This will oust the corruption of transgender (3 Viewers)

This is simply not the crisis the left makes it out to be.

Pat, I firmly believe you are correct. The numbers just aren't there to justify calling it a crisis. But that is the nature of our political dialog these days. (Not "yours and my" political dialog, but "our country's" political dialog.) When people correctly ignore the statistics because they make no sense and don't support the word "crisis" in any way, the silence triggers escalation so the statistical blip becomes a crisis. Not to mention that if you get someone worried about a small crisis, they might not have time to pay attention to the bigger crisis. It's a classic misdirection trick.

As to our discussion on abortion, I have a curse. Often I can see both sides to an issue and fairly often the sides are in balance, leaving me to be unable to decide which path is better. You can exhort all you want, but when I don't decide it might be because I literally can't decide.

Please understand that I'm not blowing my own horn here, but in the past folks have commented on my balanced viewpoint. That balance comes from seeing both the forest and the trees. The ability to do that is a curse because it means I am often apparently indecisive. It's just the way I think. And in those cases where I apparently took a side, you know I had a reason even if you don't know the reason.
As to our discussion on abortion, I have a curse. Often I can see both sides to an issue and fairly often the sides are in balance, leaving me to be unable to decide which path is better. You can exhort all you want, but when I don't decide it might be because I literally can't decide.

Please understand that I'm not blowing my own horn here, but in the past folks have commented on my balanced viewpoint. That balance comes from seeing both the forest and the trees. The ability to do that is a curse because it means I am often apparently indecisive. It's just the way I think. And in those cases where I apparently took a side, you know I had a reason even if you don't know the reason

It's a good problem to have doc
Thanks, @Isaac - since I know you don't necessarily agree with me on some things, I appreciate the comment.
despite my committment to the concept of what you might call absolute truth, i do challenge myself more than you might think.
after reading neil gorsuch's book "over ruled", which was an echo of many things i already believed, i then forced myself to read "progress - 10 reasons to look forward to the future", which was a challenge to what some may call my doom and gloom attitude about the present. just finished it, decent book with plenty of encouraging facts in it -- mostly along the lines of material comforts, but still encouraging stuff.

I think next I'm going to treat myself again to Sowell's "social justice fallacies" book, and Doc I always appreciate the fact that you reason through things despite our many disagreements. since we haven't argued in a long time there is more space to appreciate each other, lol
Doc, "balance" is actually choosing between never and whenever. When you don't choose, "they" win because "they" choose for you. This particular decision is binary. You can't play Solomon here. The fetus dies or it lives. If you don't believe that at one end of that scale is an actual human, then of course you can "See" both sides because neither choice matters. Who cares if a human you don't know gets killed because it was inconvenient. Some conflicts require a stand despite being able to "See" both sides.

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