Coronavirus - are we all doomed?

Have the riots increased Covid in the US? I mean can you look at when the riots took place and estimate when you would expect a spike infections from that? Symptoms show approximately 5 days after infection I think, so did infections start to go up 5 days after George Floyd? I am curious if the two are correlated.
One thing I know for sure, if Biden is elected in November the severity of the pandemic will shift. Just his appearance alone will have a miraculous effect on the way bad news is reported in general.

If I had to guess statues of Lincoln will be instantly replaced with Biden, he's that good! ;)
Supposedly, there is a federal statute for U.S. monuments that requires the person must be dead to be eligible for commissioning of a statue. Doesn't, however, apply to cases of burning in effigy.
Why do they want to tear down statues of Lincoln? What did he do?
Past a certain point, it is about revisionist history. To which I say "Tough if you don't like reality."
Why do they want to tear down statues of Lincoln? What did he do?

The emancipation statue depicts Lincoln freeing slaves. It is considered offensive to some.

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The emancipation statue depicts Lincoln freeing slaves.

It's always bothered me that Lincoln gets credit for freeing the slaves, but the Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in the Confederate states. Why didn't he free them all?
Some of what they are doing makes no sense, and is just roving restless young people without enough to do.
Tearing down the statue of Ulysses Grant? Really. Seems they are forgetting to check Google on a particular statue's identity before roping it down..
Some of what they are doing makes no sense, and is just roving restless young people without enough to do.
Tearing down the statue of Ulysses Grant? Really. Seems they are forgetting to check Google on a particular statue's identity before roping it down..
I think they are well aware, it's western civilization they are railing against. That's in part why you see it in Europe. Has little to do with Mr. Floyd more to do with capitalism and alike.
Ok yeah ... that might be the case. I'm convinced that there are also occasions where people just jump on the bandwagon and frankly don't even think about who they are tearing down. Like burning a random building.

In other news, it sounds like the Seattle leadership finally got weary of anarchy, so much for a "summer of love". The city leadership deserves to go bankrupt from lawsuits of people affected by their allowing it .. would be a good lesson for other cities deciding how to respond.
It's always bothered me that Lincoln gets credit for freeing the slaves, but the Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in the Confederate states. Why didn't he free them all?
@pbaldy honestly I did not know that, my only excuse is I am a product of the So Cal OC school system. Just never heard that, TY sir 🤷‍♂️
It's always bothered me that Lincoln gets credit for freeing the slaves, but the Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in the Confederate states. Why didn't he free them all?
I think it was because he did it under the war powers act to force the south to submit. He didn't have the authority in the north. It also changed the focus of the war and eventually led to the passage of the 13th amendment a few years later.
I've seen all the of those and what you see is what someone with an agenda wants you to see.
This was in response to Tera who posted the link about Michael Moore's Sicko documentary. Something I received in an email yesterday suggests to me that everyone has an agenda, but it's up to the individual to figure out which agenda represents the truth or a situation/remedy/etc. and whether or not it might actually be in your best interests. Here is the email thing, by a former health insurance executive who says he gained a conscience and stopped lying to Americans about health insurance and the system:

Now, I always take such things with a grain of salt so if anyone comes up with proof that this is a hoax or woefully misleading, I'll remove it. I just thought it might provide a counter point IF anyone thinks that anyone who speaks ill of the US system only does so because they have an agenda, because maybe they do - but that may not be a bad thing. When somebody is up on their soap box advocating the status quo, you gotta ask yourself what do they have to lose if things change and that will tell you a lot about whose interests they are really trying to protect.
Potter has been around for a long time with a consistant message.
Warning to all you US would-be tourists: news reports that Americans are being fined for entering Canada and not quarantining themselves. Besides having to pay, you'll then be regularly checked on to ensure you stay put somewhere for 14 days. Given that the situation in the US is spinning out of control, I'd rather the border was just closed - period. Want to go to Alaska? Take a plane or a boat. Too many crossing over who are supposedly going to Alaska are being found in other places, like Alberta for God's sake. Alberta? How far can anyone go before they realize they've made a wrong turn?? And in case you haven't figured it out, you kind of stand out if for no other reason than your license plate will get you noticed.

EDIT. that wrong turn comment was based on the notion that only the BC border was open when this situation was first reported. Now that you can visit immediate family here, I can see how you'd be caught in Ontario or Alberta for instance, but if you're coming here for discretionary reasons you have to remain isolated for 14 days and be on at least a 15 day visit.
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Researchers in Germany have found that army sniffer dogs can discern between samples from coronavirus-infected and healthy patients. So high is the level of accuracy, they hope this can be used in real-life scenarios.


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