Trump is still the world's best bet ... (2 Viewers)

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 10:50
Feb 19, 2002
You have a very short memory. Yes. gas gas prices have risen dramatically since Trump left office. This chart only shows averages. Spot prices were much higher. Stations were replacing their price displays to show double digits.

During the Trump era, we were a net exporter of petroleum products. We also filled our national reserve at cheap prices. We are now a net importer of petroleum products putting us at the mercy of Russia and Saudi Arabia who are controlling world wide prices of oil, neither of which is our friend. Biden ended up selling off the national reserve to China in an attempt to keep people from rioting the price for gas was so high last year.


bit cruncher
Local time
Today, 07:50
Mar 17, 2004
I just like Trump for the way He inspires unity and trust. When I look back at US history it seems clear that the United States was at its most powerful when it was at its most unified, and the way Trump offers olive branches to people who disagree with him, and the way he gets everybody he deals with to sign an NDA, well, you just feel like He has integrity, and that our concerns are His concerns. And you can see it in the society, that people in America are really coming together, and you can feel it the way people in society are taking the example of His unifying influence, and really starting to listen to people with differing opinions, and really starting to realize that 99.9% of the time, all our needs are the same.

Weak leaders, by contrast, divide people. Weak leaders pit different groups within a society against each other, which causes unrest and disorder, and it is only cast against this disorder that a weak leader can look strong.

So beware the leader who encourages mistrust or encourages tribalism. Beware the leader who encourages violence or unrest, because the only beneficiary of social unrest is the weak leader. A strong leader wants the people to be content. A weak leader wants the people to be upset. I think these are important distinctions, and I think it is important to note how strong a leader Trump is cast against these values. Remember how strongly He discouraged violence on Jan 6? Witness how strongly He encourages people to come together, and work together? People of varying races and origins, I mean, even his wife--the love of his life--is an immigrant.

To sum up, Trump is the best bet for the world. He inspires unity and trust, not only in his own followers, but in the society at large, and He is, in this regard, transforming America in his own image, with the authenticity of real hands-on worker, like a coal miner, or a carpenter, or a--ah--or a game-show host.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 10:50
Feb 19, 2002
Wow! Interesting view. I absolutely agree. I kept looking for the gotcha. Weak leaders strive to divide us. As long as we are squabbling with each other, we don't notice the awful things the government is doing to us or taking from us.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:50
May 22, 2010
Personally I like the way they leaked the SEALED grand jury indictment to Reuters before the grand jury actually voted. Nothing says trust the system like getting caught red handed rigging the system.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 10:50
Jul 5, 2006
Trump may be the worlds best bet, but there is a lurking "Black Swan" event that is not being considered and must to be planned for. That is the Never Trumpers. They are consumed by hate to the point of irrationality. As a group, they may constitute a de-facto "third party" splitting the Republican Party thereby allowing the Democrats to win. They would rather let this country become a Soviet Style dictatorship under Biden than have Trump elected again. That would be suicide for this country.

I covered this topic in: A Troubling Perspective Concerning the Upcoming 2024 Presidential Election.

Mike Krailo

Well-known member
Local time
Today, 10:50
Mar 28, 2020
The thing about the indictments are merely a way to tie up his resources and focus to yet again interfere in another election. I'm calling on that recent Mega Millions winner to step forward and do the right thing. :)

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 10:50
Feb 19, 2002
Sorry, I have a feeling you are being sarcastic but I'm missing the point. Trump doesn't cause chaos. The chaos is caused by his opposition because Trump is a truly dangerous man. Unlike Biden and the Clintons, he can't be bought. That makes him an existential threat to the left - AND also he sees the corruption of the right so the Republicans probably hate him more than the Democrats do. He is a self made man. Yes, daddy gave him a stake so he didn't start from 0 but he did get to be a billionaire and that wasn't because he was stupid or incompetent. He is the only president in modern history who left office poorer than when he took office because he wasn't on the take. While he was in office, he donated his entire Presidential salary each year back to the government. Also, even though there was absolutely no reason to do so, he donated all monies earned by any of his hotel properties from foreign dignitaries. The Constitution specifically exempts the President from having to give up a personal business. The hotels and clubs have been operating for years with foreign dignitaries staying at them. Trump becoming President didn't change that. Those fees could in no way be considered a bribe.

I know Senators get paid a fair salary but they have a lot of expenses to cover and having to maintain two homes costs a lot of money. So, how is it that people of ordinary means enter Congress and become multi-millionaires with unfailing regularity? How can Joe afford multiple multi-million dollar homes on the salary of a public "servant"? Answer, make his son a bag man to shake down people/countries around the globe and sell "access" to the "big guy". We see the payoff today.
Personally I like the way they leaked the SEALED grand jury indictment to Reuters before the grand jury actually voted. Nothing says trust the system like getting caught red handed rigging the system.
How can they say that the leaked document was fake? The document that the internet was talking about turned out to be identical to the final indictment!!! So, the document that was accidently published BEFORE the vote wasn't bogus at all. It was just accidentally made public too early. It just confirms that the fix was in. No need to wait for a vote, we know the outcome already.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 10:50
Jul 5, 2006

Since my prior post, I ran across the article above. The obvious take-away, some Republicans refuse to condemn the obvious, that the indictments are a political hit job on Trump. They may not like Trump, but they should vigorously condemn unjustified indictments as un-Constitutional and a violation of the rule-of-law. If these politicians do not publicly speak out against this injustice the public will never realize that the Democrats are implementing an illegitimate hit-job. Their refusal to condemn the unlawful Democratic actions and rally around the Republican candidate (whoever it may be) means that the Democrats may actually be able to impose a Soviet style Stalinist dictatorship.

Note the excerpt from the article below:
Notably, Georgia has never indicted Democrat Stacey Abrams for years of claiming the 2018 gubernatorial race was stolen. Nor has it indicted Mark Zuckerberg and others who spent $51 million in private money to turn out the vote in Democratic counties in the state.
Concerning Zuckerberg and others. The significance here is that "stealing" an elections is not simply ballot stuffing. It also involves the manipulation of the public through propaganda. As one example, recall that when Trump mentioned the Hunter Biden laptop, Biden lied. The media dutifully took Biden's lie as truth and condemned Trump. That lie has been exposed, but those who supported Biden's lie have never apologized. Some polling has indicated that this news could have swayed the election in favor of Trump. See the thread, Election Do-Over!!!
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:50
May 22, 2010
How can they say that the leaked document was fake? The document that the internet was talking about turned out to be identical to the final indictment!!! So, the document that was accidently published BEFORE the vote wasn't bogus at all. It was just accidentally made public too early. It just confirms that the fix was in. No need to wait for a vote, we know the outcome already.

24 hrs later... they want us to believe they were practising with identical sealed indictments. :confused:
No need to practise, when the jury has finished deliberating, upload the original documents like they've done hundreds of times before.

This was another made for television primetime Democrat event complete with wardrobe hair and makeup.

They know this won't holdup when challenged at the Supreme Court level. And, hoping Trump will run out of gas has not work so far!

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 10:50
Feb 19, 2002
I wonder if the Democrats have ever read the story of Pandora's Box.

I was just listening to an interview of a Catholic Bishop who was asked about how Catholics feel regarding being persecuted by the FBI. The Bishop talked about how Catholics responded to earlier challenges such as trying to break the seal of Confession. I wonder if lawyers - and everybody else - realizes what a mistake it was to allow Trumps rights to be violated by raiding his lawyers office and being denied the privacy to discuss anything with his advisors and believe it wasn't going to be brought into court to be used against him during the next indictment? The lawyers of the country should have stood up and been counted. It should not have mattered how much they hated the evil orange man. Now, there is no longer any such right as "attorney-client privilege". Someday, that may come back to haunt "you".

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 10:50
Jul 5, 2006
Elon Musk is walking in Trump's footsteps as a political target of the US Justice Department. The Biden administration aggressively continues to implement Lavrentiy Beria's infamous quote: “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”. I guess the Biden administration is still irritated about Musk buying Twitter (now X) and exposing the Democratic party for rigging the 2020 election. As a bravado move Musk should show-up in Fulton County, Georgia and turn himself in as a sign of fellowship to the other 19 defendants.
The US Justice Department filed a lawsuit against SpaceX on Thursday over its hiring practices, accusing Elon Musk’s rocket company of discriminating against asylum seekers and refugees.
The article is vague as to why SpaceX hiring policies would be: "discriminating against asylum seekers and refugees." The government lamely whines: “Asylees and refugees have overcome many obstacles in their lives, and unlawful employment discrimination based on their citizenship status should not be one of them,” Clarke said."
  • The Democrats are abolishing the concept of being a citizen. (Note that under the Biden administration the US border is open and those who are not citizens are increasingly being given the rights of citizens (de-facto amnesty) through illegitimate executive authority.)
  • That the US Department of Justice has targeted Musk for persecution. A contravention to the rule-of-law. Third world politics.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 10:50
Feb 19, 2002
The US Justice Department filed a lawsuit against SpaceX on Thursday over its hiring practices, accusing Elon Musk’s rocket company of discriminating against asylum seekers and refugees.
When qualification for the job has no meaning, you can be forced to hire anyone if they check certain boxes. I think we should go back to the days when companies were allowed to test applicants for certain types of jobs such as programmers.


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 09:50
Mar 13, 2021
. I think we should go back to the days when companies were allowed to test applicants for certain types of jobs such as programmers.
you don't have to worry Pat. According to the news, there won't be any programmers anymore in the near future. 3 years I think is the last thing I read.

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 15:50
Jul 9, 2003
you can be forced to hire anyone

Musk commented on this recently. The gist of what he said was that because SpaceX is sending up satellites with highly advanced technology, technology with military capability, he can't just hire anyone, in particular not people from other countries, who may have their own particular loyalties.

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 15:50
Jul 9, 2003
there won't be any programmers anymore in the near future. 3 years I think is the last thing I read.

When I engage ChatGPT to help me construct a particular piece of code, I occasionally have to point out something which I know from my experience is an error. I wonder if my exchanges with the artificial intelligence are actually helping the artificial intelligence to refine its skills.

Am I the architect of my own destruction!


Local time
Today, 15:50
Feb 27, 2021
My post was deleted, labelled 'inappropriate', i was scolded again for the hundreth time in 20 years.
I asked why out of 300 million people, why can't anyone be better than Biden or trump be found to be a good president?
It is the same here in the UK. There are only about 5 MP's that have the guts to say what most of us are thinking.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 10:50
Jul 5, 2006
Alan Dershowitz has been quite vocal condemning the US Department of Justice attempts to criminalize those disputing Democratic election "wins". (The Democrats have designated both Musk and Trump as targeted criminals based on Lavrentiy Beria infamous quote: "Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.") Dershowitz has spoken out against the recent Trump indictments on TV. The article below was published on August 15, 2023 so the indicetment was pending at the time. Dershowitz has since reiterated that the indictment is bogus.
A recent Dershowitz podcast: NY Times Writer Urges End of Elections to Stop Trump. Click here for a listing of Dershowitz's podcasts..

We ‘might be better off eliminating elections altogether,’ argued Adam Grant, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania.

As a side note concerning Adam Grant and Dershowitz's podcast, A few years ago Representative Al Green (D-Texas) demanded that Trump be impeached for the sole purpose of preventing Trump from being re-elected. Essentially, the Democratis attempts to illegally obstruct Trump have been going on for years. Grant and Green have advocated an Orwellian: "We must destroy democracy to save it". Democrats are the threat to democracy.
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Well-known member
Local time
Today, 07:50
Mar 30, 2012
The Earth is Flat
The moon is made of cream cheese
Covid was a hoax
Climate change is a hoax
Trump won

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