Its shocking the first time you hear this. But I think it makes sense. The idea of a mind or consciencess is merely an illusion. There is no mind, only a brain, which simulates conscieness. Of course, we still dont understand how that works. "You" are not actually "you". Our thoughts are just the firing or neurons in our brain. So if our perceptions change, then our brain is easily tricked.
Maybe this can explain why when a person dies and comes back, they so readily believe that they say heaven, or whatever it may be. When a person is dieing, I'm sure there are all kinds of odd and unusual levels of chemicals in the brain. The brain will interpret these chemicals, and viola!, your brain is now simulating heaven (or hell). Occum's Razor says this must be true. This is much more likely than there being a higher power and 72 virgins, or whatever you believe. Nevermind that we can never test to see if God is true. On the otherhand, we may be able to (someday) determine if the storm of chemical activity during death could result in visions.
Never underestimate your inner thoughts.
It has the ability to take you out of pain, and into pleasure everyday, even if you don't notice.
Six Hundred and fifty million people, on average, will have an unexpected out of body experience, at some point in their life, and that is why your inner thoughts believe it is possible, because they take us there, and we did nothing wrong.
Today I am fifty years old, and all I had to do, was go along for the ride.
As a society, we are real good at seeing a problem, and fixing it, but this problem can not be seen. You just have to believe it is there, and allow it the chance to work it self out, if there is anything there.
It's called free following through Hope!
We could spend another fifty years guessing if it is possible or not, or we can just do my free idea, now!
I'm not getting any younger, how about you?
What would it hurt?
Now Ii could of kept all this crazy information to myself, but what if there is something to it?
My free follow through cross training idea concept, breaks no laws of science. It actually works great in it.
A Pandora's box, that has the math, to back it up.
My idea is a constance to science, and it is the missing piece of life.
We now can measure thought, and we are getting better at it everyday.
That right, can not make my free idea concept wrong.
Regardless if you are an atheist, or a religious person, the math for it's possibility, is still good, based on time, and our ability to evolve, and at what stage of involvement, we are at!
Can we evolve out of our body, after death?
Have we already evolved out of body, after death of the body?
Why look for the needle in the hay stack, when we can train the needle, to come find us?
If I said, I would give you a million dollars, if you would contact me, when you reached the top of Mount everest.
Would it not be in my best interest, to make sure, you actually did it?
What if I had already set up a BrainGate machine there, and asked you to call me through that machine with your thoughts.
What if you decided to take me up on the challenge, and you actually did it, as a human.
If conditions were right, and we could do that. We do have the ability, as a country to make that happen, but we have never given you the chance to do it, as an afterlife person.
What would it hurt to try this free idea follow through, cross training idea concept, besides how bad I post, and how long the topic is?
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, on a day, I am suppose to be wiser.
Tim Brewer