What's your best/worst joke? (2 Viewers)

I rang up my local swimming baths. I said: "Is that the local swimming baths?"
He said: "It depends where you’re calling from."
The real question is whether the bot can do it repeatedly. But why is everyone cheering for a bloody machine? If it was at the 17th hole of a major tournament, would it win the car?
After trying to digest all the many opinions and possible new legal protections of AI vs. original creators, I have to say I come down pretty hard on the side of....that AI will really mess up the artistic world in general. When AI can create a really good song with music or a painting that people think is good, we will end up with a mishmash of crap that you will always be wondering did a machine make that or a real human, and it will totally degrade the specialness that currently is human-made art. The more AI can do, the sadder this situation will be from that perspective.

Art was special because a person made it and you saw their thoughts and feelings and interpretations come out onto the piece.
AI will be special only because it allows someone to get rich off of the press of a button. One is better than the other
Art was special because a person made it and you saw their thoughts and feelings and interpretations come out onto the piece.
Art is special because of how it makes you feel. For example, seeing the bot make a hole-in-one felt pretty good, don't tell @moke123 I said that. ;)
Art is special because of how it makes you feel. For example, seeing the bot make a hole-in-one felt pretty good, don't tell @moke123 I said that. ;)
I'll concede that, I just know how I'll feel when I know AI made the art as opposed to how I felt when an artist made it
Generative AI in its current state has no emotions per se. Any that you think you see were generated by whatever was fed to the AI for training. However, there are various genres of novels and art and music that are formulaic in nature, usually turned out by a staff of writers who might - if they were lucky - get a nickel a word but with no other rights.

For example, there used to be something called a "bodice ripper" - a style of gushy romance novel writing that was DEFINITELY based on some formula. The formula was simple: Down-on-her-luck girl goes through several trials of character, meets a handsome, devil-may-care sort of guy. They interact and grow to accept each other. He takes her in his arms in the final scene and professes his undying love and she experiences utter delight. (Done in not less than 20 chapters and at least 100K words.)

Actor John Wayne was the star in several formulaic westerns. Adventure and detective stories also had their formulas. For example, the pulp hero Doc Savage (The Man of Bronze) was the star of at least a couple of dozen formula adventures. And we can't forget The Shadow who was the ultimate detective and the inspiration for Batman. The Shadow starred in dozens of formula mystery adventures. Both Doc Savage and the Shadow were penned by a stable of writers, ALL of whom use the same nom de plume to maintain an image of continuity.

I have no doubt that AI could generate formulaic scripts for movies and TV shows and could probably also generate some level of adventure stories. In fact, I absolutely will NOT tell you that such writing hasn't already happened.
Since when did AI become the best/worst joke?
It is standard practice for some to hijack technical Access subjects on the forum.
Usually within four or five postings, the subject often changes to be dramatically different to the original post.

Mind you, recently has been a tendency for Best/Worst Joke to divert all over the place.
Maybe it should be renamed to Wandering, Drifting and other Irrelevances
sorry cotswold, i have no memory of how this page drifted to that topic any more, i'll try to keep it to jokes from now on.
Sorry, I'll finish with a comment that, taken with something similar to Cotswold's avatar, was part of my mandatory seminar during grad school.

"Artificial intelligence cannot cope with natural stupidity."
I said to the gym instructor: ‘Can you teach me to do the splits?’ He said: ‘How flexible are you?’ I said: ‘I can’t make Tuesdays.
Posting a joke and using a joke before a live audience is quite different. Making it sounds real before the punch line enhances the punch line.

Here is one that I used twice recently that went over well.

Snice there’s so many new people here since the last time I was here I feel a need to reidentify myself. My real name is Richard, but I go by Dick. In the first grade there were five Richard’s, so we all got nick names. Our sweet first grade teacher said this is the beginning of your formal education. From here you will go on to high school and maybe college. You can be anything you want in life, but it starts here. Study hard and follow your dream. Is there anybody here this morning that has a dream. I do, I do. Yes Dick. I am going to join the Navy and become a pilot and make enough money to start a company to build jets and train pilots. Then when I have lots of money, I am going to build a new house on top of the highest hill for my wife. She will have lots of rooms, servants, and a new car every birthday. That’s quite a goal Dick and its possible if you work hard, but probable not realistic. Is there anybody in class that has a realistic goal. Me, me. Yes Jane. I am going to be Dick’s wife.
@KitaYama, I believe I have driven across that intersection once. Or one very much like it.

The City of New Orleans has intersections not quite that complex, but because the city follows the shape of the Mississippi River, there are some really odd curves in our surface streets, ALL of which appear to be One Way streets going opposite from the direction you wanted to go. Which is why our city maps should have some areas red-lined that say "You can't get there from here."

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