Has NASA found (potentially) extraterrestrial life? (1 Viewer)


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 07:10
Jul 10, 2007
Mike, Thanks for your reply. There is nothing you mention that I would regard as telepathy. I would attribute the good results to the high energy input in making the calls. I know from experience that listeners pick up on the callers energy in these situations - I worked on the IT side in a call centre and a key point of the training for agents was that a smile could be heard at the other end. It is also universally recognised that success breeds success.

The success when the calls arent going too well I would attribute to the results of previous work not to "Jesus" or "Telepathy".


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:10
Aug 28, 2008
Mike, Thanks for your reply. There is nothing you mention that I would regard as telepathy. I would attribute the good results to the high energy input in making the calls. I know from experience that listeners pick up on the callers energy in these situations - I worked on the IT side in a call centre and a key point of the training for agents was that a smile could be heard at the other end. It is also universally recognised that success breeds success.

The success when the calls arent going too well I would attribute to the results of previous work not to "Jesus" or "Telepathy".


You have not read it properly or perhaps my rapid writing was not clear.

The results from the calls themselves are not the issue. At the very high activity if the call results are poor, such as due to a bad run or bad batch of prsopects then the shortfall of money comes from totally unrelated sources.

At low level activity and with a poor run of results on the calls theh the other "sources" are not tapped into


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 07:10
Jul 10, 2007

You have not read it properly or perhaps my rapid writing was not clear.

The results from the calls themselves are not the issue. At the very high activity if the call results are poor, such as due to a bad run or bad batch of prsopects then the shortfall of money comes from totally unrelated sources.

At low level activity and with a poor run of results on the calls theh the other "sources" are not tapped into
I think you need to clarify what the "other sources" are. In my experience money only comes as a result of previous effort or charitable donations.

I still don't see any connection with this money and telepathy as defined in the OED. Please explain the conection


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:10
Aug 28, 2008
I think you need to clarify what the "other sources" are. In my experience money only comes as a result of previous effort or charitable donations.

I still don't see any connection with this money and telepathy as defined in the OED. Please explain the conection

This is very hard work. What I am writing must not be clear.

Firstly, lets assume the extra money that comes relates to previous efforts. Why does the very high activity cold calling trigger the time of arrival of money from previous efforst to coinicde with the month of calling and it only comes if the call results have been poor.

Secondly. If call results have been above and beyond what they should be then why is money lost from other areas.

Neither of the above occurs when calls are at aleisurely pace.


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 07:10
Jul 10, 2007
This is very hard work. What I am writing must not be clear.

Firstly, lets assume the extra money that comes relates to previous efforts. Why does the very high activity cold calling trigger the time of arrival of money from previous efforst to coinicde with the month of calling and it only comes if the call results have been poor.

Secondly. If call results have been above and beyond what they should be then why is money lost from other areas.

Neither of the above occurs when calls are at aleisurely pace.
Still no connection with telepathy a far as I can see. From personal experience all I can say is that the returns are more often exponentionally related to input work/energy so I would not expect direct proportionality. Without further evidence I cannot comment on your findings but I would not rule out simple coincidence.

Adam Caramon

Registered User
Local time
Today, 02:10
Jan 23, 2008
Use your brain. Have you got any idea how much people like me have tested this and of course with the view to make it work with a leisurely calling style.

No offense, but I would not rely on people like you.

I think Rabbie pretty much said what I would say to your entire argument:

Rabbie said:
Without further evidence I cannot comment on your findings but I would not rule out simple coincidence.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:10
Aug 28, 2008
Still no connection with telepathy a far as I can see. From personal experience all I can say is that the returns are more often exponentionally related to input work/energy so I would not expect direct proportionality. Without further evidence I cannot comment on your findings but I would not rule out simple coincidence.

Your comment would be 100% correct if the extra money came from the calling, but it doesn't come from there.

The money does not come from the call results!!!!! and it only comes when the call results are poor compared to what would be expected. When the call results are above and beyond what should be the case (given the cold call numbers) there is a loss of money from other sources.


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 07:10
Jul 10, 2007
Your comment would be 100% correct if the extra money came from the calling, but it doesn't come from there.

The money does not come from the call results!!!!! and it only comes when the call results are poor compared to what would be expected. When the call results are above and beyond what should be the case (given the cold call numbers) there is a loss of money from other sources.
The money must come from somewhere! Unless it comes from some charity which I doubt, it must come from previous calls. Still has nothing to do with telepathy as defined in the OED.

Now perhaps we should get back to the topic in the thread title:)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:10
Aug 28, 2008
The money must come from somewhere! Unless it comes from some charity which I doubt, it must come from previous calls. Still has nothing to do with telepathy as defined in the OED.

Now perhaps we should get back to the topic in the thread title:)

But what triggers the arrival of the money. Why does it only happen at the fever level of activity. What is causing someone who is isolated from me and the calling to pay money etc to me at that time. And why does it only occur when the call results themselves are poor as compared to how they should be.

And what triggers loss of money from other sources when call results are well above what they should be.

Again, none of this happens when low intensity calling is done.


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 07:10
Jul 10, 2007
But what triggers the arrival of the money. Why does it only happen at the fever level of activity. What is causing someone who is isolated from me and the calling to pay money etc to me at that time. And why does it only occur when the call results themselves are poor as compared to how they should be.

And what triggers loss of money from other sources when call results are well above what they should be.

Again, none of this happens when low intensity calling is done.
So to clarify what you are saying This extra money (source not yet explained) only comes when a) you have been working really hard on cold calling and b)those calls are not giving the expected results.

My guess is coincidence combined with selective editing of the perceived money flow.

Others might call it karma or similar. Still no evidence of Telepathy

Adam Caramon

Registered User
Local time
Today, 02:10
Jan 23, 2008
My guess is coincidence combined with selective editing of the perceived money flow.

No, I see it now. Clearly, when Mike works at a fever pitch, and is in desperate need for business, his mind goes into overdrive, sending out telepathic SOS messages to potential customers. These telepathic SOS messages hit the potential customers on a subconcious level, thus forcing them to call Mike up and engage in some commerce, while they're completely unaware of the influence.

After reading all of the evidence Mike has provided, I don't see any other viable alternative.

I'm just hoping Mike's telepathic SOS messages can't reach all the way here. I have enough unintended expenses to try to track without having to consider telepathic-subliminal advertising.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:10
Aug 28, 2008
So to clarify what you are saying This extra money (source not yet explained) only comes when a) you have been working really hard on cold calling and b)those calls are not giving the expected results.

My guess is coincidence combined with selective editing of the perceived money flow.

Others might call it karma or similar. Still no evidence of Telepathy

Well you final got the story:). I must be a bad writer.

I guarantee no coincidence because it is predictable and too many times. If you read my earlier post, especially the reply to Adam, I said I would pay to get an answer IF an answer aside from telepathy or a Jesus deal exists. I would love it if work with calls made on a leisurely basis but it don't happen. Make calls on a leisurely basis and the numbers are below or welll below what they should be, then no helping hand arrives:)

No selective editing as everything is recorded.

Myself and others have looked for any and every possible solution and in the hope that it could then be duplicated at low level calling.

By the way, this is not unique to me.

As a side note, the main reason I go for "telepathy or similar" instead of the Jesus type deal is because I have not seen anything physical happen unless of course an "isolated" person does something which then helps me.

My "born again" friends reckon it is a Jesus deal and the reason I go for "telepathy" is I want to avoid accepting Jesus. Probably a degree of truth in that.

The only thing that makes me less that 100% sure it is a telepathy type of thing is the possibility it is a Jesus type deal.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:10
Aug 28, 2008
No, I see it now. Clearly, when Mike works at a fever pitch, and is in desperate need for business, his mind goes into overdrive, sending out telepathic SOS messages to potential customers. These telepathic SOS messages hit the potential customers on a subconcious level, thus forcing them to call Mike up and engage in some commerce, while they're completely unaware of the influence.

After reading all of the evidence Mike has provided, I don't see any other viable alternative.

I'm just hoping Mike's telepathic SOS messages can't reach all the way here. I have enough unintended expenses to try to track without having to consider telepathic-subliminal advertising.

You basically have it Adam except it is not always potential customers.

As I mentioned earlier this type of thing could explain why sometime people just suddenly decide to round up moeny to pay a loan or suddenly just decide to buy something.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:10
Jun 2, 2002
I don't understand where the "balance" is set?

If you're not happy with the level of achievement where this "balance" is set then surely it's not that valuable a commodity?

Surely what you're looking for is to remove the ceiling that this process seems to impose?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:10
Aug 28, 2008
I don't understand where the "balance" is set?

Surely what you're looking for is to remove the ceiling that this process seems to impose?

Correct. Even more so than having it work at low intensity levels.

It is virtually 100% guaranteed that at the intense level the money received for the month is limited to.....what it should be for an accepted rate of call/numbers success.....If the call numbers/ratios come up short then the other money will appear...if they come in to high, then losses of money occur elsewhere.

The answer in fact is to do something different. In other words where the "entitlement" is higher. In fact I hope that I will have the answer in a month's time. Next Monday I am starting calling at the extreme level but have my mind set to be receptive to idea that there are better ways for me to do business and that could be a complete change occurs. Working at fever pitch heightens the senses and everything around appears to be moving slow motion.

It was because I had intended doing this for a month from nest Monday that I decided to post about the telepathy and respond etc. Just one more thing that gears the mind up.

As a side to not to non believers.....a few years ago I went virtually bankrupt with some bad decisions, women, the usual stuff. Any way a fellow I knew suggested I cold call to the most extreme level humanly possible for one month. I was very short of money and said to him "what if I have a bad run and then have the phone bill etc plus I won't be able to these bits of shit work I have that puts food on the table....He said to me.....You have read Think and Grow Rich plenty of times so now put it into action. But irrespective of the call results I will guarantee the money will come from somewhere if the calls don't get the results but only if the activity is extreme....

The strange thing was that I had done this type of thing before, in fact way back in 1990 but had forgotten about it.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:10
Sep 8, 2004
Actually, about the whole calling telepathy thing, I used to work for a list company, we had statistical numbers that basically went along these lines.

If you make x number of cold calls a day, you'll make y number of actual contacts, and a z number of them will place an order with you.

they even broke down basic percentages of when people would buy, like from a cold call ,using numbers from the blue because it's been a day or two :), 10% will buy today, another 35% within the month, 20% in two months and 10% in three, the rest may or may not buy at all.

again, they based those numbers on cold calling, and so it was easy to point out, the more contacts you made, the more contacts that could possibly buy from you.

coincidentally the contacts called you on their month 2 or 3 to buy/make payment.

it's not telepathy it's statistics.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:10
Aug 28, 2008
Actually, about the whole calling telepathy thing, I used to work for a list company, we had statistical numbers that basically went along these lines.

If you make x number of cold calls a day, you'll make y number of actual contacts, and a z number of them will place an order with you.

they even broke down basic percentages of when people would buy, like from a cold call ,using numbers from the blue because it's been a day or two :), 10% will buy today, another 35% within the month, 20% in two months and 10% in three, the rest may or may not buy at all.

again, they based those numbers on cold calling, and so it was easy to point out, the more contacts you made, the more contacts that could possibly buy from you.

coincidentally the contacts called you on their month 2 or 3 to buy/make payment.

it's not telepathy it's statistics.

That is basically correct. However, there are some diffences to what I am talking. Firstly, the cold calling is to generate appointments, not get to a sales order. Secondly most cold calling to obtain a sales order is a simpler type of product and obey the averages much better.

But I am mainly talking about extreme activity and what happens when the numbers don't come in the way they should as compared to low level calling when the numbers don't come in the way the should.

As a side note, with more simple calling it is even broken down to a dollar value for each time you pick up the phone. Of course that assumes the salesman maintaims the same aproach and the prospect list is consistent etc.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:10
Jun 2, 2002
Well I for one do find what you're saying interesting.

I know that people in general do look for "answers" in their surroundings. People who give out the impression of resoluteness and determination attract these people because they "seem" to have the answer. Nobody wants to be unhappy thus it's natural to be drawn to those who "seem" to know how to reach happiness.

The Henry Ford's team of engineers example explains it for me. He didn't need to be an engineer himself to gradually elevate the team's state of mind. He "infected" them with the belief and will to see it done. They applied their own skill to this inherited will and that's what carried them to the finish line.

I'm not sure about the telepathy part. I think you are underestimating the extent to which the "balancing" participants are involved in your "feverish" scenario. To contribute money they must have had some kind of previous financial dealings with you and thus I suspect have been exposed to whatever charisma you output in cold-calling.

I can't explain the ceiling part. Perhaps a natural wastage process of neglecting the accounts you have gained because you are zeroed in on building without consolidating.

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