Are you an atheist? (3 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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So lets get this straight.

Short paragraphs are usually grammatically correct. "Huge" paragraphs, with errors, are also acceptable because the writer is too lazy to proof read, even though a large paragraph is open to misinterpretation due to weak punctuation and errors.

I was always taught to keep paragraphs short as readers will get bored and not be bothered to wade through the dross to try and understand the point.


Indeed Col, Ill try keeping them short and to the point which is what I usually do :p, but they get divided when answering the whole of a comment with quotes :D.

Kind of makes it look too big
Hey Bladerunner :)

Hello Connor: Wrote a detailed post for this very post of yours. Lost it trying to post it on line x2. Will have to start using a a memo pad or something so I have a copy until it is posted. I am not going to try rewrite it but simply put it this way. Most of what I wrote you took it wrong!

you are trying to interpret what I write through your hatred of the Christian religion. I am not a preacher and do not intentionally preach to anyone especially Atheist. I do not care that you or anyone else is an Atheist or that you have a different worldview than I do or that our children will have different worldviews.

Yes we shall meet again on this tablet of controversy.

Hey Bud,

Sorry if I did not interpret you correctly.

Also I have already explained - I have no hatred towards people having a religion, by all means pray to your hearts content.

I do recall me saying "I dislike all religions equally" ;)

Not just christianity :D

We shall meet again Bladerunner ;)

also to my last question - I never got the fact why people hate the devil so much in religion, I know apparently he is everything bad and he wanted to kick god of his throne, But He punishes the bad doesn't he?

Which would make him the face of justice would it not ?

After all Lucifer is supposed to mean Bringer/Bearer of Light
Trust me when I say if I could sleep, I would. I just periodically get bouts of insomnia - I have my whole life. Doesn't matter what I was doing before or how long before I was doing it, really.

Out of curiosity, how does that study handle the way long-term denial of REM sleep causes actual insanity? There have been studies done where people were allowed to sleep but not to do REM sleep, and that turns out to the the result. (And on the flip side, there are a very few people who quite literally do not need sleep at all - as in ever.)
also to my last question - I never got the fact why people hate the devil so much in religion, I know apparently he is everything bad and he wanted to kick god of his throne, But He punishes the bad doesn't he?

Which would make him the face of justice would it not ?

After all Lucifer is supposed to mean Bringer/Bearer of Light

Hi Connor;

First let me qualify my answer to your last question above. I have not researched the answer I am giving you but rather the answer comes from within.

You Asked:"Why people hate the devil so much in religion.". I really don't think they hate Satan so much as they fear him which is a better motivator than hate. Had it not been for him (Satan), Eve would not have eaten the forbidden fruit and we would live...... well in Heaven.

I personally think he uses anything he can to get people over to his side and away from God. Everyone he gets to come over, is like sticking a dagger into God himself.

There are God's law and then there are mans laws. He(Satan) is the lord over this world therefore he reigns over man and his laws.So now you know where corruption comes from or an anything goes society came from (i.e. Babylon, modern society, etc.). In fact, I personally feel that he has caused all of the wars and violent deaths around the world.

To lose a close family member (i.e. child, mother, father) is very hard to overcome. But to know that they are going to a better place brings a lot of comfort to the other family members. Cannot see thinking about Hell in the same context would help.And cannot see thinking that one minute 'poof' we are here and then 'poof' we are gone would be of any comfort.

That is about all I can say about it. It is hard to explain a feeling about an abstract figure. As I have stated many times before, everyone if given the chance will have to make a decision about who they believe in (Satan or God) at the end of their life. If they don't get that chance to make that decision at the end of their life, the decision they made sometimes many years before will stand. Your either believe in God or >>>>>>>>>>>(Your for or your against). There is no in-between!!!!!!!

And last but not least the "Bringer/Bearer of Light"[ConnorGiles;1392531] depends upon the light. Walking into a 'Red Light' District, etc. tends to give a little different perspective to the religious person but has Satan written all over it.Rem, he works his laws through man.

Again, these are my personal opinions.
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Hi Blade,
It is good to read a post that is a person's own thoughts and not just churning out the rhetoric a la Aziz.

When you say believe in Satan or God are you using the word believe as in follow rather than in belief in their existence? I would thing that atheists believe in the existence of neither and religious people in the existence of both.

To lose a close family member (i.e. child, mother, father) is very hard to overcome. But to know that they are going to a better place brings a lot of comfort to the other family members. Cannot see thinking about Hell in the same context would help.And cannot see thinking that one minute 'poof' we are here and then 'poof' we are gone would be of any comfort.

I think that the above , from Blade, is a factor in mankind wanting to believe, but is it really a good enough reason.

On a personal level the fact that my wife may be in heaven would not stop me being distressed at the fact that she missed out on raising her grandchildren and more importantly that they missed the benefit other loving care and 35 years as a kindergarten teacher, infact if there is a " loving father" out there then I am bloody angry with him for taking her when he did.
Please note that I had already rejected religion before this.

Hi Blade,
It is good to read a post that is a person's own thoughts and not just churning out the rhetoric a la Aziz.

When you say believe in Satan or God are you using the word believe as in follow rather than in belief in their existence? I would thing that atheists believe in the existence of neither and religious people in the existence of both.


Yes, you are right!
[FONT="][QUOTE="Brianwarnock, post: 1392770, member: 14077"]I think that the above , from Blade, is a factor in mankind wanting to believe, but is it really a good enough reason.
[FONT="]On a personal level the fact that my wife may be in heaven would not stop me being distressed at the fact that she missed out on raising her grandchildren and more importantly that they missed the benefit other loving care and 35 years as a kindergarten teacher, in fact if there is a " loving father" out there then I am bloody angry with him for taking her when he did.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Please note that I had already rejected religion before this.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]First let me send my condolences for the loss of your wife. I understand your anger. Having a medical background gave me ample opportunities to see the anger, remorse and ultimately the despair that comes with losing ones soul-mate and/or children. However, my belief is that you will again be together with her and your children and grandchildren in the end. Even though you do not believe right now, simply knowing that this scenario is in the realm of possibility should give you if nothing else pause. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The Bible states that "every Hair on your head is counted and your days are numbered". We know not the hour or the minute of our death until it is upon us yet when you were born, the date and time of your death was written into the book of life. You wife would have died at the same time irregardless of whether she was married to you or someone else.While this of no comfort to you it does show that God simply did not look down and say well, I am going to take this one and this one and this one today, etc.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Dick7Access once said that (rearranged & paraphrased): If you and I die and I am wrong, then you and I will never know that we were wrong. However, what if I am right!!!!!!!!!!!. If you are right then we will die and our soul or our source of life will leave our bodies and just 'poof' into nothingness. If I am right and you do not believe, then Satan will be you master. Chin up now, there is a consolation here. You will be with those that did not believe in Christ while they were living. On the other hand, well, I have already covered that!............................[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Some on this [FONT=&quot]thread[/FONT] will call this preaching but there is a difference in preaching to a crowd and telling others what you believe in and then putting that belief in context. Not long ago, I wrote an extended post giving the reasons why I believe there is an afterlife and those reasons are outside of what the Bible teaches us. Questions about that post include: Did my brain just manufacture what I wanted to see or was I told something year(s) before it happened? If so, by who or what told me? The 'why' was apparent after it was over. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Thanks for listening![/FONT]
So Blade- from what I have perceived from yourself is that Satan controls what happens here?

Why would our god (be it if he exists) leave us to be played with or taunted by him?

For instance it seems like - He has given us a gun and told us, under no circumstances press that trigger... Of course be it then or later - Accidental or Purposefully it will be pressed.

Another question that annoys me is that if god loves us all equally, why eternally damn the ones who don't believe but have done nothing wrong (Haven't even committed a sin except not believe)?
So Blade- from what I have perceived from yourself is that Satan controls what happens here?

Why would our god (be it if he exists) leave us to be played with or taunted by him?

For instance it seems like - He has given us a gun and told us, under no circumstances press that trigger... Of course be it then or later - Accidental or Purposefully it will be pressed.

Another question that annoys me is that if god loves us all equally, why eternally damn the ones who don't believe but have done nothing wrong (Haven't even committed a sin except not believe)?

Sorry for the delay guys - Busy week at work ;)
First let me say that I believe that there is a higher being or cause that has created us and this universe... there has to be or there would be no universe, no us.

As a society we've grown to know good and evil and have put a face on each, but let's focus on the good (God(s?)).

Question: What makes us feel so damn unique and special. What makes us the #1 priority of this being. They have created this entire universe. Why would we, one planet's species be the priority of the entire universe.

Side Thought: As a system designer & developer like most of the people here, I wouldn't create a system that needs constant maintenance. To think of the creator of this universe making it so that they needed to intervene for each individual being would be insane. Lets focus on what we know here on planet earth. Maybe we're designed like this. We were made to fight and to love. We were made to destroy and create. Maybe we're still Neanderthals compared to what we're destined to be another 50,000 years from now.

As usual, just a thought from myself that I thought that I would share.
Also as usual, I predict it will not be paid any attention to in the heat of this quarrelsome thread.
So Blade- from what I have perceived from yourself is that Satan controls what happens here?

Why would our god (be it if he exists) leave us to be played with or taunted by him?

For instance it seems like - He has given us a gun and told us, under no circumstances press that trigger... Of course be it then or later - Accidental or Purposefully it will be pressed.

Another question that annoys me is that if god loves us all equally, why eternally damn the ones who don't believe but have done nothing wrong (Haven't even committed a sin except not believe)?

Should I take Door #1 or Door #2.... lol....Hello Connor:

4. To take the last sentence first the only ones that are without sin are the little children. Have you not heard about missionaries who sometimes give their lives in order to help the population and spread God's word. For those who have not heard, I would think that God would take this into account. How can you sin if you do not know what the rules are (so-to-speak).

1.Now for the top down. As I said, Satan and his follwers were (got it right again lol) given this world. Does he control world events--possibly! Does he control man--that is up to man--rem he has a brain. Again you have a choice (good or bad) and can turn from that choice anytime up until your death.

2. While temptation is all around, if you believe you can side step it.

3. "Thou Shalt Not Kill". While this commandment has been dissected many time, to me it means, I shall not (in mans terms) murder another. I believe there are exceptions to those that do so in self- defense and to protect others.
First let me say that I believe that there is a higher being or cause that has created us and this universe... there has to be or there would be no universe, no us.

As a society we've grown to know good and evil and have put a face on each, but let's focus on the good (God(s?)).

Question: What makes us feel so damn unique and special. What makes us the #1 priority of this being. They have created this entire universe. Why would we, one planet's species be the priority of the entire universe.

Side Thought: As a system designer & developer like most of the people here, I wouldn't create a system that needs constant maintenance. To think of the creator of this universe making it so that they needed to intervene for each individual being would be insane. Lets focus on what we know here on planet earth. Maybe we're designed like this. We were made to fight and to love. We were made to destroy and create. Maybe we're still Neanderthals compared to what we're destined to be another 50,000 years from now.

As usual, just a thought from myself that I thought that I would share.
Also as usual, I predict it will not be paid any attention to in the heat of this quarrelsome thread.
Hi Dan: Let me try and answer your questions.

( Note: This is the first time you have asked sensible questions instead of rants and accusations that I have seen.)

1. Because God made us in his image is why we are so unique. ["What makes us the #1 priority of this being" BlueIshDan 1393412]. Who said we were the center of the Universe. He made all and for man to consider that he is the only ones out there among billions of galaxies is silly. Opening your mind to possibilities does not mean you cannot believe in his beautiful and complicated creation.

2. Then don't create a child because they need constant maintenance and LOVE. (you left this out). Imagine a home with 18 children. Why would you want to intervene with each. Or maybe we were designed like this. We have the ability to fight, love, design, destroy and yet we are the only entity on this earth that can reason and think and control our actions. Your programs for all you can do, cannot do that. We did not come from Neanderthals!...Unlike the Neanderthals, we know the difference in why we do anything.

Of course the Bible states that after Armageddon there will be 10,000 years of peace. lets just get to the 10,000 year mark. How ----By Believing.
Trust me when I say if I could sleep, I would. I just periodically get bouts of insomnia - I have my whole life. Doesn't matter what I was doing before or how long before I was doing it, really.

Out of curiosity, how does that study handle the way long-term denial of REM sleep causes actual insanity? There have been studies done where people were allowed to sleep but not to do REM sleep, and that turns out to the the result. (And on the flip side, there are a very few people who quite literally do not need sleep at all - as in ever.)

Imagine the time saved without sleep - you could have a new meaning to a long day :D
1. Because God made us in his image is why we are so unique.

I like to think outside of what is written inside of the bible. I find more comfort and attachment to my, what I like to call, creator when I exclude the additions and writings of other human beings.

Please don't think of this as me saying that what you believe is wrong. But out of pure curiosity, what is it that makes you have so much faith in what we as human's perceive as the truth about something that is so much higher that our understanding. It is something that I find myself so detached from. As I said, I absolutely FEEL closer to our creator(s?) when I exclude the affections of other humans. It is a questionable worthy feeling no?

Meaning in short: I would rather be explained and talked to with you understanding my position. As would you like me to speak to you in the same manor.

2. Then don't create a child because they need constant maintenance and LOVE. (you left this out). Imagine a home with 18 children. Why would you want to intervene with each. Or maybe we were designed like this. We have the ability to fight, love, design, destroy and yet we are the only entity on this earth that can reason and think and control our actions. Your programs for all you can do, cannot do that. We did not come from Neanderthals!...Unlike the Neanderthals, we know the difference in why we do anything.

I do believe that this is much higher than that.
After trying to pick this apart for a direct answer, reasoning or theory...

I may have misunderstood what is being said here, but if I understand correctly, I would also rather not be directly insulted. I am more capable of relationships and caring than any other I know.

Your programs for all you can do, cannot do that.
I feel that you're failing to see my points. Again, much higher than the thought of designing a program. Designing life. Designing something with the ability to make choices. Something that can colonize and grow and interact with not only itself but the world you've created for it to grow in. It is something amazing in itself.

As for intervening, in both of our beliefs it seems that we both know, we were initially created with choice. We are all, as a race, here together as we are because of our choices up to now. Would our creator really intervene with this? Remember, these are only thoughts from my perspective. Please do not throw it back in my face in the form as a snide remark masked with something from the bible. Talk to me as a person.

... we are the only entity on this earth that can reason and think and control our actions.
This is entirely not true. Moving on.

As an addition to my first statement in this post.

Another way of describing this feeling of mine is to say this:

If there was never any documentation or history of belief of a God. I would still have this feeling. It is not common sense. It is not science. It is a literal felling, not guided by the affections of other human beings.
Should I take Door #1 or Door #2.... lol....Hello Connor:

4. To take the last sentence first the only ones that are without sin are the little children. Have you not heard about missionaries who sometimes give their lives in order to help the population and spread God's word. For those who have not heard, I would think that God would take this into account. How can you sin if you do not know what the rules are (so-to-speak).

1.Now for the top down. As I said, Satan and his follwers were (got it right again lol) given this world. Does he control world events--possibly! Does he control man--that is up to man--rem he has a brain. Again you have a choice (good or bad) and can turn from that choice anytime up until your death.

2. While temptation is all around, if you believe you can side step it.

3. "Thou Shalt Not Kill". While this commandment has been dissected many time, to me it means, I shall not (in mans terms) murder another. I believe there are exceptions to those that do so in self- defense and to protect others.

Why was he given this world?? I really don't see the point of giving this all evil being a world full of gods creations? Surely it could only end one way.

Everyone has sinned once in their life. Repentance is not a solution its a "I said sorry so its okay". If your god turns out to be real, I believe there is too many things people haven't realised they have done to sin, which therefore means hell for all of us :D

The Thou Shalt Not Kill statement is thrown around everywhere in many religions but it is never followed. Islamic State Militants Beheading people, Christians Crusading massacring millions, The list goes on.
(1) Please don't think of this as me saying that what you believe is wrong. But out of pure curiosity, what is it that makes you have so much faith in what we as human's perceive as the truth about something that is so much higher that our understanding. It is something that I find myself so detached from. As I said, I absolutely FEEL closer to our creator(s?) when I exclude the affections of other humans. It is a questionable worthy feeling no?

Meaning in short: I would rather be explained and talked to with you understanding my position. As would you like me to speak to you in the same manor.

(2) I do believe that this is much higher than that.
After trying to pick this apart for a direct answer, reasoning or theory...

I may have misunderstood what is being said here, but if I understand correctly, I would also rather not be directly insulted. I am more capable of relationships and caring than any other I know. .

(3)I feel that you're failing to see my points. Again, much higher than the thought of designing a program. Designing life. Designing something with the ability to make choices. Something that can colonize and grow and interact with not only itself but the world you've created for it to grow in. It is something amazing in itself.

(4) As for intervening, in both of our beliefs it seems that we both know, we were initially created with choice. We are all, as a race, here together as we are because of our choices up to now. Would our creator really intervene with this? Remember, these are only thoughts from my perspective. Please do not throw it back in my face in the form as a snide remark masked with something from the bible. Talk to me as a person.

(5) This is entirely not true. Moving on.

As an addition to my first statement in this post.

Another way of describing this feeling of mine is to say this:

If there was never any documentation or history of belief of a God. I would still have this feeling. It is not common sense. It is not science. It is a literal felling, not guided by the affections of other human beings.
(1) If you feel closer to God without as you put it "affections of other humans"........Great...Go for it. You answered your own question here. To every person, what God means to them is different. That does not mean it is wrong as long as you believe in him. It is not against the law not to believe in him, and you may feel it is not wrong not to believe in him. It is a decision everyone must make. You included!

(2) Guess what? you have lost me now

(3)You were the one who compared creation to designing a program! You are right but unfortunately man is trying to design life itself without taking all the above into question. BUT what could possibly go wrong?

(4) Does he intervene? There are many people some on this forum that will tell you different. I personally believe that they do not intervene because they want us to love them via free choice. Some will say that the threat of Hell is not a free choice. Yes, it is and there are a lot of people who have chosen hell freely. Jesus and his father will not intervene until Armageddon.

(5) For centuries people who never have any other indication of a religion, looked up and around and decided there had to be a higher power that made this. They have felt like you do. I think everybody worries about what someone says the bible means. It is really up to you. That is one reason why there are so many denominations of the Christian religion. People interpret the bible differently. But all believe in Jesus Christ and his Father, Jehovah. You cannot come to believe because I want you to, It has to come from within and feel right to your psyche. Only then can you find the peace that goes with accepting Jesus as your savior.

Again, these are my beliefs. To some these are a joke, to some I am living a lie, to some I am worshiping a false God, to some I am just one of those Christians like the ones that killed so many people in the name of God. having said that, I have only one to answer to.................! Yes, I have made my decision!

Thanks Dan
to some I am just one of those Christians like the ones that killed so many people in the name of God. having said that, I have only one to answer to.................! Yes, I have made my decision!

Thanks Dan

Please let me clarify Bladerunner ;)

You've killed people in the name of god!?

Is that a confession ;) :D

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