The Slightly Obscure Music Discussion And Quizzy Thread (1 Viewer)

I'm drawing a blank on the name and haven't come up with anything after a couple of days of thinking.
Well, if no one else takes a crack at it, I'll post a link some time tomorrow.
That's it. I figured it wouldn't be too obscure for a local boy since they had released 4 albums, but it seems I guessed wrong. :(
I guess that means finding another obscure song title...

Super easy not obscure - Song Title.

I knew it was way too simple.
It's over to Colin.
Just to clarify, "New Orleans Nightcrawlers" are obviously a niche group that I don't follow because I didn't know of them and have never knowingly heard any of their music. Thank you for tailoring, Micron, but you should know this: In a city rich in musical tradition with the Neville family and the Marsalis family in the forefront, and with the Loyola University School of Music, we had a LOT of good teachers. And with native (or adopted) artists like Pete Fountain, Al Hirt, and Fats Domino, our music tradition is high. Thus, we have a positive GLUT of local groups here and it is nearly impossible to track them all.

I was able to make a comparison between New Orleans and another city when on a vacation once. Here in New Orleans, I moonlighted as a musician in a city where the competition for gigs was fierce. We had SO MANY bands that tried to become "big-time" performers that booking prices were severely depressed. You couldn't make a buck to save your soul.

Back in that time, my parents and I took long driving vacations to see the country. We were driving through Kansas heading towards Colorado and stopped for the day in Topeka (as the biggest place to find motels near the end of the day). The motel was not too far from a shopping center and we found a music store. I went inside to escape a rain shower and while there, started looking for music books - a common event in the lives of many musicians, always looking for new songs. Found a book, bought it, and asked the store owner if it would be OK for me to pick my way through a couple of the songs while the sudden shower outside died down. He said, "OK."

I picked through a couple of songs and mentally set up an arrangement, then played them (it was a mid-sized Lowrey organ as I recall). When I was finished, he offered me a job on the spot. I told him I was a tourist passing through. He understood but then explained that Topeka doesn't have a musical tradition like New Orleans. He said he knew of only two organists in town who were able to play well enough to serve at weddings and funerals. Which added another level of surprise when he told me the going rate, about twice or three times the going rate for wedding organists in New Orleans. From that discussion, which actually went on longer than I just described, I realized that a decent group in Topeka would have no trouble gaining local notoriety and finding lots of gigs. In New Orleans, not so much. In a garden full of weeds, it is often harder for the flowers to bloom.

Another case in point: The country rock group Alabama was a garage band in Ft. Payne, Alabama (extreme NE corner of the state, just off I-59). Ft. Payne is a lovely example of small-town America on Highway 11, bypassed by the interstate highway system. But the group had enough success to keep it going because there was a market for their services.

Another case in point: The rock group Amboy Dukes (for whom a young and very hairy Ted Nugent played the well-known riff for "Journey to the Center of the Mind") was a garage band in the Perth Amboy, New Jersey area. They were quite good and had a following with a couple of national hits before breaking up and going their own way.

Sorry for the digression, but I sometimes go off like that. Hope I didn't bore you folks too much.
No apologies necessary; always a treat to read your stories.
Now go back to your 2 posts where I referenced them and you'll see that you used those 2 words! I didn't expect that one to last a day because even if the band was not well known, I figure - come on, NCIS New Orleans and if not worms, then what else are they called? - night crawlers. Oh well, I tried.:)
Just so others will know about them, here is something I found as a reference of their style.

They are quite decent musicians, from what I can hear. I will not disrespect them. But this isn't among my favorite styles.
Just for info, I've never heard the phrase 'night crawlers' used for earthworms.

Anyway here's another, possibly linked, hopefully not too hard.
Song title and band please.

As there have been no responses to the latest challenge in post #452 after 36 hours, I'll add two hints:
Very well known American band whose albums sold massively particularly in the 1990s.
The first image is a clue to the band. The other two will give you the title
REM - Nightswimming.
I'm a bit busy right now so anyone else can have a go! Open House
OK, this one might be fun. Or not. Immediate hint: Your picture clues will have or evoke a name or word, but to get this song title right, you will pronounce only PART of that name. One more hint: counts as a novelty song. One last hint: The images overflowed the line.


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