Useless Facts

Dumb Product Warnings:
Label on a can of self defense pepper spray: "May irritate eyes."
I certainly hope so!
FoFa said:
English politicians are a bit different, which is how Screaming Lord Sutch came to run for Parliament from the Monster Raving Loony Party. His Platform? A campaign promise to improve Britian's climate by towing the entire island into the mediterranean.

Ah, see, now.... I'd definitely move there if they just moved it closer to the equator. Park it off the coast of Florida... I'll be over in a jiff.
TessB said:
Park it off the coast of Florida... I'll be over in a jiff.

it originally came from further south than that, anyway, Florida would be too close for comfort :eek:
Climate - wise, I can't think of a better place than Florida.
Dumb Product Warnings:
On a cough sirup bottle for children: "Do not drive a vehicule."
On a hair dryer: "Do not use in the shower."
On a pastry: "Can be hot if heated."
FoFa said:
English politicians are a bit different, which is how Screaming Lord Sutch came to run for Parliament from the Monster Raving Loony Party. His Platform? A campaign promise to improve Britian's climate by towing the entire island into the mediterranean.
We once had a similar party: The Rhino Party.
Here are their promesses:
Declare war on Belgium because Tintin did kill a rhinoceros in a book
Transform one of Montreal's tunnel into a carwash by making holes in it
Destroy the environment because it takes to much energy to keep it clean
Use bubble gum as the national currency
Reduce the speed of light
Ban winters
Use acid rain as an electrical energy source
Make a gap in the Rockies so that people from Alberta could see the sunset
Move the cities of Montréal closer to Toronto to reduce transport pollution
Get rid of the law of gravity
Tow the Vatican to Quebec to promote tourism
Make English, French and illiteracy the three official languages
Use the British system of driving, but gradually: 1st year only for trucks
Count the islands in Ontario's Thousand Islands area to make sure none were missing
Paint a line in the ocean to show the limits of Canada's coastal sea
omg that's HILARIOUS!
Why isn't politics in America that much fun?
The most hilarious thing is that they got many votes.
A lot of people, bored by all the other parties' false promesses, gave their vote to The Rhino Party to show that they were tired of them all.
In a classroom of 23 people, there is more than a 50% chance that two of those people will share a birthday.
matt330 said:
In a classroom of 23 people, there is more than a 50% chance that two of those people will share a birthday.

Can you show some mathematical proof please?
jsanders said:
Can you show some mathematical proof please?

Certainly :

1 person in the room = 0% chance of two people having same b-day
2 persons : 364/365 chance they don't match, 1/365 chance they do
3 persons : 364/365 * 363/365 = 99% they don't, 1% they do
23 people: 364/365 * 363/365 * ... * 343/365 = 49.3% they don't share a birthday, 50.7% they do.
Useless fact :

John Scofield is playing an Ibanez AS-200 guitar since 1981.
This AS-200 is not modified whatsoever and John hasn't changed guitars since April 1981.
Music is the most physically inspiring of all the arts
And mathematics are the most mentally inspiring of all the sciences
Newman said:
And mathematics are the most mentally inspiring of all the sciences

Counting was the beginning of mathematics. The art of counting took a long, long time to develop. At first, it was done by scratching tally marks on a wall or painting them on papyrus, a form of paper. Early man could tell how many blond ladies passed by by looking at the tally marks, even if he didn’t have the words for it. :D
matt330 said:
In a classroom of 23 people, there is more than a 50% chance that two of those people will share a birthday.
This infuriates me because not only do I not believe this is true, but my skepticism still persists even after I looked it up and saw the math from multiple sources. I know darn well it's true but I just can't believe it.

It makes me want to number little slips of paper 1 through 365 and draw them from a hat in lots of 23 a hundred times and see what the results are.

It's a lot like that crazy, counterintuitive '3 doors on a gameshow' problem.
Please, Kraj, send us your results when done.
Thank you and see you in two weeks.
Air pollution isn't a modern invention. The air in London was already so bad in the year 1306 that burning coal within the city limits was punishable by death.

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