White Lives Don't Matter - apparently

Hey, Col - our friend Isladogs is also a "Colin" and if you look at his signature block, you will see it.
There's no name there where the little picture is. Just a picture of a dog and a reference to CID strangely.
AB, seeking clarification is not attention seeking.
Col, the signature block is below the body of the text, not off to the left.
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Camo shirt, portly, rather dirty-looking old sneakers, ... but his mask is probably too loose to be an effective filter. On the other hand, it probably fits the shape of his head quite well.
It almost makes me want to go out and get one but I'm not a Democrat anymore, not that I ever would have been a KKK member. Wouldn't it be great to see the old Democrats (KKK) marching with the new Democrats (Antifa). It would be like a black and white wedding:)
Its certainly true that both the Democrats and Republicans have changed dramatically over the past 150 years or so

However, whilst that makes for an interesting image its inaccurate on both counts
The KKK wasn't started by the Democrats or even synonymous with it https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/...did-not-found-kkk-start-civil-war/3253803001/
Nor does the Antifa movement have anything to do with the current Democratic party https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounders/who-are-antifa

Still why let factual accuracy get in the way of the idea suggested?
I would say that whether or not Antifa has "anything to do" (broad net there) with the Democratic party is more a matter of opinion, not necessarily what they say. Given the sort of social change influence that they are exerting and on which topic(s), and given the Democrats' significant agreement with this flow, I don't think saying they have to do with each other is necessarily inaccurate.

As for the KKK thing. No, the democratic party may not have officially founded the KKK. It was just founded by people who happened to be democrats, and mostly attracted people who were democrats, and their grand wizard once spoke at the democratic convention.

Subjectively, some people will find those items very significant, and others will not because the party was not officially involved (for the most part). It is just a matter of what people choose to infer from that. Just like the fact that some people have the impression that most white supremacists are republican (and they choose to attach importance to that, or not to), it is very legitimate and reasonable to point out even loose associations between these things. And infer from that what you like.

I would agree with you that it may be improper to confuse loose associations with official platforms.
OK lets reverse that....
I did go ahead and perform that exercise, as well, in my post, by: "Just like the fact that some people have the impression that most white supremacists are republican (and they choose to attach importance to that, or not to)"

I agree that claiming they are synonymous seems a bridge way too far. Whether #169 did that or not is, I suppose, the question.
No, the democratic party may not have officially founded the KKK. It was just founded by people who happened to be democrats, and mostly attracted people who were democrats, and their grand wizard once spoke at the democratic convention.

And yet when David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the KKK, ran for Governor of Louisiana (and lost BADLY in a 60%/40% result), he ran as a Republican. When he ran for a representative office, he did so as a Republican. In fact, Mr. Duke was the first person who forced me into the "hold nose with one hand, vote with the other" syndrome because he ran against Edwin Edwards, one of the most corrupt politicians you could ever meet. Yet until the feds got Edwards on racketeering, he was like Teflon. In fact, if he could have done it, he would have allowed his image to be used as a spokesman / mascot for those coatings to which nothing would stick.

Back then my choice was to vote for a known bigot or a known crook. I voted against the bigot, by the way. It was a matter of deciding which one was more important, and I'm not a bigot to any major degree so I just said heck, it's only money.
And yet when David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the KKK, ran for Governor of Louisiana (and lost BADLY in a 60%/40% result), he ran as a Republican. When he ran for a representative office, he did so as a Republican. In fact, Mr. Duke was the first person who forced me into the "hold nose with one hand, vote with the other" syndrome because he ran against Edwin Edwards, one of the most corrupt politicians you could ever meet. Yet until the feds got Edwards on racketeering, he was like Teflon. In fact, if he could have done it, he would have allowed his image to be used as a spokesman / mascot for those coatings to which nothing would stick.

Back then my choice was to vote for a known bigot or a known crook. I voted against the bigot, by the way. It was a matter of deciding which one was more important, and I'm not a bigot to any major degree so I just said heck, it's only money.
Right. I think your anecdote speaks more to the "changing" of the parties, aforementioned, based on that later time period. It is well known that over time, the Democrats successfully positioned themselves as more the party of the minority, and the Republicans had issues going the other direction. There was a bit of a role reversal, so to speak, although I'm not commenting as to what I think the *actual* severity or seriousness of that was, but in both perception and fact, to whatever extents, in later time periods the roles somewhat reversed, your anecdote is from after that occurred.
I wasn't intending to imply that ALL Democrats were members of the KKK or that all Democrats support Antifa today or that the Democrat party officially started either group. However, you will find that the reverse is largely true. Members of the KKK were mostly Democrats and members of Antifa although they are Fascists regardless of what their name says, are mostly Democrats. I was pointing out that the KKK dressed all in white and hid their faces and Antifa dresses all in black and hides their faces so the joining of the groups looked like a black and white wedding. But now that many Governors have adopted the "science" that the masks that don't actually stop transmission of viruses MUST be worn anyway, most of the mob gets to hide their faces as they destroy and loot so all is good. We wouldn't want to make it too easy for law enforcement to actually identify the rioters. Personally, I would have arrested every masked mob member because many states had laws prohibiting people from wearing masks in this situation because it does impede law enforcement.

I believe that there actually are rational Democrats left in the world but they are too afraid of their own party to stand up for the old Democrat positions, which whether you agreed or disagreed with them were at least rational. Even Democrats get cancelled today if they disagree with the party line. How's that for the remnants of free speech? So, to the old Democrats in hiding, is the country you want to live in the Marxist heaven on earth your leaders are pushing for? Do you really want your speech suppressed? Do you really think reparations make sense? Do you really want your children to continue with video schooling? Are you OK with paying $50,000 per year for college that is conducted remotely? Do you really think it is better to destroy businesses and jobs so that the remaining taxpayers have to support the people/companies who were destroyed by fear? The 9/11 attack followed by the creation of the TSA started getting us in line as sheep and the irrational response to COVID is finishing the process.

There's a lot wrong with Republicans and that is why I would never, ever call myself a Republican. But, the Progressive Democrats are attempting to destroy the Constitution and with it our Republic. They actually hate America. They say we are racist and call us many other names (apparently the immigrants who come here are just plain stupid). The Marxists must be stopped so I will hold my nose and vote Republican down the line and hope for the best.
There was only one holdout. Orlando Magic forward Jonathan Isaac neither knelt nor wore a Black Lives Matter shirt, instead standing for the anthem while wearing his jersey. He cited gospel as his explanation during his post-game media availability (via Taylor Rooks):

That's why it was nonsense, duh! It's the media's (China's) hated of Jesus. What if he sited the prophet Mohammad, or Vishnu? Nah, you have to pray to Xi Jinping.

Yes, it's a no-brainer. If he had said something about mohammed he would have been celebrated as a hero of the new American diversity.
It's kind of a competing toss-up, though: Would he have been MORE mocked for citing (as reason), either 1) simple patriotism, or 2) christianity ?

Either is a showstopper for the left.

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