Trump Administration Predictions (1 Viewer)

There is a galling side story to oil. Biden & Co. endlessly blustered that Trump supported dictators. But, the Biden in attempting to shutdown the US oil industry made deals to import oil from Venezuela and removed oil sanctions from Iran. Biden's attempts at shutting down US oil production also helped Russia out. Biden's foreign policy has been a disaster.

Not only that, but the president dictator (Maduro) of Venezuela "stiffed" Biden concerning allowing Venezuelan oil to be imported into the US in exchange for fair elections in Venezuela. Of course those fair elections never happened and it appears that the US press never condemned Biden for being such a patsy. Biden failed to stand-up for the US, gave dictators what they wanted, and even helped Maduro out by allowing disgruntled Venezuelans into the US!
You should fact check that info. What you just wrote is exactly propaganda.
Why is everything you disagree with propaganda? PROVE that Steve is incorrect. Post your sources that say otherwise.
Why is everything you disagree with propaganda? PROVE that Steve is incorrect. Post your sources that say otherwise.
You want me to write a report on the state of Americam oil production?
I certainly read the proper industry journals for that. Not my job to do that. You don't really don't know much about oil and gas, do you? Or Mexicans either for that matter.
I see Mr Trump had his black crayon out to pardon those rioters of Jan 6th. It must be a relief for all those families of the rioters to have their loved ones released and free from persecution.
So Biden was ham-strung the duration of his term due to Trump's first term. Got it.
Inflation is not, nor has it ever been, solvable in an instant.

Other than inflation, the Biden Administration oversaw substantial economic strength. The left's preoccupation with woke gave the Right's messaging power, even among the Independents. Which is why the government shifted to the right this time.
There is a whole list of verifiable indicators that prove we actually did well under Biden. Except of course Conservatives feeling hopeless and the inevitable difficulties with inflation. Which, by the way Trump will take credit for it residing over the reduction. Just like he took credit for the economy created during the Obama Administration.
Americans are for the most part super ignorant when it comes to macro economic forces. They tend to believe their masters. Sadly for the middle class neither party is talking about the real things we need to do.

Divide and Conquer that's all they know. It's amazing how many people are so willing to drink that cool aid.

When the Trump administration imposes tariffs, how do you think is should be implemented?
It amuses think you're objective and "centered", but you lean as far left as you accuse Pat and others of leaning right. You the epitome of what you accuse her of...

I hope you are in the basement of that glass house when you are throwing those stones
Or Mexicans either for that matter.
I know that not all illegal immigrants are Mexican (in fact, very few are these days) although Mexico facilitates their progress through Mexico in partnership with the drug cartels. I do know that ALL illegal immigrants are by definition criminals from their entry into the country and then every day they stay here illegally. Our country used to be the shining light on the hill that everyone who wanted freedom and a chance aspired to. Now, we punish the innocent and claim the criminals are victims.

Do you think the illegal immigrants are not 100% criminals? OK - we won't call the children criminals since they technically are brought here either by parents or sold to others who force them into slavery after they get past the border.
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Inflation is not, nor has it ever been, solvable in an instant.
Correct. But Biden caused it in an instant by forcing up the price of oil. Guess he didn't understand it wasn't just you and me out for a Sunday drive in our gas-guzzler but ALL goods transported anywhere in the country. whoops. I guess when you raise the cost of transportation, you raise the price of EVERYTHING. Food is especially vulnerable.

I don't live even close to hand to mouth but I am still disturbed every time i go into a grocery store.
It amuses think you're objective and "centered", but you lean as far left as you accuse Pat and others of leaning right. You the epitome of what you accuse her of...

I hope you are in the basement of that glass house when you are throwing those stones
How do you think the Tariffs will be implemented?

If you want to go over the economic data over the last 15 years we can. I do that a lot. Just because I refuse to be hoodwinked by the conservative spin in the economy, does not make me closer to the left. I'm familiar with the data. What I know about oil and gas I get from knowing people in the business, and by reading Industry Journals.

I learned about the economy from reading reports on how banking works. how insurance funds are invested. When I wanted to understand how China was taking control of the world manufacturing, back in the 90s I read financial news.

When I want to hear fiction and fear mongering, I listen to the conservative spin.

How did the United States recover from the financial Sector Crash in 2008, 2 years before the rest of the developed world? if you think asking questions like that is left leaning, then it proves just how hood winked conservatives are about the economy.

How did the inflation get resolved in the 1980s?
What did the government do to worsen the Great Depression?

Hard questions and conservative news will not help you answer them.
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Correct. But Biden caused it in an instant by forcing up the price of oil. Guess he didn't understand it wasn't just you and me out for a Sunday drive in our gas-guzzler but ALL goods transported anywhere in the country. whoops. I guess when you raise the cost of transportation, you raise the price of EVERYTHING. Food is especially vulnerable.

I don't live even close to hand to mouth but I am still disturbed every time i go into a grocery store.
Biden had nothing the do with the increase in gas prices. Why don't you give him credit for them going back down? why don't you give him credit for the flattening out of inflation in late 2023 and 2024? Because you can't. Admitting even the slightest good from anything but your beliefs will send the house of cards crumbling to the ground.

Gas prices went up because the oil companies wanted them to. They bid up futures in anticipation of a boycott of Russian oil.
Apparently the stock market is liking the leadership change +500 points, near record.

Probably just right-wing propaganda, right? ;)

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