The Slightly Obscure Music Discussion And Quizzy Thread (1 Viewer)

All I can come up with for that one is Whiskey Girl but since it's a country song I've discounted it,,,

Here is my next one anyway, possibly a bit more cryptic than my last ones (and slight creative licence on the 2nd pic)

120520 - 1.PNG
120520 - 2.PNG

Song name and Artist please
Sorry Col, I thought since Darrell posted, yours had been answered...
No. Mine isn't Whiskey Girl.

Darrell's fire example could possibly be Todd Rundgren's Espresso (All Jacked Up)
See the full lyrics here
to understand why it fits
Then there is Stealers Wheel, but I could find no song title related to fire or heat.
Then there is Steel Wheels - We've Got a Fire (steel being a play on word for steal)
Or Wheels On Fire - Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger and the Trinity

Small clue on mine - reverse the pictures for the song title
Some great guesses there but no to all sorry.

Clue: First pic is song. Second pic is band.
Based on the last clue, these are all probably wrong...
Firestarter -Prodigy
Fire - Crazy World of Arthur Brown
Arsonists Lullaby -Hozier
Correct - they are all wrong

Gee I need to get onto youtube as well as I've only heard of one of those!
Really? At least two are well known.
Anyway i've used up most if my ideas so without more clues I'm dropping out.
My last offering seems to be getting no responses either....
Working on yours but it's proving tricky..

Lace and Whiskey - Alice Cooper..?

Clue for mine: Song = 3 words, Artist = 2 words

Supplementary clue: Nth American band
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Umm, things are/getting too obscure. The title of the thread is slightly obscure. Regionalization can't be helped but if the clues are too cryptic, it just makes it worse. I have spent considerable time on both of these and am at a total loss. Then again, if I see a vase of flowers, I don't think "sill" so maybe that's on me.
Sheesh - would a plain open window have helped that much?
I did say it was me, not you, yes? I'm literal. Show me a pic where flowers are 95% of the image and I'm not going to think "window" except I did think it was a stained glass window but struck out on that. Besides, a sill isn't restricted to windows because doors have them too btw. You want a sill? How's this?
No to Alice Cooper.
Mine is two individuals collaborating in album released around 1981.
One British, the other American. Both very well known and originally in two famous bands from 70s/80s.

As for Darrell's, I've tried various bands such as Flaming Lips, Famous Flames and Burning Spear but can't find a song that fits.
Also Fire Brigade by the Move but the pictures are the wrong way round for that and they were from UK.

I admit defeat.
Mine is two individuals collaborating in album released around 1981.
For the whole album or just one or two songs? I can think of 2 individuals that might fit your clue, but one of them started out in the 60's not 70's or 80's so they are probably not it.
Whole album.
Both bands first became famous in the 70s and were commercially very successful, innovative and influential.
Both individuals still active making music today

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