The Slightly Obscure Music Discussion And Quizzy Thread (1 Viewer)

Well, no interest in this one so here it is - I thought it was reasonably straight forward but oh well.

Anyone who feels like can take over

Me neither, then again I haven't heard of quite a few on here, but sometimes can make something of the clues. I think the cartoon character and animal skin as a snake clue is a bit like a pot of flowers being like a window sill. Just sayin...;)
I think the cartoon character and animal skin as a snake clue is a bit like a pot of flowers being like a window sill. Just sayin...;)

The cartoon character is Snake from the Simpsons. I had assumed that this would either be readily known or easily researched.
I get it now! I haven't watched the Simpsons in I bet, 25 years.
Band and song.

This one is a Artist and Album title.
Pretty simples I think, so the experienced guessmiesters might want to pause to give some noobies a go.

I'm thinking artist initials are TD and will leave it at that.
C'mon newbies - don't take all day!
Now all he needs is the album title?
Or was that the title?
I'm cornfused. Why isn't it Thomas Dolby - Flat Earth? Isn't that what the second pic is - a flat Earth?

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