Orlando Shootings

right on. Last five people I asked this week did not know what the Boston Tea Party was about.
Arguably neither did the participants! ;)
Ha! That's easy. The Boston Tea Party was about getting an early world's record for the largest batch of cold-brewed tea.

Now, of course, someone will take me seriously and talk about how Guiness didn't sponsor world-record events back then.

For those folks who actually DON'T know the answer, it was a tax thing, because King George of England imposed a new tax on tea, which England could do at the time because tea wasn't grown in the colonies. The "Boston Tea Party" destroyed crates of tea on which the Imperial taxes had been imposed.
Ha! That's easy. The Boston Tea Party was about getting an early world's record for the largest batch of cold-brewed tea.

Now, of course, someone will take me seriously and talk about how Guiness didn't sponsor world-record events back then.

For those folks who actually DON'T know the answer, it was a tax thing, because King George of England imposed a new tax on tea, which England could do at the time because tea wasn't grown in the colonies. The "Boston Tea Party" destroyed crates of tea on which the Imperial taxes had been imposed.
Right on Doc and your not even a Yankee. Should be going by your house next Tue. but don't have time to stop, but I'll wave.
Understood, your schedule isn't always your own, Dick. But you should know you are welcome. We just need enough warning to push the trash out of the center of the floor and assure that the bathroom is properly stocked.
Pat would do WAY better than Vice President Kamala Harris, who is also reputedly a female. Though people see her so rarely these days that the more important statistic is "still breathing." With Sleepy Joe, the more important statistic is "still coherent" and that one is up for grabs.
Pat would do WAY better than Vice President Kamala Harris, who is also reputedly a female. Though people see her so rarely these days that the more important statistic is "still breathing." With Sleepy Joe, the more important statistic is "still coherent" and that one is up for grabs.
Why do I feel Sleepy Joe with bow out at the last minute.
Pat would do WAY better than Vice President Kamala Harris, who is also reputedly a female.
I'm surprised you would want someone with such discriminatory views as either VP or president. But I suppose nothing in the USA should surprise any more. Look at the two November candidates - an old geezer who sleeps alot and a criminal. No wonder the world thinks its a joke, you couldn't make it up.
I'm surprised you would want someone with such discriminatory views as either VP or president.

I'm surprised you don't realize just how discriminatory the Dems are by taking the view of how gullible their constituents are. But then, you are across the pond and thus don't see daily doses of Democratic pablum.

Kamala Harris could screw up a kindergarten graduation speech. Joe and Kamala are both disadvantaged speakers.
I wasn't referring to Kamala Harris. Never heard of him/ her before reading it on the forum yesterday. It's not a name that pops up on our news.
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I wasn't referring to Kamala Harris. Never heard of him/ her before reading it on the forum yesterday. It's not a name that pops up on our news.
I wasn't referring to Kamala Harris. Never heard of him/ her before reading it on the forum yesterday. It's not a name that pops up on our news.
PRAISE GOD, for that,
I wasn't referring to Kamala Harris. Never heard of him/ her before reading it on the forum yesterday. It's not a name that pops up on our news.

Just for the record, Col, Kamala Harris is a female, our Vice-President, and a political train-wreck. The only reason I wish for Joe Biden's continued health is the idea that if he dies, she gets to be President. The reason her name doesn't pop up on the news a lot is that she doesn't do anything. She may be one of the few people who can screw up a commemoration speech WORSE than Joe Biden. And in its own way, that says a lot.
I didn't think Vice Presidens did anything anyway. Aren't they there just in case the president gets shot or ill? The only ones I remember are Dan Quale and Spiro Agnew.
I didn't think Vice Presidens did anything anyway. Aren't they there just in case the president gets shot or ill? The only ones I remember are Dan Quale and Spiro Agnew.

And Lyndon Johnson, who actually DID take over after President Kennedy's assassination. Vice Presidents DO have one important job that VP Harris has performed more than once this term. The VP is also the president pro tempore of the Senate and gets to cast a vote if the Senate is tied. For a large part of the current executive term, the Senate was divided almost equally and thus VP Harris had the chance to cast a vote to decide some issues. Which, of course, she decided in favor of HER party, not the Republicans.
VP Harris had the chance to cast a vote to decide some issues. Which, of course, she decided in favor of HER party, not the Republicans.
Seems logical that she would. Surely you don't expect fairness in the American government.
Seems logical that she would. Surely you don't expect fairness in the American government.
your right, or anywhere else for that matter. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Just for the record, Col, Kamala Harris is a female, our Vice-President, and a political train-wreck.
I've just seen a picture of this Kamala - she's quite attractive. I can see why Old Joe appointed her, must be nice having that floating around the place.
I've just seen a picture of this Kamala - she's quite attractive. I can see why Old Joe appointed her, must be nice having that floating around the place.
Pretty smile. Total airhead if you listen to her talk.

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