Virtual Reality Headsets - worth the money?

I figure that on a lot of these things, if it is like £15 (like with this headstap), then the price of many of the more expensive ones come down over time anyway. So you end up with two for the price of one, if you wanted. It is the same philosophy I used when buying a 2 year old iPad. I think some of the Amazon sellers might even buy their stock from places like AliExpress, or Alibaba if they can afford the minimum order requirements.

Edit: It might not work. Cheap tat! Haha.
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I have heard of Temu but never looked. Will have a gander over there, thanks.

I found that the headset with battery was actually £33. The one for £15 was without the battery. In any case, very low price so perhaps worth a punt.
Update on yesterdays calorie burn, for the benefit of potential buyers of a headset: 562 calories.
In fact I did, but it had gone midnight! So I carried over 59 calories to the following day. :D
I was trying to find titles available and came across this.
I'm charging my quest2 to see if it's affected.

The good thing though is I found a bug report that affects a friend of mine. Apparently there's a bug with TP Link Wi-Fi routers where the signal strength drops randomly. We both have that router but I have more bandwidth than him so it doesn't affect me.
I'm charging my quest2 to see if it's affected.

The good thing though is I found a bug report that affects a friend of mine. Apparently there's a bug with TP Link Wi-Fi routers where the signal strength drops randomly. We both have that router but I have more bandwidth than him so it doesn't affect me.
Talk about putting your head in the lion's mouth? :)
Though you do have a backup.
For those UK folks who are considering getting a Quest 3, I came across the following post about getting a 20% discount if purchasing from Very.

I think I am going to pass TBH.
It is a lot of money for me, and I do not think I would use it that often.
Eventually the tech will get so good that nobody will be able to resist. Its much better than it was, but weight, size and comfort could be better. Waiting to get a 3rd party headstrap to improve comfort and battery life but they are out of stock. Going for a Bobovo M3 thing.
Eventually the tech will get so good that nobody will be able to resist. Its much better than it was, but weight, size and comfort could be better. Waiting to get a 3rd party headstrap to improve comfort and battery life but they are out of stock. Going for a Bobovo M3 thing.
Yes, I had a look at a few of the reviews on Youtube and not that impressed TBH.

You sold it more to me, with your boxing and table tennis. :)
I *might* still have a look in Currys, as I certainly would want to try it out first, if I was tempted, but it is a big MIGHT. :)
Yes, the best bet is to have a go first. Not sure if they have demos in these places or not. It is hard to know if you want one without trying it. I burned 300 calories on my VR headset yesterday, which is a Saturday. Normally I am bone idle on a Saturday!
I've had my Bobovr M3 Pro VR headset upgrade for a few days now. They are intended to improve both the comfort levels and battery life of the standard strap that comes with the Quest 3 headset. The Bobovr is a third-party brand, and not the official upgrade that sells for over twice the price of this £50 headstrap.

What I have noticed is not so much an improvement in comfort, but more a lack of noticing discomfort, if that makes any sense. I was playing Ping Pong and Beat Saber for over an hour yesterday and I never really thought about the head strap at all. Perhaps that is a good sign, for it is analogous to not noticing a waiter, which is supposed to be a sign of a good waiter. They operate in the background, doing what they do without interfering.

I burned over 440 calories in the process.
What I have noticed is not so much an improvement in comfort, but more a lack of noticing discomfort, if that makes any sense.
You didn't get the version with temple massagers and a back scratcher? :)
Some upgrades are beyond my budget. 😊
Did you get Asgard2 for free when you bought the quest3?

I've only briefly played it but the graphics are incredible.
Yes, it comes with it but I haven't installed it yet. I was reading a bit about it last night, with rave reviews from many. I'm not sure it is my kinda thing though. I've never been a fan of these fantasy kind of games, where it is a bit cartoonish. I think they ruined games like Age of Empires by going down that route. Also, there is a lot of movement in that game which could give me motion sickness. I got motion sickness for the first time the other day whilst exploring some of the virtual worlds. I can't remember what it was called, but I was in some Wild West town shooting up things. Hardly anyone was around though. But, after a while, I felt nauseous.

I will install Asguard 2 just to have a look and perhaps sample the graphics. Incidentally, I've experienced zero motion sickness in Eleven Table Tennis, Beat Saber, Thrill of the Fight, or even VR Chat, which involves a small amount of walking around.

I've been having a play with Bigscreen, which is quite good. Sitting in a cinema setting watching a movie. I had real popcorn too, which I was steadily feeding myself without the headset obstructing the hole in my face. One annoying thing though was that some people were talking during the movies. The quality of the movie screen though was better than I thought you would get with a virtual reality headset. It really is watchable. There was one mad VR setting I went to on Bigscreen where 15 people were simultaneously singing along to a Karaoke video playing at the front. It was a kind of insane madness that you only see in VR. I thought they were all mentally ill!
I've watched some 3d movies in bigscreen. You can also have private rooms with friends. My brother in law and I have watched movies together in bigscreen.

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