Trump Administration Predictions

Our only limits are the ones we put on ourselves.
Liberal dog wagging gave us Trump 2.0
Liberal dog wagging gave us Trump 1.0. This time he has his sea legs under him and hit the ground running and he is doing a bang up job of knocking down all that Biden built. Yeah team!
Liberal dog wagging gave us Trump 1.0. This time he has his sea legs under him and hit the ground running and he is doing a bang up job of knocking down all that Biden built. Yeah team!
Which is so funny that that would be what you think is the righteous thing to do. As long as people like you think that only their ideology is of any value, and as long as you hold in contempt any who disagree that we will be perpetually divided.

You should be proud, your masters are.

Just so you know, I am as far from being liberal, as I am conservative. I'm pretty OK with both sides holding me in contempt.
Which is so funny that that would be what you think is the righteous thing to do. As long as people like you think that only their ideology is of any value, and as long as you hold in contempt any who disagree that we will be perpetually divided.

You should be proud, your masters are.

Just so you know, I am as far from being liberal, as I am conservative. I'm pretty OK with both sides holding me in contempt.
Who are your masters? Inquiring minds want to know.
As long as people like you think that only their ideology is of any value, and as long as you hold in contempt any who disagree that we will be perpetually divided.
Other ideas have value. It is only when the people in power abuse their power and violate the Constitutional rights of the citizenry that I hold them in contempt. Now, the DOJ will have a shot at fixing what they did to break the criminal "justice" system. When your position is that discrimination is good, your idea is bad. When your idea is that the criminal is a victim, your idea is bad. When your idea is that people who cross our border illegally are not criminals, your idea is bad. Joe and his entire family and lots of his administration were so criminal that Joe had to issue blanket pardons for them all. How can you issue a pardon for a crime you don't know was committed? Hopefully the Supremes ( they no longer deserve respect ) will decide that a blanket pardon for anyone but the President himself, goes too far.
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In the coming years when China was able to take American hardwoods over to their country, make plywood, and ship it back over here and flood the market with cheap paintable birch plywood.

Some of my family members worked for U.S. Steel and a couple of other related companies after WW II. About 10-15 years after the war, Japan - which actually isn't rich in natural resources - became so good at reclamation that they could bring over scrap steel to their factories and ship it back to us CHEAPER than the steel mills and foundries in the USA. Which is an example of "value of labor". The discarded steel was probably sold at a discount, and that meant that mining and original smelting costs just went bye-bye. Then, the steel probably had all the hardening alloying metals mixed in, so there goes the cost of formulating a sturdy allow. And a tramp steamer holds a load of metal a LOT cheaper than some high-tech cargo vessel. Perfectly in line with the "labor adds value" theory of assigning value to an object or substance.
Other ideas have value. It is only when the people in power abuse their power and violate the Constitutional rights of the citizenry that I hold them in contempt. Now, the DOJ will have a shot at fixing what they did to break the criminal "justice" system. When your position is that discrimination is good, your idea is bad. When your idea is that the criminal is a victim, your idea is bad. When your idea is that people who cross our border illegally are not criminals, your idea is bad. Joe and his entire family and lots of his administration were so criminal that Joe had to issue blanket pardons for them all. How can you issue a pardon for a crime you don't know was committed? Hopefully the Supremes ( they no longer deserve respect ) will decide that a blanket pardon for anyone but the President himself, goes too far.
I'll continue to look any signs.
Who are your masters? Inquiring minds want to know.
In religion:
That there are many ways to define our understanding of God. People that believe their magic book, can be equally as damaging as someone that beleives their book is the only devine link. And, be careful what you believe in. Our beliefs are quite often manifest.
In politics: that people willingly allow, no actually invite, the narrowing of thier minds. It's fascinating to watch the difference in left and right though. When you point this out you get different types of reactions. Both equally as self righteous though. I suffer from self righteousness. The difference is that I actually seek out people who say things I don't agree with, and I don't hold them in contempt.

The Economy: lunch is ending I must go
I believe in God and Jesus Christ the Savior. The main reason I believe isn't because I was taught, it's because it's been proven to be true to me in my own life - God has helped me with countless things and the reality of His spirit is something that you can easily prove to yourself, but each person has to do so for themselves. There's a reason why a billion people are "sure" that God is real, it's because Christians have seen God work endlessly in their lives. Anyone can join this family of the redeemed - just surrender to the God of the Bible and watch Him start radically transforming your life for the better and working through you!
Or, @Isaac, just to keep a balanced approach, you can realize that all you've accomplished, you did for yourself through skill and determination. A magical mystery entity never showed up once to guide me or push me. I did what I did through my own strength, through my own skills and knowledge, through my recognition of my inherent and learned abilities. It is, after all, a matter of interpretation as to whether your prayer led to actual divine intervention or it merely focused your intent to keep your eyes on the prize. No such divine entity sits over my shoulder, waiting to judge me. If you look at the Bible with critical eyes, you realize it is merely a set of writings by and about people who believed in God and how they expressed that belief. I.e. the Bible isn't about God but about those who believed in God.

To me, the Bible is valuable as a remote mirror to primitive times. There are behavioral lessons to be had. Therefore I do not totally reject it. But there are parts that delve into mysticism that I can do without and still be happy.
If tariffs hurt the country imposing them by raising prices for its own citizens, why do countries retaliate with their own tariffs, seemingly doubling the pain?

Political Leverage
Market Protection
Trade Balancing
Negotiation Tactic

Tools in the toolbox.
One thing is for sure, Tariffs are inflationary. And we are still in the danger zone. It took four years to get over the last inflation that started during Trump 1.0, maybe this time he can succeed in bringing about another great depression. What a great way to get in the history books , I mean, it worked for Herbert Hoover, and we know what he did.
If tariffs hurt the country imposing them by raising prices for its own citizens, why do countries retaliate with their own tariffs, seemingly doubling the pain?

Political Leverage
Market Protection
Trade Balancing
Negotiation Tactic

Tools in the toolbox.
It would be great if his tariffs program had some chance of making things better, He has a pretty substantial track record of pushing programs that really don't work. It could be the Dems stepped up as the opposition party. Maybe this time they can give him some rope.

I'm all far him being successful. my endeavors, my daughter's, my nephew's, all really need this conservative thing to work.
AB, your TikTok post relayed through X was quite interesting. Mr. Cerrone ended with a comment about "preferring to rule over ashes rather than surrender power." This is almost copied from John Milton's Paradise Lost, in which Satan says “Better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven.” If he was aware of the literary reference, then he is slyly suggesting that Trudeau and the liberals in Canada are fallen angels like Satan. The guy is quite articulate. I think he understands that whatever else you think about heavy tariffs, they make great bargaining chips.
Let's be honest, the most likely scenario here is that they are imposed for only an extremely short time, thereby having a chance to neither help nor harm in a very direct way, but getting those countries to make changes along the lines of what he wants. I think all of us know deep in our heart that Mexico could put an end to 90% of the drug trafficking if they had a will to do so in an instant. It would be hard and bloody but I think they could do it.
One thing is for sure, Tariffs are inflationary. And we are still in the danger zone. It took four years to get over the last inflation that started during Trump 1.0, maybe this time he can succeed in bringing about another great depression. What a great way to get in the history books , I mean, it worked for Herbert Hoover, and we know what he did.
I think if he realize he screwed up and prices start to seriously increase here I think he'll just immediately take the tariffs off

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