Trump Administration Predictions (1 Viewer)

So that lets out FB and Google.

But, you see the problem don't you? Congress is the body that passes laws. They will never pass a law that disadvantages incumbents. This is the kind of thing that would have to be done with an amendment. So far all Constitutional amendments have originated with Congress. So, we need to get behind the other method mentioned in Article V which is a Convention of States. There is a movement pushing for one and it is gradually working its way through state legislatures. 2/3 of the states need to agree to call for the convention and progress is pretty slow. Probably due to the total lack of understanding of how the Convention will work. All you hear is misinformation warning people that there is nothing to stop it from "running away" and making an entirely new Constitution. Clearly a lie but the average reader has no clue that it is a lie so it rises in states whenever the vote for the Convention is due to come up.

The part that the people spewing the misinformation gloss over is that every amendment proposed by the Convention of States then has to go back to all 50 states for ratification. And 3/4 of all states must ratify the amendment to make it happen. Sometimes deadlines are attached to proposed amendments. Sometimes they simply hang on for years and years and years. I think the Equal Rights amendment is still looking for ratification. I sure hope this never happens. Apparently the women who have voted for it never read it. It's like the "gays for Palestine" folks. Pay attention only to the talking points. Don't read the contents or think about the ramifications.
It took a real President (a republican) to get the ball rolling to break up the monopolies last time it was this far out of balance. They aren't really trying to do that in modern times.
It took a real President (a republican) to get the ball rolling to break up the monopolies last time it was this far out of balance. They aren't really trying to do that in modern times.
He didn't have a Congress that obstructed everything he did.
I like the idea of breaking up really severe monopolies.
Competition is what forces companies to not gouge quite so much. Monopolies prevent that competition. I'm in favor of anti-monopoly laws - as long as they exclude Parker Brothers and Hasbro (who now own Monopoly (TM).)
Hazmat team standing by to clean The White House....

Kamala couldn't be bothered to allow the incoming VP's wife to assess the VP residence so they could childproof it. She was too busy helping California manage the wild fires.
Now that Trump is president again:
  • 1. Trump should restore the bust of Winston Churchill to the White House.
  • 2. Trump should call for the restoration of the Teddy Roosevelt statue at the New York Natural History Museum.
Now that Trump is president again:
  • 1. Trump should restore the bust of Winston Churchill to the White House.
  • 2. Trump should call for the restoration of the Teddy Roosevelt statue at the New York Natural History Museum.
I have to be totally honest with you guys. I don't remember a lot of things that I should remember from my history classes and the only thing I remember about Teddy Roosevelt is from A Night at the Museum..
I have to be totally honest with you guys. I don't remember a lot of things that I should remember from my history classes and the only thing I remember about Teddy Roosevelt is from A Night at the Museum..
Is I mentioned earlier his biography is on Prime now.
Now that Trump is president again:
  • 1. Trump should restore the bust of Winston Churchill to the White House.
  • 2. Trump should call for the restoration of the Teddy Roosevelt statue at the New York Natural History Museum.
You may find him (Teddy Roosevelt) a little to left leaning for your money. He is the one that lead the effort to break up the strangle hold that the Robber Barons had on the country.

Which is the opposite of what Trump and Musk have in mind. But we'll see.
1. Trump should restore the bust of Winston Churchill to the White House.
I am pleased that this has occurred. Obama had great animosity towards England and Biden (being Obama's mindless lapdog) also removed that bust. Churchill was a great man. Nevertheless he had some failures. One of the more significant was his failure to support Greece in the 1920's. That has one reason for the mess that is the Middle East today.
I am pleased that this has occurred. Obama had great animosity towards England and Biden (being Obama's mindless lapdog) also removed that bust. Churchill was a great man. Nevertheless he had some failures. One of the more significant was his failure to support Greece in the 1920's. That has one reason for the mess that is the Middle East today.
Oil was behind that support.
Day One of 4 years of rocky shores
I predict that the love affair with Musk will be one of the casualties of those rocks.
I'd rather have oil driving our economy as opposed to war, especially since we have a ton of it.
There is a galling side story to oil. Biden & Co. endlessly blustered that Trump supported dictators. But, the Biden in attempting to shutdown the US oil industry made deals to import oil from Venezuela and removed oil sanctions from Iran. Biden's attempts at shutting down US oil production also helped Russia out. Biden's foreign policy has been a disaster.

Not only that, but the president dictator (Maduro) of Venezuela "stiffed" Biden concerning allowing Venezuelan oil to be imported into the US in exchange for fair elections in Venezuela. Of course those fair elections never happened and it appears that the US press never condemned Biden for being such a patsy. Biden failed to stand-up for the US, gave dictators what they wanted, and even helped Maduro out by allowing disgruntled Venezuelans into the US!

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