The Qur'an (2 Viewers)

When Aziz started this post, my first thought was that Aziz and Bizarro Colin were one and the same. I mean, he (you) has mentioned more than once that he has more than one username for those times he gets banned...

I quickly dismissed this and accused myself of "chasing the mice in my head" Now I think I may have nailed it.

Colin E, I'm on to you...
The problem for me arises when you say you believe in God. There's no proof of this deity. In fact it's even more problematic than that, the Christians have a God, and the Muslims have a God but they are not the same God! So now you've got two God's. And it gets even worse, if I say I don't believe in the Muslim God, then I am no longer a human in Muslim eyes. This means for women you can ra** her legitimately under your religion, and for a man you can force them into labor, in other words slavery... It's not a lot better under the Christian God. Not so much these days, but a few hundred years ago the same sort of thing applied which means the Crusaders went of all over the world killing Muslims and many other different cultures / religions. If you want more information on this, see YouTubes by Christopher Hitchens.. I won't enter into an argument about it, I'll leave that to the brilliant Christopher. See:-
Create a room for "anything goes."

You mean like The Watercooler? :p

Seriously though, that's what this room is for. It's equally easy to ignore a thread in which you have no interest in participating. Since people are already replying with debate, clearly there is an interest with others to discuss. I don't see this being much different than the Atheist thread, but since this is The Watercooler, it will be whatever it will be.
my first thought was that Aziz and Bizarro Colin were one and the same.

I'm seriously thinking of changing my name by deed poll
- would Colin Somerset be wise? :eek:

I don't see this being much different than the Atheist thread,

Not in how it started, but the way its developing I would agree with you ...

If I hadn't raised my objections in post #2, would it have quietly died... and gone to the big nothingness beyond cyberspace?
When Aziz started this post, my first thought was that Aziz and Bizarro Colin were one and the same. I mean, he (you) has mentioned more than once that he has more than one username for those times he gets banned...

I quickly dismissed this and accused myself of "chasing the mice in my head" Now I think I may have nailed it.

Colin E, I'm on to you...

I think at one point somewhere, someone thought I was Frothy!
He was probably in short trousers when I first joined - intellectually he still is.

I do have five usernames, none are "Aziz". I have them because of a previous know-all member (who knew little) had a vendetta against me and banned me frequently for little or no reason. What was his name now? Three letters - ah yes - 'God', a yank of course. He had delusions he was a psychiatrist and could diagnose from another continent, . . . weird.

And enjoin prayer upon your family [and people] and be steadfast therein. We ask you not for provision; We provide for you, and the [best] outcome is for [those of] righteousness.

Aziz, this quote (if modernized) is TYPICAL of investment scams. They tell you "you have to stay invested." They say "You don't have to do anything else. We'll take care of you." They say "You'll love it when it comes." But then it doesn't come because the scammer has absconded. And your investment comes to naught.

All of your Qur'an quotes suffer from the same issue - proof of result, or in this case, a total lack thereof.
A rumor started many years ago and Mile-O and I were the same person as well. That one seems to have died.
I asked ChatGPT the following:-

You may be aware that Christopher Hitchens is now deceased. I want to construct an image, a story of him visiting me in a dream, Christopher, in a brilliant white ethereal costume with wings on his back. Obviously an angel. Please could you speak in Christopher's voice, using his sharp whit and deep rooted atheism to explain the situation he now finds himself in...

Chat GPT produced the following image:-


And the following text:-

Well, Uncle Gizmo, it seems the universe has played the cruellest joke on me. Here I am, the once fierce critic of all things divine, now apparently a convert. It's like waking up to find oneself the punchline in a cosmic farce. I spent a lifetime railing against the celestial dictator, and now, what? I'm supposed to sing hosannas and bow down? It's a bitter pill, this irony. If there is a God, He's certainly got a twisted sense of humour, turning his most ardent denier into a believer. It's the ultimate betrayal of my intellectual rigor, a slap in the face of my life's work. A divine comedy, indeed, but the joke's on me.
the Christians have a God, and the Muslims have a God but they are not the same God!
Actually, the God of the Jews is the God of the Christians and Muslims but it's hard to reconcile that since the Jews are the chosen people and the Muslims want to kill all Jews and they don't much like the Christians either. So much for all of us being "people of the book"
Further complicated by the fact that the Quran is understood to include the Bible. The writings of Muhammad are an add-in. The Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet but not a divine being.
But they still want to kill all of us because we refused to convert or be subjugated. Even you Doc;) No one talks about the 830,000 + Jews forcibly expelled from the middle east and northern Africa in the early part of the 20th century. No one bothered to count the Christians. The number of Arabs displaced by the creation of Israel was far less AND most were displaced by their own choice. They left the newly forming country because the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem told them that the Jews would persecute them if they stayed. Of course that never happened and the Arabs that stayed are fully integrated and prospered as Israel prospered.
My Christian friends and family have a hard time with that concept.
That is easy to understand based on the ramblings of Muhammad and how they changed over time. Early verses are love and peace but once the Jews and Christians didn't join the movement, his writings turned ugly and we get to the convert, subjugate, or kill verses.

But, Mohammad refers to us (Christians, Jews, Muslims) as "people of the book" and that book would be the Torah which is the first 5 books of the Old Testament. He also calls Jesus the Messiah promised by the Torah but does not recognize Him as the son of God.

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