This will oust the corruption of transgender

This is an interesting development.

In essence, the arbitration unit on sports competition issues ruled against a trans athlete - but chose a path that didn't rule against one of the "open competition" regulations for international swimming. The decision was a "lacks standing" response - unanimous - and I can't find something that may have been removed after the first time I saw the article. I can't find it now, but someone raised the argument that trans person Lia Thomas was disqualified because she did not go through puberty as a woman, so all those hormonal advantages kicked in before she went trans.

There is some talk about setting up a third competition category - now not only men's and women's events - but an "open" event that doesn't care about your currently perceived gender.
Very sensible view of the state of affairs:-

A politician in Western Australia stated that the + at the end of LGBTQ+ was for paedophiles

I was interested in your comment @Cotswold and I have seen similar information elsewhere. To confirm, I asked Grok, which is considered to be the least woke large language model. I must say I was surprised by its answer:-

There is no evidence to support the claim that the "+" in "LGBTQ+" represents or includes paedophilia. The "+" symbol is used to signify inclusivity and diversity within the community, encompassing all identities that fall under the umbrella of gender and sexual minority.

As for the age of consent, it is a legal concept that varies from country to country and is designed to protect minors from sexual exploitation. In most jurisdictions, the age of consent is set at a level that is considered appropriate to protect minors and is not a matter of political or social debate.

There is no credible evidence to suggest that any significant or organized group is actively trying to lower the age of consent. The goal of such a claim would likely be to stigmatize the LGBTQ+ community and to spread misinformation.

The minimum age of consent is determined by the laws of each individual country and is not influenced by any single group or individual. It is a matter of public policy and is set at a level that is considered appropriate to protect minors from sexual exploitation.
Australia is not as woke, nor does it appear to have the tendency to kowtow to vocal minorities, or even authority as some countries.
It tends not to be as rule driven (y)as some and impresses as a country where acceptance and tolerance are more important than
obedience to the tedious and the pompous.
Until today I had no idea Grok existed, where Grok obtained it's training, nor from where it receives updates and opinions to opine.
But I doubt it was from anywhere in Australia.
All this LGB etc stuff is just a bunch of queers attention seeking as always. If a person wants to compete in a sport, then you compete as your birth sex or you don't compete. I don't see why society should pander to weird fantasies in the name of human rights or equality. Women should do women's work and men should earn the dough. Women should bring up the children not fob them off on any Tom, Dick or Harry.

The solution is as old as time. A bloke should fancy a girl or vice versa that's it. If a bloke fancies a bloke then they are queer and they do whatever privately.
We have queers marrying nowadays, even adopting children, imagine how they'll turn out. We have a TV advert where two blokes kiss, they show it at teatime, it puts you off your tea.
Actually, I smile at those initials, it reminds me that in the 70's I had an MGBGT.
Col, the world is over-populated. I have no problems with same-sex marriages because EITHER they will never have kids OR they will adopt and in so doing, give kids a more stable situation than they had OR if a potentially fertile partner is involved, they can still have a kid. But if you think about it, that's exactly what happens in a more traditional marriage.

As to same-sex marriage plus adoption, it has been studied and shown that having two caring parents is better than being in a single-parent situation. If you get down to it, that's the same result you see in male/female pairing... two caring parents are better than one. And having an uncaring parent happens for hetero couples as well as homosexual couples.

I'm not trying to bust your chops, Col, but statistics have shown that nearly 50% of traditional marriages fall apart and when a kid is involved, that kid is hung out to dry by the parents who are too angry with their ex-partners to remember how that destabilizes the kid. Why is this any better than same-sex marriages?
I think it's best I don't comment more on this at the moment, otherwise you may be instructed to ban / reprimand me again.
No, Col, I'm not speaking as a moderator. If there WERE to be a reprimand, I assure you it would social, not forum-related. Sort of like the way I used to give you grief about Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.

My college days from 1965 to 1975 (includes Baccalaureate and Doctorate work) brought me around gay people. My musical days in the French Quarter brought me closer to gay people. My first "real" job after college happened to indirectly bring me around gay people. Wen I got married in 1994, I gained a gay step-daughter. That background opened my eyes to the truth a lot of things that I learned incorrectly when I was a kid in the 1950s and 1960s. My dad was virulently anti-gay and when I tried to discuss that his degree of hatred was unwarranted, we got into some serious arguments. I wasn't trying to be gay. I was just trying to not dump scorn on someone who happened to be different.

When I speak this way it is because I learned to ignore the fears of those folks who think they might somehow be contaminated if they dared to be around gay people. Well, they WILL be contaminated - with the truth of the matter, which is that gays got an unjustified reputation and they are fed up with the lies. But there are no such things as gay cooties.
A man, pretending to be a woman murdered his mom and dad.... Probably because they miss gendered him, and refused to use his preferred pronouns....

The local radio station, drawing people's attention to this mass murderer, who is dangerous, and at large, insist on identifying him as "FEMALE" and I suspect the station is using her preferred pronouns...

So you have a six foot & one Inch tall man, dressed as a female, being announced as a FEMALE by the radio station, hence, you would assume less of a threat than a MAN.

Any would-be hero attempting to apprehend a person they have been informed is a WOMAN is put at greater risk! All in the maintenance of the RAINBOW.....

There is certainly pots of something at the ends of the rainbow, but it most definitely is NOT GOLD!!!!



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    DALL·E 2024-06-25 14.45.31 - A vibrant rainbow arcing across a clear sky, with each end termin...png
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All this LGB etc stuff is just a bunch of queers attention seeking as always.

If a person wants to compete in a sport, then you compete as your birth sex or you don't compete
agree - and this doesn't 'exclude' transgenders, it just forces them to compete in reality. they can still have their fetish and dress however they like.

We have queers marrying nowadays, even adopting children, imagine how they'll turn out. We have a TV advert where two blokes kiss, they show it at teatime, it puts you off your tea
it does put me off my tea a bit, but that's not the reason I think the whole thing has gone too far - it's gone too far because parents are being actively disallowed to raise their children straight. period. that's wrong.
Incredibly sad.

And this whole thing about "they'll commit suicide if you don't do X" is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO STUPID!!!

Take any drug addict, "I'll commit suicide if I can't get high right now" - well yes, maybe they will - that doesn't mean you give them whatever they want or are threatening about, obviously. A lot of people will commit suicide this very year if they don't get their ex back - but guess what, their ex isn't coming back anyway.

suicide isn't a "holding you for ransom" situation

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