What netbook should I buy.

Thanks Bob, a reasonable netbook in the UK costs around £500 (? $600 or $700) that includes the separate CD, a wi-fi jobbie for the house, virus software and a mouse.


That price seems steep for all of that. That's also assuming that you would need all of that. Most people today have wireless routers at home. Most people also have no need for a separate mouse for their netbook as the touchpad works just fine. You could also go the route of using a completely wireless system using cell phone towers, just like with the Ipad.
Ultimately you should probably do some actual testing of them at some retail locations and see what you LIKE better. Buy what you will like to use. If it is an iPad then buy an iPad. A lot of it is personal preference - just like guitars. You can get a lot of input from different people around which guitar you buy but when it comes down to it, you really need to play them in order to find which fits you personally. What is good for one person isn't necessarily good for you.
The adverts on this page has 'em for $1.99 :eek::p
I love my Gateway netbook. Nice sized keyboard and screen. Great battery life, etc. As for an iPad, I would love to have one of those as well and probably will when the next generation comes out. But it is not a netbook. There are things that each can do that the other cannot or is just not good at doing. Right now I think of the iPad as just an iPhoneMax. That will change I am sure...
Ultimately you should probably do some actual testing of them at some retail locations and see what you LIKE better. Buy what you will like to use. If it is an iPad then buy an iPad. A lot of it is personal preference - just like guitars. You can get a lot of input from different people around which guitar you buy but when it comes down to it, you really need to play them in order to find which fits you personally. What is good for one person isn't necessarily good for you.

Yes good advice.

Vass, I don't have a home router. I have priced up several, and £400 to £500 is about the rate for all the stuff in the UK.

Whatever you get you should buy it before the arse falls out of the British economy. From what I hear the collapse of BP due to the Gulf debarcle isn't going to be pretty for the UK or Europe.

I don't think I could put up with anything short of the Asus Eee.
As Bob eluded, I guess it comes down to YOUR requirements. I bought the Samsung NC10 about a year ago partly on looks and partly on overall reviews and battery life. The battery life really is good. i can easily go 2-3 days sporadic use without a re-charge just by closing the lid (thus putting it to sleep) when not is use.

It does start to groan with more than a couple of apps open at once. This isn't an issue to me as I just want it for hols where I don't multi task. I guess it's not the lightest netbook but suits me fine for holiday travel. General build quality is pretty good. There's no optical drive but then I've never needed one. So I would certainly recommend the latest incarnation of the NC10 providing you have similar requirements to mine.

Our local PC World has been re-modelled and really does make it easy to try equipment without having a sales boy welded to your shoulder. Hopefully yours does too.


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