This will oust the corruption of transgender (1 Viewer)

You do realize what the baking of the cake refers to, righit? it doesn't just refer to baking a cake. it refers to FORCING a baker to bake a cake with a message that they'd rather not take on the project. forcing them to by a lawsuit
The cake issue was obvious and easy. But it is simply a surrogate for the left's attempt to control how you think. If they can make you decorate a cake with words and symbols that go against your religious beliefs, can they make you perform an abortion if you are a Catholic doctor? Can they make you write pornography if you are an author? Can they force you to allow your children to be sexualized at a young age for the sake of "inclusion"?

This case was touted as being about religious freedom but really it was about freedom, period. Why can you not be allowed to refuse any custom job that doesn't suit you? For some reason or no reason at all? This is different from the public accommodation of serving walk-in customers. If they are ordering from the menu and otherwise being orderly and not causing a problem, you have to serve them but if they want something not on the menu, you don't have to accommodate the request.

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