The Slightly Obscure Music Discussion And Quizzy Thread (1 Viewer)

Damn! I made it too easy. I had a pic of 2 glasses of brew and figured it wouldn't last 10 minutes. This wasn't much better.
It had me scratching my head for a while and some furious googling

It was also the most 80's song I've heard in quite some time and it's left me more than a bit traumatized I can tell you...

Maybe it should be your turn again since we got all out of sequence...?
What, you didn't like what became the unofficial anthem for MADD? Anything KM did has to be better than Lou Reed!
If you want me to go again, np but will have to wait. It's 12:44 AM here now.
I have all of the VU albums, but found many of his later solo albums hard to listen to.
However the John Cale influenced VU songs like All Tomorrow's Parties, Venus In Furs and The Ballad of Elmore Schwatrz are still great over 50 years on IMO...

As for the last one, I've never even heard of Kim Mitchell or that song 🤨
This is a song title. If you guess it, the band and album will naturally follow. I bet this one won't last long either. I'm too easy on you guys!
Courtesy of Google - Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day
OK not sure if anyone is still engaged with this thread.
Very well known British artist who had big selling records in every decade from the 1960s to 2010s.
Very innovative and influential. Definitely not at all obscure!
First clue is the artist, other two are the song (and album) title
OK not sure if anyone is still engaged with this thread.
Ciao Colin, I've had to limit my AWF time due to my repatriation to the US. The wife and in-laws are working me like a damn farm animal. Finally got my vegetable garden planted and yard reseeded - after a brief interruption from a swam of honey bees (looks like I'm going to become a beekeeper - more on that).

Add to the list my crash course on the ukelele and AWF time is a thing of the past!
I'm finding that my problem with keeping up here is a generation gap. There came a time when I didn't listen to radio that much and thus didn't keep up with groups and their music. As it is, my two main contributions were from the '70s and people admitted to having to Google some aspect or the other of what I offered.
I keep focusing on the dagger hoping something will break loose, like "Dolly Dagger"
David Bowie - Black Tie, White Noise ?
I'll hand over to AccessBlaster should it be correct, as my brain has been hurting just reading this thread. The only other one I guessed was the Steppenwolf one. :D
If that was supposed to be a Bowie knife, it wasn't. That looked more like a ceremonial Malay or other South East Asia blade.
If that was supposed to be a Bowie knife, it wasn't. That looked more like a ceremonial Malay or other South East Asia blade.
Nothing to say I was correct yet Doc.?
I just took it from Colin's clues, then it seemed to fit. :)
Well done. You deserve to be the next one to offer a puzzle
You were absolutely correct and I still think it was fairly straightforward
The third picture was from trailer for a film called White Noise

As for the knife, I was expecting that comment.

What now constitutes a Bowie knife seems to very broadly defined even if it wasn't originally

Anyway, @The_Doc_Man, its a bit rich to be nitpicking when you posted a vase of flowers on a table in front of a window as a clue for a sill!
Oh and BTW, there are no more than 5 years difference in our ages and most of my examples have been from the 1960s
OK, I relent, but probably an easy one?
Artist and song please


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