination, to find the truth.
I do not need additional science, to try my cross training free experiment.

What you fail to notice, is the fact, that I am right!

Why did I use a car port, as an example?

I wanted to save time, searching for that type of example, and I wanted to keep it simple!

I wonder what my free idea could do to help this person?


To save time, ask yourself this question.

What is in it for me, to agree with Tim?
Tim, have you worked out yet that people think you are nuts? Or are you one of those people who ignore such things and carry on regardless.

Also, why is each of your posts about 3 or 4 mousewheel scrolls long? Long posts never get read anyway. And whats with the pictures?

I think Tim just completely ignored and bypassed my comment about proving the opposite with his method, and about Mike Gurman's post about what the BrainGate actually does seems to also have been completely bypassed.

I think there were people open to your ideas and listen to what you had to say (me) and I think you kinda bypassed the entire point of the posts we made.

If you want to have more support, you have to meet the questions, criticism, and objective analysis with good debates and points, not by dancing around the topic.

You are right!

We would get nowhere, if we had to count on my dancing.


Now this person on the other hand, has been doing a real good job, dancing around science and death, for quite some time. He would make a good poster child for my free idea.

What free option do you have?


Trust me, with my free idea concept. You will not be ignored!
Tim, have you worked out yet that people think you are nuts? Or are you one of those people who ignore such things and carry on regardless.

Also, why is each of your posts about 3 or 4 mousewheel scrolls long? Long posts never get read anyway. And whats with the pictures?


Good question ColinEssex,

Am I crazy?

Were my past neighbors, the Wright Brothers crazy?


What you should do is look at me, like a scratch and win lottery ticket.


We won, with people thinking Ohion Edison, and the Wright Brothers were crazy. All we need to do now, is scratch off my section!

People want more information, but they don't want to read it.

I'm trying to cut down on my long threads, with pictures that are worth a thousand words.

I'm sorry, that I have not found one word, or picture, that gets the job done yet!

Regardless the best made plan. Anything can go wrong.
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Good thoughts mike,
...What trouble would it take, for somebody to prove my free idea concept is not possible?

What great minds do you know, that don't believe my free idea is possible?

Should they spend more money than I, trying to prove me wrong?

Should they have more time than I, to prove me wrong?

Should they not only have the time, between me saying it is possible, and actually doing it, to prove me wrong?

I have no problem giving them, all the time they need, but it sure would be nice, to get this idea off my bucket list, before I die. My only options after that, just might be this machine as well.

I started thinking about it, in 2005.
I started looking for people, to prove me wrong in 2006
I'm ready now!
What are you waiting for?
Once more: You are not 'right until proven wrong' - it simply doesn't work like that, Until and unless you demonstrate its merit and veracity, your idea is just a bunch of worthless noise.

What you fail to notice, is the fact, that I am right!
I cannot notice that which is not in evidence. At best, you are not yet demonstrated to be right, but I think even that is being far too generous.
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