The Watercooler - lets get busy!


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 20:37
Sep 28, 1999
I've added a few catchy posts to see if we can get a little bit more talk going in the Watercooler. To my mind, it helps people get to know each other a little better outside of all this geek speak.
I agree with you. I love going to peoples profiles and seeing were people live and what there interest and occupation are. I wish more people would inter that info in there “about me”. In fact I think I will add to this post, this request. I live in Belleview, FL, originally from RI and MA. If anybody is interested in knowing more about Belleview and would also like telling me interesting thing about where they live, as they say in Florida, “Come on Down”
Dick S.
I've added a few catchy posts to see if we can get a little bit more talk going in the Watercooler. To my mind, it helps people get to know each other a little better outside of all this geek speak.

It won't work as long as you have Yankee moderators who (like most Americans) are too trigger happy. The difference being, the Yankee mods here are too quick to delete threads or tell people off just because of different culture values.

In other words, what is acceptable and normal in the UK is sometimes frowned on by Yanks, therefore the post or thread is deleted.

It's not worth the time and energy to post.

It won't work as long as you have Yankee moderators who (like most Americans) are too trigger happy. The difference being, the Yankee mods here are too quick to delete threads or tell people off just because of different culture values.

In other words, what is acceptable and normal in the UK is sometimes frowned on by Yanks, therefore the post or thread is deleted.

It's not worth the time and energy to post.


You are right about culture. I know to the Brits we are all Yankees, but here in the US I am a Yankee because I come from Rhode Island and Massachusetts, (Northern States) but I moved to Florida 23 years ago. Anybody south of the Mason / Dixon line, mostly the southern state are called rebels. You probably know this already but some out there I am sure don’t. Florida is a melting pot of Yankees, Rebels, Brits, and lots of others. Recently at my church I had to apologize to some people (Rebels) because they were offended that I affectingly call my sister (in her 50’s) “The Little Fat Girl” I explain that is a name I called her since we were kids. That is also the culture I grew up, lots of my family and friends did the same thing. I then explain that some of their culture seemed strange to me when I first moved to FL. I gave an example that when I first saw my Pastor kisses his grown son on the lips; I almost fell of my chair. When I was growing up he may have been arrested for doing that in public, or at least questioned. When I was in the Navy aboard ship 1960’s It would not have been tolerated there either.
Now this post is about differences in culture, so please don’t post me about right or wrong about men kissing men.
I agree this forum and I like the that method of the current resources.

It's really work very well and can understand of the the methods easily approval.
You shouldn't lump all "Yanks" into the same stereotype.
It won't work as long as you have Yankee moderators who (like most Americans) are too trigger happy. The difference being, the Yankee mods here are too quick to delete threads or tell people off just because of different culture values.

In other words, what is acceptable and normal in the UK is sometimes frowned on by Yanks, therefore the post or thread is deleted.

It's not worth the time and energy to post.


The only one who is so judgmental is you.
That's kind of a rough sterotype of us "Yanks". Frankly I have yet to see anything on these boards that would "rub someone the wrong way".

Everyone in the US isnt closed minded and angry just like everyone in (vbRandomCountry) isn't closed minded and angry either.

Just my 2 copper.

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