This will oust the corruption of transgender (1 Viewer)

I think Pat still makes a valid point that children not just can't understand it, they shouldn't be dabbling in sexuality at a very young age. Until recently we all agreed on this, what happened.

"we all agreed" - on the forum, true. In the outside world? Hasn't been true for years. Look at "child beauty pageants" which have been the subject of many TV investigative series. Look at Jon Benet Ramsey's case, where a child was abused and killed by person or persons unknown after she had developed a following in a local beauty pageant. The pageant parents, usually either misguided or for selfish reasons, have pushed their children to dress up and get a layer of cosmetics plastered on their faces and then parade around a stage showing "talent" that often drives the kids to despair - particularly if they disappoint Mom by not trying hard enough to win their little contests. There are words for parents like that, but the ones I want to use would violate forum policies on vulgarity.

Then there are the parents that push their kids to become child models. Some of them come out of it mostly unharmed. Some grow up to write memoirs about the trials and tribulations of being a child model.

What happened? Someone read the Bible and thought about the phrase, "Suffer the little children to come to me." Then they got to thinking that the lesson in that phrase is that if they catch a vulnerable kid, that poor child can be "turned" towards whatever nefarious actions the bad person wants. A form of "early Stockholm syndrome." And never good when it happens. It doesn't matter that Biblically that advice is on how to bring up a child to religion. The lessons in that book go anywhere for those who can think outside of the "Biblical morality" box.
if you are insinuating that child beauty pageants are weird as hell, I totally agree. But still, I think we all agreed for the most part until very recently that very young children (1st grade-ish, etc. etc.) weren't taught intrinsically sexual issues , but I suppose with definitions fluid and constantly changing, every word I'm saying could be picked apart (i.e., "it's not sexual, it's identity" and so on and so on indefinitely)

i would say the same thing about child actresses being overly sexualized, except I think for the most part the actor is usually actually older than the role they are portraying, which perhaps saves them to some extent
We have had some discussions here about "what is a woman?" I am still a supporter of the idea that a person's sexual self-identity depends on more than just the plumbing. However, we have been bouncing around the definition of "woman" because people want to make a more inclusive statement. The question stems from a need to identify a person's gender for various purposes such as simple as which rest-room they should use and as complex as whether they would qualify as a small disadvantaged business for government contracts. Yes, a woman-owned business DOES qualify as an SDB for U.S. Navy contracts. I worked for one for almost two years near the end of my career.

The issues we face in this discussion relate to identifying a woman or a man. There actually IS a simple test that would eliminate most of the ambiguity but in this progressive liberal USA political morass, it is not to Democratic advantage to be restrictive..

In the video, the definitions for "Man" and "Woman" depend specifically on the "potential biological role in reproduction" (without regard to whether reproduction actually occurs). When dealing with things like sports competition, this test always resolves the question.

I am still in favor of allowing people to engage in same-sex marriages for a simple reason: People who do that can adopt kids - but they have taken themselves out of the path for biological reproduction. So in that case, who cares what they do... and why WOULD you care? (Rhetorical question...)
We have had some discussions here about "what is a woman?" I am still a supporter of the idea that a person's sexual self-identity depends on more than just the plumbing. However, we have been bouncing around the definition of "woman" because people want to make a more inclusive statement. The question stems from a need to identify a person's gender for various purposes such as simple as which rest-room they should use and as complex as whether they would qualify as a small disadvantaged business for government contracts. Yes, a woman-owned business DOES qualify as an SDB for U.S. Navy contracts. I worked for one for almost two years near the end of my career.

The issues we face in this discussion relate to identifying a woman or a man. There actually IS a simple test that would eliminate most of the ambiguity but in this progressive liberal USA political morass, it is not to Democratic advantage to be restrictive..

In the video, the definitions for "Man" and "Woman" depend specifically on the "potential biological role in reproduction" (without regard to whether reproduction actually occurs). When dealing with things like sports competition, this test always resolves the question.

I am still in favor of allowing people to engage in same-sex marriages for a simple reason: People who do that can adopt kids - but they have taken themselves out of the path for biological reproduction. So in that case, who cares what they do... and why WOULD you care? (Rhetorical question...)
I have absolutely no problem with same set marriages and the adoption or foster parenting of children.
The question stems from a need to identify a person's gender for various purposes such as simple as which rest-room they should use and as complex as whether they would qualify as a small disadvantaged business for government contracts.
Medical research would be one example where a person's DNA (male/female) has to be known otherwise the data would be "dirty". Certain drugs work differently depending on the persons DNA. Allowing self-identification would defeat the purpose of researching the medical efficacy of a drug.

Additionally, as you allude to there are questions concerning who would qualify for certain programs such as those helping women owed business. This extends to a variety of other societal issues, such as crime, mental health, and environmenatal statistics which could be distorted through gender self-identification.
I have absolutely no problem with same set marriages and the adoption or foster parenting of children.
Me either, I have little concern with traditional Gays. It's the transsexuals mostly males who are annoying AF with prison, bathrooms, sports and grooming children, other than that I'm OK 😂
I have 2 sets of 'lenses' - what the government ought to allow/prohibit, and secondly my personal moral view. They are, of course, different. Perhaps it has been my mistake to not clarify that difference during certain debates, else it all gets very murky to discuss in a simple manner.

I would say from a government-perspective, I have little concern for gays doing their thing either, no concern really, but there are all kinds of peripheral stuff that bothers me, from a government or legal perspective, like:

- being 'forced' to celebrate something in an employer/employee/pride month type of scenario, if I don't personally want to celebrate it
- parades where penises and such are on display for children to see and children even included IN the parade
- being forced to opt-in to my children learning things in school that may conflict with my moral beliefs

So while I'd love to keep the government lens and my private moral lens separate, you can see how worlds collide sometimes philosophically and logically, like in #3 above
US government blocking report on attempts to transition kids, because the report says that transitioning harms the kids!

Men and women's brains ARE different:-

JK Rowling said that it is estimated 900 real women have lost medals and awards, stolen from them by men who have transitioned into women.

But then she went on to point out that there is no similar influx of women transitioned into men winning in men's sports...

there is no similar influx of women transitioned into men winning in men's sports...

Does this mean that to establish parity in the sports, that the men should undergo hormone therapy to make them less able, less athletic, so that the women who have transitioned into men can compete in a level playing field?

And it is patently obvious that what I have said is one of the most stupid statements you could make!

But it's no stupider than the statement that a man who has transitioned into a woman can perform on a equal footing to women, because of hormone adjustments. This is clearly proved false by the number of such "bar Stewarts" taking the laurels and cash, which should go to real women.....
man who has transitioned into a woman can perform on a equal footing to women, because of hormone adjustments.

And what about the rules in sports governing the use of drugs chemicals and sayings to enhance performance?

Shouldn't those rules apply equally to drugs which impede performance?

The already existing rules on performance enhancing drugs could easily be applied to stop men competing against women...
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With high profile women like JK Rowling and Sharon Davis MBE chipping away at this travesty pointing out obvious cracks in their armour, like this I think we have a good chance of undermining the stupidity!

My last post put me in mind of an observation!

You could call a collection of transvestites:-
"A travesty of Transvestites"

What about a collection of transgendered people?

"A Transmission of Transgender"
And what about the rules in sports governing the use of drugs chemicals and sayings to enhance performance?

Shouldn't those rules apply equally to drugs which impede performance?

The already existing rules on performance enhancing drugs could easily be applied to stop men competing against women...

Kurt Vonnegut wrote a story (in the 1960s) called "Harrison Bergeron" that explores a DEI concept take to extremes.

In the year 2081, the Constitution dictates that all Americans are fully equal and not allowed to be smarter, better-looking, or more physically able than anyone else. This is due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th amendments. There is a government official called the "Handicapper General" and some of the remedies include wearing masks if you are too pretty or wearing weight belts if you are too strong. The story ends when the titular character attempts to overthrow the U.S. Government so that people can be themselves again - but the Handicapper General finds him and removes his threat with a shotgun. Then she orders everyone to put on their handicaps again.

The only thing about the story that is truly unbelievable is that the country could agree on that many amendments in any ten human lifetimes. Everything else sounds like it is straight out of the DEI Czar's office. (The story does not use "DEI" as it pre-dates the use of that idiom.)
Agreed UG. IF the whole thing were legit, and a matter of natural normal processes, you ought to see a bunch of female-born tranvestite "men" barging their way into a male sport, "wishing for nothing else but the fair right to compete as they identify". but alas, I am not seeing any
there may be one somewhere, though
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