They're not my worst nightmare. I don't have fear, what is coming is coming. You really can't get it, that I'm not on the left.You still don't get it, the left turned Musk and Trump into your worse nightmare. They let the genie out of the bottle.
They're not my worst nightmare. I don't have fear, what is coming is coming. You really can't get it, that I'm not on the left.You still don't get it, the left turned Musk and Trump into your worse nightmare. They let the genie out of the bottle.
The left loved him years ago because he pretended to care about the environment. The right deified him in the lead up to purchasing Twitter. That's when you all added him to the worshipable demigods.The left did that, wakeup.
The Genie out of the bottle? 25% of our economy (GPD) is based on government spending. The night mare will happen when all these capitalist overlords cut of the middle class money flow.You still don't get it, the left turned Musk and Trump into your worse nightmare. They let the genie out of the bottle.
I agree the Democrats are totally screwed up. Their messaging exist to push people to the right, so Koch and company can get the rest of their (everyday people) money.Here's an easy riddle: What does Trump, Elon, and Rogan all have in common? They are all disillusioned democrats. Sadly many of us didn't leave the Democrat party, the Democrat party left us.
agree the Democrats are totally screwed up.
Their messaging sucks, but I doubt it's intentional. They are their own worst enemys, and Trump has tapped into the chaos.Their messaging exist to push people to the right,
And at least 40% (maybe even more) of that is total waste. Civil servants are overpaid and under work - when they even show up - so its a double whammy regarding salaries and then we get to the overly generous health benefits and the stupidly generous retirement benefits and that's before we get to the bridges to nowhere and investigating the sex lives of various animals and insects and the bad loans to insolvent companies who will never repay them and the idiotic overpayment for almost everything the military buys due to stupid, stupid, stupid, downright idiotic procurement processes.The Genie out of the bottle? 25% of our economy (GPD) is based on government spending. The night mare will happen when all these capitalist overlords cut of the middle class money flow.
For the last time, stop misquoting me. You obviously know very little about the history of your own party's propaganda efforts. This will be the last time I play this silly word game.Ya think?
Maybe you could learn something like dialing back the Hitler foolishness. You are part of the messaging.
Their messaging sucks, but I doubt it's intentional. They are their own worst enemys, and Trump has tapped into the chaos.
With every word you utter, you prove the effectiveness of listing to lies over, and over, and over, until the lemmings drink the cool aid.And at least 40% (maybe even more) of that is total waste. Civil servants are overpaid and under work - when they even show up - so its a double whammy regarding salaries and then we get to the overly generous health benefits and the stupidly generous retirement benefits and that's before we get to the bridges to nowhere and investigating the sex lives of various animals and insects and the bad loans to insolvent companies who will never repay them and the idiotic overpayment for almost everything the military buys due to stupid, stupid, stupid, downright idiotic procurement processes.
That excess 40% could come back to the people as lower taxes and people will spend their extra money and the economy gets better, not worse. The government MAKES NOTHING. It has certain jobs to do but everything else is just a waste of taxpayer money. Who ever said that the government has to be the mommy
Read the above statement.For the last time, stop misquoting me. You obviously know very little about the history of your own party's propaganda efforts. This will be the last time I play this silly word game.
The origins of the STYLE and message of Conservative Propaganda came from Goebbels and Hitler from the 1930s. They invented it to appeal to people like you. Read up on it. You should get something for all the effort you have put into trying to prove a point that only conservatives would agree with.
As far as me being part of the messaging. How so?
Transference again. You really think it is better for the economy if the government takes money from me to spend it on totally idiotic "studies" than if I spend that money on consumer goods or services? It is far more efficient if I spend my money directly than when the government funnels it through other parties, each syphoning off some part of it. If the government didn't steal my money to fund the idiotic study, the person conducting the study might have to find a real job.And, oh yeah, look up innumeracy.