Another mass shooting

Can't wait to hear this.
He's probably going to tell us that NGO's are paying. I guess he doesn't read any of those omnibus spending bills where MY tax dollars fund NGO's.
@moke123, your answers here are verging on evasive and snarky. Since this isn't a technical forum, you can get away with that. But there is considerable ground for dismissal of your arguments as being somewhat empty verging on vacuous. No disrespect intended, but your answer suggests you don't actually know the answer. Maybe because you don't know the plan, either. Maybe you could fill us in, or perhaps reveal that the emperor really DOESN'T have any new clothes?
What plan is that?
the same plan discussed last time you mentioned "secretly flying in illegals"

Allow all teachers to carry guns and stop this nonsense about shooters shooting people unrestricted, unchallenged, in schools until the cops get there many minutes later, which of course is no good to those who've died.
On January 5, 2023, the Biden administration announced its intent to provide “safe and orderly pathways to the United States” for up to 30,000 nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. The new program, formally known as the Processes for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans (CHNV), allows certain people from these four countries who have a sponsor in the U.S. and who pass a background check to come to the U.S. for a period of two years to live and work lawfully, using a legal mechanism known as “humanitarian parole.”

Then in the next paragraph they change from 30,000 in total to 30,000 per month. So 30,000 * 12 turned into 800,000 for 2022 BEFORE the program was official and 1.2 million for 2023. And given the actual numbers reported, apparently it is 30,000 per country per month. So we are a long way from the 30,000 total specified in the summary. How long before we empty the entirety of every shithole country on the planet? Then, since the people who made their countries shitholes get to do it again to OUR country. What a plan:poop::poop::poop::poop::poop: And if that doesn't work fast enough crooked Joe wants to import Palestinian terrorists which NO ARAB COUNTRY will allow entry to. What do they know that we don't know? How stupid are we? Egypt won't take them, Saudi Arabia won't take them, Jordan won't take them. Kuwait expelled 200,000 Palestine refugees after the first gulf war and will no longer admit them. What do they know that we don't?????

People who are taught from infancy that killing Jews is the answer to the world's problems end up as broken adults. We can't fix them. We can't even fix our own mentally ill. We just closed our asylums where they were safe and cared for and now they live on the street. But they are "free".

Strangely enough, the imported people were not distributed to the sanctuary cities around the country, they were "gifted" to Florida and Florida's Governor was never even informed that Florida was now a sanctuary state and would have to support all of these "refugees".

Reading on, even though the applicants lack any LEGAL BASIS for admission as a refugee, they can still apply and will be accepted and "paroled" into the US.

Who is Not Eligible for the Humanitarian Parole Program?

An individual is ineligible for the humanitarian parole program if they:

  • Fail to pass national security and public safety vetting or do not merit a favorable exercise of discretion by DHS.
  • Have been ordered removed from the United States within the past five years or are subject to another bar to entry based on a prior removal order.
  • Unlawfully crossed the United States, Mexico, or Panama border after October 19, 2022 (for Venezuelans), or January 9, 2023 (for Cubans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans), or were interdicted at sea after April 27, 2023 (for Cubans and Haitians).
  • Are considered an “unaccompanied child” under United States law.
And just who is doing the vetting? The people in country who say whatever it takes to get rid of their riff raff? How many of the people who enter this country illegally provide driver's licenses and passports? We know they have IDs if they managed to fly into Mexico. We have no idea who anyone who enters this country illegally is because they don't need to provide photo IDs to enter. They just wade across the Rio Grande and we support them for life.

My tolerance for illegal immigration evaporated when we went from ~ 100,000 per year to millions. We cannot integrate that many uneducated, non-English speaking people each year. They are a drain on our welfare programs and take welfare from our own needy so we need to cross our names off off the suicide pact our legislators seem to have signed on our behalf and stop the invasion. Just because they are not all carrying guns doesn't mean it isn't an invasion. They are here to steal from us. They are taking what they are not entitled to and it is a limited pool so they are stealing from our poor and ill and they are stealing from the taxpayers directly by not paying payroll and other taxes and they are stealing low paying jobs from our entry level workers. They may not be great jobs but they are jobs that Americans will do if the wages are not undercut so badly that the Americans get more on the dole and from working.

The left tells us we are racist for being against illegal immigration. Are we? Would you tolerate squatters moving into your home and expecting you to feed them and give them stuff? Your country is your home and you have a right to say who lives there. We are the most generous country in the world when it comes to legal immigration and I am not against that at all. We bring in millions of temporary workers every year from crop pickers to scientists through dozens of confusing and overlapping programs. There are places where that could be made more efficient and perhaps quotas increased for certain types of workers. My granddaughter is a director for a girls summer camp. One of her jobs is to go to London every year where all the American summer camps get together and sponsor a job fair where they hire counselors and other types of workers to supplement their American staff. US College and high school students no longer want to work during the summer so the camps have to fill more slots with foreigners every year. The campers actually love the foreign staff. It gives them an opportunity to spend time with girls from other countries and learn about life around the world and the young people the camps hire love getting to spend a summer in the US and earn a little money while doing it. I emphasize "little". The jobs don't pay much but when you spend your days camping and swimming and hiking and making s'mores around a campfire how much do you need to earn?

I know that no one reads history any more but the early immigrants to the US came with the intention of supporting themselves. They didn't get free housing, free food, free cell phones, free medical care, free schooling, and a stipend. Some were lucky enough to have relatives who preceded them and who were willing to help them get settled. Others came from countries where the previous immigrants created national societies which helped new immigrants assimilate. They were self sufficient in a very short period of time. We seem to have lost that which made America great in the first place. The strength of being self sufficient.
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Allow all teachers to carry guns and stop this nonsense about shooters shooting people unrestricted, unchallenged, in schools until the cops get there many minutes later, which of course is no good to those who've died.
We cant stop them from sleeping with their students, no way I am going to trust them with guns...
It is very expensive to hire armed guards and that is also a bad look and should make the children more afraid. The schools very rarely have more than one guard and he is generally retired and old. He can't be everywhere.

The schools should have a silent panic alarm that blinks in every classroom and maybe locks every door so they can only be opened from the inside. Every room should have an alarm button so if anyone pushes the alarm, everyone is notified including the police.

It would be hard for a teacher to hide a gun from the children if they carry it on their person but that is better than keeping schools as gun-free zones which make them a target for the crazies. No mass shootings happen in police stations.
really a good idea?

I'm not sure about 'good', I'm just trying to think of which gamble makes more sense.

Allow no teachers to carry guns, which means anyone can walk into a school and start shooting children. Or allow all teachers to carry guns, which means that although it's possible that the teacher themselves is the perpetrator and this makes it easier for them (but has this ever even happened once in history?) - but much more likely (my humble opinion), that when the day comes (and it will come soon again) when someone walks around a classrooms and halls shooting people, just about any adult present can just pull out their gun and have a good chance of stopping the blood shed.

Now people will come along with their charts and graphs trying to quantify that, but it can't be quantified, that's why it's subjective opinion - it's hard to quantify "avoided bloodshed", but there is plenty of it out there. Some institutions publish regular stories about it.
I believe the young woman had a death wish. I'm more surprised that she didn't appear to get her wish.
just about any adult present can just pull out their gun and have a good chance of stopping the blood shed.
yeah, by some of their own. and that's a sad thing in and of itself. I say do nothing and leave it be the way it is right now.

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