The Slightly Obscure Music Discussion And Quizzy Thread (1 Viewer)

now that one I've got (I think). The one before, not so much.
I'm completely stuck on Minty's clue. I do hope AB can get my personalised challenge for him only. ;)
And @Darrell gets the prize.
Of you go!

Edit. I may have worked out Colin's as well... ;)
Well you do realise the answer to my clue was Stay Cool by Flight of the Conchords.... 😉
It fits perfectly 😁

Anyway, as we're both really referring to Oasis, I've never been much of a fan
I liked some of the early stuff on their first two albums but after that much of their output seemed very much the same to me and I stopped listening.
I'm not expecting this to last long... Song and Artist please

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I expected that. There are a lot of possible answers related to MuMu but I can't see how the first two pictures fit.
Excuse my ignorance but I'm not a rugby fan. Is that Jonah Lomu?
Not Jonah Lomu, though he did play for that team many years ago.
I'm not looking for the name of a player btw

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