
I think "messiah" and "cult" accusations are a positive thing, because it shows both envy of the enthusiasm Mr D brings, and also in contrast the complete lethargy Biden supporters have towards their leader.
I bet if Trump changed his name, he'd win in a landslide. Because the republican voters would know about it, and the democrat voters largely vascillate between indifference and loathing when it comes to Biden - nobody really likes him so if they thought they weren't voting for Trump they'd go for it.
There literally no other reason for doing such a thing except for covering up the trail by way of compilated transfers in the hopes that no one notices or someone like you says there is no credible evidence.
The three-card monty worked. At least it fooled someone.
For all those "but he's guilty!" clamoring:

I wonder what the modern Democrat sees when he looks into a mirror. If he didn't have a double standard, he would have no standards at all.
Why is it necessary to create such a twisted trail of payment accounting with such a tangled web?
You mean like reimbursing hush money payments and disguising them as legal invoices?
You mean like reimbursing hush money payments and disguising them as legal invoices?
NDA agreements between parties are legal agreements plain and simple and she agreed to it. The whole purpose of NDA is not to disclose. This is not a crime, you'll have to do better than that.
I agree. But why cover it up?
What cover-up? The purpose of an NDA is silence. Being silent is not a cover-up. Seems that you are implying that if Trump did not advertise in the media the existence of the NDA that, that somehow constitutes a cover-up. An absurd proposition. If you want an example of a real cover-up, look at what Hillary did and Hunter's laptop. Seems they should have been the ones on trial, not Trump.
I haven't heard any anti-Trumpers yet say what category it should go in on the accounts software. Still waiting.
What cover-up?
Oh, Sorry. I would have thought even Fox would have carried the story. My Bad.

Trump got convicted of 34 counts of election fraud and trying to cover up the payments.
Google it. I'm sure you'll get some hits.
We've had fake news for years. Now we've got fake crimes. God help us all!
I haven't heard any anti-Trumpers yet say what category it should go in on the accounts software. Still waiting.
Do you think they have a category "Illegal campaign payments?"
If so, that's the one.
Do you think they have a category "Illegal campaign payments?"
If so, that's the one.
That doesn't make sense because they said the entry shouldn't have been legal expenses. Not that you can't do an NDA. So again, no answers from the Dems. Why? Because they can't find a category more suitable than legal expenses!
I don't know why the Dems don't just play things straight. They were corrupt from the get go. Hillary creates a fake dossier on Trump, to slur her political opponent. Then fake Russia collusion. And they just continued from there. But now they've stepped things up and crossed the rubikon by going full Banana republic. They don't seem to realise that their lust for power by any means necessary is destroying the fabric of society. But they don't care because they are only serving their own interests. Look at how much Nancy earns on the stock market. No wonder she wants to cling on. It's cash and power. Stuff what the voters want!
Oh, Sorry. I would have thought even Fox would have carried the story. My Bad.

Trump got convicted of 34 counts of election fraud and trying to cover up the payments.
Google it. I'm sure you'll get some hits.
A miscarriage of justice. Recall the attempt to use the 14th Amendment to remove Trump from the ballot. Ultimately, it was quashed by the Supreme Court. That is likely to happen with Trump's phony conviction. Also consider that this Trump persecution was initially rejected for prosecution by various prosecutors as it was considered too weak. Many legal experts consider this conviction to be a perversion of justice (lawfare),

Do you think they have a category "Illegal campaign payments?"
Another absurd statement. By implication, this would mean that every every every every accounting entry that has a generic entry for a legal expense would be "illegal" under Bragg's approach unless it has an extensive narrative explaining each line item. An absurdity.
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Do you think they have a category "Illegal campaign payments?"
If so, that's the one.
OK, explain this to me. Trump DID NOT charge his campaign for the NDA. From the charge - he SHOULD have had his campaign pay. Although, that to me seems like it would be an illegal use of campaign funds.

Let us look to how Hillary and Obama were treated for their illegal campaign payments. WHY are they not "convicted" felons facing years in prison? HOW is it that Hil and Obama get fines and Trump gets charged with a felony? AND Three authorities, including the one who ended up with this bogus trial had already decided that Trump and his campaign committed NO CRIME. Somehow, 7 years later it is now a crime because Trump is beating Biden in the polls?????:poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop:
Guess Bragg proved them wrong.
Very true. He proved you can successfully prosecute a weak case if you have a Democrat jury, a Trump hating judge, let the prosecution go last and hide the crime until after the defense has rested.
Let us not omit preventing the defense from even saying that the "thing" Trump was accused of wasn't even a crime. Then there's the jury instructions which made it very clear that the judge wanted a guilty verdict. Not to mention the fear of what they faced if they didn't convict the "ham sandwich". So far, we do not know what crime the jury thought Trump committed. Can you spell BANANA REPUBLIC?

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