The Lunatics are Now in Charge of the Asylum


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Local time
Today, 06:24
Dec 31, 2020
Britain now has Loony Labour as its government.
The second party to challenge them, is run by a bungee jumping bird-brain underachiever.

The Etonites had become the three monkeys over the last ten years.
Yes, all those pompous Etonites whose education was on how to run an empire we don't have.
Totally clueless Bungalow Boris, Camoron et al. Then May and Truss who really trussed us up.

Now we have a government that only offers an anticipation of great foreboding to the people.
It had to change though. Let us hope that they don't do too much damage in the next four years.
Voted for by Britain's Looney Inhabitants.

The real success in the election, IMO, is that real Conservative voters have sent a clear message to the party, that the likes of Rees-Mogg and the personality driven divisive cohort that EXISTED behind the scenes is unacceptable to most normal, right minded people.

The downside is that now we will have to listen to Farage on the news everyday.

Its all down to the press and television in my view, who would much rather focus on personality over policy and performance.
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The real success in the election, IMO, is that real Conservative voters have sent a clear message to the party, that the likes of Rees-Mogg and the personality driven divisive cohort that EXISTED behind the scenes is unacceptable to most normal, right minded people.
Absolutely right, fingers crossed for the rodeo ride we have coming!
Voted for by Britain's Looney Inhabitants.
Only 1/3 voted for Loony Labour. In fact only 60% actually bothered to vote.

Nigel Farage is the only politician who I know who will actually answer a question put to him.
Unlike all of the others I have heard either refuse to reply, they come out with a pack of lies, or they talk about something totally different.
And I mean ALL of the rest.
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Farage Is the worst thing to come out of the election. He will think that he has a roadmap in Trump.

The elements that he will try to wrap up into a package that he thinks will be acceptable to the gullible public are the usual, Racism, Immigration, terrorism coming into the country. He has already been spouting conspiracy theories regarding his banking problems and "Actors" dissing the party. We can expect a lot more from him.
He will be a FEAR MONGER, and sadly there are many who will fall for it hook line and sinker, and because he is a controversial figure he will get air time.
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Only 1/3 voted for Loony Labour. In fact only 60% actually bothered to vote.
Interesting that 35% of the vote gets 410 seats and 25% get 110 seats (or thereabouts). Implies either that the Labour constituencies have smaller populations that the Tory ones (I thought that with the recent boundary changes to even up constituency populations that would not be an issue) or perhaps more likely is that turnouts in Labour constituencies are much smaller than Tory ones.
Richy Sunackered spent two months fear mongering. As did Kier Charmless.

But are you just fear mongering about Nigel? Why the anger and attitude from everyone? He's just an MP.
Just watched his press conference and he was interrupted by either actors from Channel 4, or greasy Just Stupid Oilers.
Interesting that 35% of the vote gets 410 seats and 25% get 110 seat.................................
I just don't get it either CJ. You'd think there would be some balance.
But then again, I've not a clue how the weird system in the USA elects Presidents. But who cares about that in the UK?
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I like first past the post - it forces the electorate to concentrate more on the candidate rather than the party and to my mind pulls parties back to the centre and local issues. Even Nigel said he was looking to up tourism in Clachton. I think the logic behind why it was originaly used was solid. Local communities want someone to represent the locals for local concerns - the line of accountabilty and responsibility is very clear - seems to me that it is better to have a system that concentrates elected members focus on locations and subjects where they are likely to have superior knowledge.

Nigel will be constantly moaning about proportional representation and migration... subjects ovewhich he has zero control and lets face it zero track record of successful policy implementation.
Nigel Farage is the only politician who I know who will actually answer a question put to him.
I guess that is why I always liked him. Like Trump, he says what he means and means what he says. No wonder everybody hates him. who can trust a politician who spews all that truth crap.
But are you just fear mongering about Nigel? Why the anger and attitude from everyone? He's just an MP.
I've always found it strange all the hate towards Farage. When he spoke about pulling out of the European Union pre-Brexit, he was viewed by the media and the metropolitan elite as some kind of racist evil Hitler in disguise. Then they find out more than half the country wanted out of Europe too.

I also find it bizarre all the gaslighting about Trump, even if he is a more divisive figure than Farage.
Then they find out more than half the country wanted out of Europe too.

The country was lied to, they were told that we would be better off and put more money into the NHS, Stop immigration.
Half the country new that Farage et al were totaly fabricating a case for leaving and the other half fell for the lies.

No extra money for NHS
Immigration up
GDP down
Growth down
Prices up

That is why they are out, of course the die hards imediately shifted to reform as the rest of the political parties realised that the public NOW (in possion of facts and truth) found it obnoxious and refused to support the agenda.
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I agree, there is hardly a newspaper in the land that has a good word so say for him.
Is it because he gets things done whilst the Etonites and the so called establishment only ever talk about it?
Or is it that "they" thought of doing it first but didn't. Then he came along and got the job done?

Maybe because he doesn't give up?
There are those who's training and education tells them to leave it alone. Because then it will probably go away.
Then they don't need to do anything.
But Nigel, once he starts, doesn't give up. Making them work to keep up, which maybe they won't like.
Who else would have pushed on and on against NatWest Bank until they got a result?

He took Reform from maybe no seats to four or five in no time. He had a meeting at the NEC and at only days
notice had an audience of 5,000. There isn't any other politician in the country who could do that.

I don't know but there is a reason for everything.
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The American situation is more complex than ours although similar.
Big Business demands ever increasing returns and growth for their profit margins, but where does this growth come from? If I want to expand my business I need to recruit new staff continually over the next n years.
The population growth annually of the UK is hovering around 0.3% it is, CURRENTLY, impossible to have growth, over time in the region of two or three percent with a population growth so low.

We will see an improvement in growth over the next couple of years due to the recent high immigration figures that will improve the available workforce.
The demands of big business is responsable for immigration.
The country was lied to, they were told that we would be better off and put more money into the NHS, Stop immigration.
Half the country new that Farage et al were totaly fabricating a case for leaving and the other half fell for the lies.

No extra money for NHS
Immigration up
GDP down
Growth down
Prices up

That is why they are out, of course the die hards imediately shifted to reform as the rest of the political parties realised that the public NOW (in possion of facts and truth) found it obnoxious and refused to support the agenda.
There are so many elements to this that I would like to respond to but I am off out shortly so will just tackle a few.

Firstly, you don't know if immigration would have been worse if the UK stayed in the EU, because we don't have that parallel reality. So comparatively, you do not know if it is an improvement or not.

Secondly, Nigel was not in control of the governments decisions on immigration. He was a passive observer.

Growth down, but how do you know what would have happened to growth had we stayed in the EU? It is speculation.

Prices up, but then that always happens because inflation is never zero. Recent huge increases are caused by the Russia-Ukraine war hitting food and energy prices, which knocks on down through the supply chain.

No extra money for NHS because we had a global pandemic, for starters.

I think your argument is based on your belief that you know what would have happened had we stayed in the EU, but no one can predict the future with great accuracy. That is how I see it, for what it's worth.

And remember we got the Covid vaccines way before Europe.
A consequence of prosperity is lower birth rates, the West is breeding itself out of existence, basically self-terminating.
A consequence of prosperity is lower birth rates, the West is breeding itself out of existence, basically self-terminating.
I've referred to it as cultural suicide. Though this theme is known, it is one of those topics that if discussed will result in your "cancellation".
We will see an improvement in growth over the next couple of years due to the recent high immigration figures that will improve the available workforce.
The demands of big business is responsable for immigration.
The demands of big business for labor can be considered one of the reasons for immigration. However, viewing immigration as a means of "filling" the workforce is extremely myopic and actually destructive to the culture. The immigrants, may have absolutely no interest in assimilating to adopt the host country as their new home country (Palestinian immigrants in the US are openly condemning US support for Israel). The immigrants in arriving bring their culture with them (There have already been cases of "Honor Killings" were the perpetrator demands that US law be "revised" to allow that.). Many come from countries who are corrupt. They may well bring that corruption with them. Moreover, as @AccessBlaster and I have pointed out, the natives are not having enough babies so we are self-terminating (cultural suicide). In short order we many not have a US or an England that we recognize.

Since posting ran across a couple of examples, were it appears that some immigrants are not interested in assimilating. Of course, each of these examples is a one-off, but they do imply that some immigrants are not in favor of becoming part of the "American Dream".
July 4th in Washington Square Park. Not a single American flag in the crowd.

That also reminded me of examples of immigrants actually flying the flags of their home countries as they illegally enter the US.
Migrants illegally in the United States briefly tried to claim an island in Texas by plating a foreign flag, which was quickly taken down, authorities said.
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The demands of big business for labor can be considered one of the reasons for immigration. However, viewing immigration as a means of "filling" the workforce is extremely myopic and actually destructive to the culture. The immigrants, may have absolutely no interest in assimilating to adopt the host country as their new home country (Palestinian immigrants in the US are openly condemning US support for Israel). The immigrants in arriving bring their culture with them (There have already been cases of "Honor Killings" were the perpetrator demands that US law be "revised" to allow that.). Many come from countries who are corrupt. They may well bring that corruption with them. Moreover, as @AccessBlaster and I have pointed out, the natives are not having enough babies so we are self-terminating (cultural suicide). In short order we many not have a US or an England that we recognize.
I am not saying that I agree with it or that it is justifiable, merely that it is the case. Probably the reason trump is revoking abortion and contraception rights, he wants White ethnicity population growth for the reasons you have identified.
The main problem that we face is that big business does not care a jot about people, or where they come from. Staff in the workforce is an expensive necessary evil to facilitate the generation of profit, they cost a lot of money and reduce profit significantly, they want holiday pay, sick pay, days off to visit doctors, maternity leave etc etc. The problem that America faces is not a choice for democracy it is a choice between business being in control of society or the people.

Trump is acting in the interest of business, and his advocacy for authoritarian control is real, although not for the reason that many think. Business worldwide is on the cusp of changes which have not been seen since the industrial revolution and will have far more serious and far reaching consequences. Big business will adopt the the implementation of robotic and artificial intelligence's without hesitation, for the previously outlined problems associated with staff and their effect on profits, and without care of the consequences for any country, society or individual that they may create. The authoritarian control he seeks will hardly be used by him, but it will be used in 10-15 years time when the implementation of artificial technologies is widespread and there will no longer be a "workforce" as we currently understand it. There will not be much resistance at first when the technology is stacking shelves at wallmart or picking orders at an Amazon warehouse because trump is trying to mitigate the effect by wanting to displace large sections of the immigrant population. But when there are artificial robotic intelligence in every class room and at every hospital the very people who are now championing his cause will be the first to "rebel" against the situation. His attempts at authoritarian control are to control the very people who are are currently his supporters and to fully encapsulate and protect the profits of Big Business. Quite clever really, but in a James bond I will ensure they take over world scenario. Muuuuuu hhhhaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa!

The choice is the above or ensuring that the massively enhanced future profitability of the large corporations, due to technology, is properly taxed and the resulting finances distributed through the society engaged. of course many counties already have the necessary control of its population in place.
They may well bring that corruption with them.
The cost of a ballot in Minneapolis is $250.

I agree. Importing people who are not interested in assimilating and becoming Americans but are entering our country illegally only to take what they can get from our welfare system is cultural suicide.

At some point, the population of a country stabilizes as the country matures. Therefore, companies can no longer rely on population growth to increase profits. They have to innovate to make better products to get a larger share of the market. Or, they can widen their distribution to include customers outside of their original market area. Importing people who do not speak the language and so who cannot find meaningful employment even if here legally is idiotic. The welfare net expands only so far. There is no way the US can accept 20 million immigrants in 3.5 years even if they are all Nobel Laureates who speak fluent English unless they can all support themselves. Legal/illegal is immaterial at those numbers.

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