Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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"People" like you are why people say Americans are stupid. You refuse to accept any form of scientific proof. You claim to be Christian, but have nothing but contempt for the poor, the weak, and the helpless, and will happily let them die.

I'm not referring to whatever medical facility you claim to work for, whose rules, codes, and obligations I can virtually guarantee you had no say in. I am referring to you and the other so-called Christians who have long ago turned their backs on the very teachings of the religion you CLAIM to follow.

Jesus said to aid the poor - you spit on them.
Jesus said to help the helpless - you condemn them.
Jesus said to not judge - your every comment is nothing but judgement of those who dare to think differently than you.
Jesus said to love your neighbor - you are consumed by hatred.

You hate Obamacare because your masters - the far-right propagandists and spin doctors, bought out by those like the Koch brothers - tell you to. You hate liberals because your masters tell you to. You hate Muslims because your masters tell you to. They must be SO proud of you.

You have fallen so far you cannot even comprehend what Good IS any more. Because all you care about is money and power, you assume that 'liberals' MUST be the same way. Because you only support causes based on what you get out of them, you paint 'liberals' with the same brush. It is beyond disgusting that you could possibly think that the only reason someone could POSSIBLY have to help the poor is political power.

Just because you are putting every effort into creating the world of Nineteen Eighty-Four, it doesn't mean those of us who actually care about our fellow humans are doing the same.
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"People" like you are why people say Americans are stupid. You refuse to accept any form of scientific proof. You claim to be Christian, but have nothing but contempt for the poor, the weak, and the helpless, and will happily let them die.

I'm not referring to whatever medical facility you claim to work for, whose rules, codes, and obligations I can virtually guarantee you had no say in. I am referring to you and the other so-called Christians who have long ago turned their backs on the very teachings of the religion you CLAIM to follow.

Jesus said to aid the poor - you spit on them.
Jesus said to help the helpless - you condemn them.
Jesus said to not judge - your every comment is nothing but judgement of those who dare to think differently than you.
Jesus said to love your neighbor - you are consumed by hatred.

You hate Obamacare because your masters - the far-right propagandists and spin doctors, bought out by those like the Koch brothers - tell you to. You hate liberals because your masters tell you to. You hate Muslims because your masters tell you to. They must be SO proud of you.

You have fallen so far you cannot even comprehend what Good IS any more. Because all you care about is money and power, you assume that 'liberals' MUST be the same way. Because you only support causes based on what you get out of them, you paint 'liberals' with the same brush. It is beyond disgusting that you could possibly think that the only reason someone could POSSIBLY have to help the poor is political power.

Just because you are putting every effort into creating the world of Nineteen Eighty-Four, it doesn't mean those of us who actually care about our fellow humans are doing the same.

RINTFLOL.........................WOW..........Guess I got on your last nerve huh! lol
Mr. Frosh:

I do have to apologize for spelling your name wrong above. To keep from it in the future, I will refer to your full name. Mr. Frothingslosh

Have a good evening.
Don't these two statements contradict each other?
If you don't believe in god then you should not make a statement that says or implies that you do, however it should be of no concern to you that somebody else says it. This is like Muslims getting a job in a store and then refusing to serve all of the products, they don't have to consume them.


Brian, I do not agree with what she is doing simply because she is making a big deal about it. Yes I believe it should not be in the text Which is why I said what I said Brian, I completely agree with the statement you made. It does not affect me in any way to say it (although making you look like a hypocrite), which is why I wouldn't make a big deal about it :)

It's the hardcore atheists that will have their say in that matter.

Not me.

P.S. How are you all today? all good I hope!
Connor - the fights over the phrase "under God" have been around as long as I can remember - this is nothing new. The fact of the matter is that the phrase was added in 1954 during the Red Scare. Part of the reason was pressure from religious groups who, even then, wanted to redefine the US as an explicitly Christian nation, and part was to visibly differentiate the US from the officially-athiest Soviet Union.

As written by the Reverend Francis Bellamy (who was a Christian socialist and the brother of a socialist author) in 1892, the original wording of the Pledge was:

" flag..." was changed to "...the flag of the United States..." in 1922 and then to "...the flag of the United States of America" in 1923. This was explicitly to avoid confusing immigrants about which nation they were pledging to.

In a related topic, the official motto of the US was changed from "E Pluribus Unum" to "In God We Trust" in 1956 for much the same reason as the change to the pledge. (The new motto actually started appearing on currency in 1864.)

Interestingly, neither change has ever been heard by SCOTUS. A pledge case did get appealed to them once, but they dismissed it rather than ruling on it because they determined that the plaintiff had no legal standing to file the suit. There have been a couple attempts by the GOP in the last ten years to strip SCOTUS of the power to determine the constitutionality of things like this, but they all died in the Senate. Odds are, however, that that law itself would have been determined to be in direct violation of the constitution. Personally I don't see what they're so worried about - the current makeup of the court all but guarantees the pledge would pass inspection were it to be reviewed right now; Eight of the judges always vote down party lines, and the last one votes conservative about 3 times in 4. One of them - Scalia - has ALWAYS pressed for the implementation of Biblical law and Christianity as the official religion.

Hey Frothingslosh, Had a revamp on the profile I see!

Have only recently heard of this story, thank you for the information! You seem to know your stuff :D

What a drama over such a little thing, I agree with Brian in the fact that it doesn't in any way effect us to say the word god... Although still thinking it should be ( as you referred to it ) returned to the original statement :p

Hope everything is okay on the other side of the Atlantic! :D
RINTFLOL.........................WOW..........Gues s I got on your last nerve huh! lol

He tends to be blunt :p

He's a nice guy really :)

I do have to agree in some cases Bladerunner unfortunately. But I have no problems in what you believe in, you are your own man and have your own opinions and I respect that.

But I beg you please try and see both sides to every story it opens up a lot more views and understandings on the situations you come across :D
Hey Frothingslosh, Had a revamp on the profile I see!

Have only recently heard of this story, thank you for the information! You seem to know your stuff :D

What a drama over such a little thing, I agree with Brian in the fact that it doesn't in any way effect us to say the word god... Although still thinking it should be ( as you referred to it ) returned to the original statement :p

Hope everything is okay on the other side of the Atlantic! :D

That or I did some quick fact-checking via Wikipedia. ;-)

The reason it keeps coming up is because having references to God in official things like the Pledge of Allegiance or the national motto is a direct violation of the First Amendment. A more minor violation than most, but a violation nonetheless.
That or I did some quick fact-checking via Wikipedia. ;-)

The reason it keeps coming up is because having references to God in official things like the Pledge of Allegiance or the national motto is a direct violation of the First Amendment. A more minor violation than most, but a violation nonetheless.

It appears I did that too ;)

It is indeed a violation of the first amendment.

Rules are rules I suppose :cool:
He tends to be blunt :p

He's a nice guy really :)

I do have to agree in some cases Bladerunner unfortunately. But I have no problems in what you believe in, you are your own man and have your own opinions and I respect that.

But I beg you please try and see both sides to every story it opens up a lot more views and understandings on the situations you come across :D

I finally got tired of his spewing nothing but hatred on these forums.

Note that he didn't deny any of it. I personally have no problem with people believing differently than me, but I loathe people who do nothing but spread hatred.
I finally got tired of his spewing nothing but hatred on these forums.

Note that he didn't deny any of it. I personally have no problem with people believing differently than me, but I loathe people who do nothing but spread hatred.

He did not no :D

Which is why my comment came into play :p

But I beg you please try and see both sides to every story it opens up a lot more views and understandings on the situations you come across
It appears I did that too ;)

It is indeed a violation of the first amendment.

Rules are rules I suppose :cool:

Look at it this way:

Can you imagine the awe-inspiring rage that would result if someone were to ever replace the word "God" with "Allah" while saying the Pledge?

Plus, non-Christians, be they Wiccan, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, Pastafarian, athiest, or anything else, should not have to swear by the Christian God. That is one reason that was written into the First Amendment. (I'll admit, though, that the main reason for that line is because the people who wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights had seen a thousand years of religious warfare in Europe, and wanted to make damned sure it couldn't happen in the US.)
Look at it this way:

Can you imagine the awe-inspiring rage that would result if someone were to ever replace the word "God" with "Allah" while saying the Pledge?

Plus, non-Christians, be they Wiccan, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, Pastafarian, athiest, or anything else, should not have to swear by the Christian God. That is one reason that was written into the First Amendment. (I'll admit, though, that the main reason for that line is because the people who wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights had seen a thousand years of religious warfare in Europe, and wanted to make damned sure it couldn't happen in the US.)

There would be chaos, I could only imagine since the amount of rage from muslims demanding the removal of meat from a pig from food menus such as Subway :D (I was not happy about it myself, I just love BACON!)

In an ever changing economy, change is imminent and unstoppable.

These changes will always be opposed be it by a few people to many people, In my opinion there will always be conflict between cultures for as long as there is more than one culture in one place (and maybe not even in the same place e.g. ISIS)

We need to find aliens or something to bring everyone together as one (The human race) :D:p
We need to find aliens or something to bring everyone together as one (The human race) :D:p

You know, Ronald Reagan once said that during a speech to the UN.

From the reaction, you would have thought he'd shared a recipe for slow-roasted baby.
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Well you never know - maybe finding a new race completely may spice things up a little ;)
DAMN you reply fast.

So, in addtion:

Demanding Subway stop serving meat is idiotic. I could agree with them wanting to make sure that a special board and knife are available that never touched ham or bacon for use in making their sandwiches. (I would mention changing gloves, but the Subway employees are supposed to do that anyway.) And I'll even go so far as to say their bacon is insanely high in salt content and not very good for you. But straight-up demanding that they stop serving bacon company-wide, though, is wrong.

Still, vegans make the same demands, and you never see national headlines about THEM doing so.
Dinner time good sir!

Indeed , As Brian has stated , just because its on the menu doesn't mean you have to eat it! Yes that would be a sane solution and I don't even mind them wanting Halaal meat being on the Menu (Although I am an animal lover and think the way that this meat is done is extremely cruel) but to change the way we eat for their own piece of mind is out of order.

Yes Vegans make these demands every day but they aren't considered serious. Problem is our countries are to scared of the word "Discrimination".
That or I did some quick fact-checking via Wikipedia. ;-)

The reason it keeps coming up is because having references to God in official things like the Pledge of Allegiance or the national motto is a direct violation of the First Amendment. A more minor violation than most, but a violation nonetheless.

The 1st amendment concerns about religion is to prevent the government from declaring any one religion as a state religion and requiring people to use it.

By your reasoning, the 'in God' we trust on the coins, the 'under God' in the Pledge of allegiance, marriage vows that have God in them, should be all null and void?
I finally got tired of his spewing nothing but hatred on these forums.

Note that he didn't deny any of it. I personally have no problem with people believing differently than me, but I loathe people who do nothing but spread hatred.

Since when did speaking the truth become hatred. You and I are on different sides of the coin. Just because I tell everyone what the Liberals are trying to do to this country (in my opinion along with some facts to back it up), does not mean I don't uphold the freedom of choice for you and your ideals. It is just, I do not agree with them and about 60% of the populations does not agree with them. Is that hate????? According to you it apparently is?
Look at it this way:

Can you imagine the awe-inspiring rage that would result if someone were to ever replace the word "God" with "Allah" while saying the Pledge?

Plus, non-Christians, be they Wiccan, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, Pastafarian, athiest, or anything else, should not have to swear by the Christian God.
In the Islam religion, the Arabic word for God is Allah! They recognize the same God, they just do not recognize Christianity. "In God we Trust", "Under God" does not say anything about the type of Religion.

You do not have to swear to God. Like the girl in the Pledge of Allegiance Law-suit, she does not have to say any thing. It causes her stress, mental anguish and just mainly feeeellll bad, if she hears it while others are saying it.,,,Oh, my.... I feel her pain......NOT

I apologize if this is considered hate speech to the masses on this forum
The 1st amendment concerns about religion is to prevent the government from declaring any one religion as a state religion and requiring people to use it.

By your reasoning, the 'in God' we trust on the coins, the 'under God' in the Pledge of allegiance, marriage vows that have God in them, should be all null and void?

Okay for starts, The coin - It does not make the coin null and void therefore it is still valuable ( just because it says "In god we trust" doesn't mean we do) instead we use this currency to buy valuables and food.

The pledge of allegiance is a binding term and if you are binding under something (in your mind) is imaginary then you are not actually pledging allegiance under anything. That is of course if you aren't religious.

Last of all - Marriage vows with the word "God" in them usually means they are religious so by all means you can say it. Even if you aren't religious you can say the word god in your vows but it would hold no meaning. Everyone who gets married in a church aren't religious. Anyone could say they are a Christian and get married. (People do it for the ceremony).

60% of the populations does not agree with them

Can I get a credible source of evidence for this statement?

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